Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Yellow Bananas Intro to Chem PE

So I’ve definitely needed to up the weight, I just had a hanging session with 200gram increase on all increments and a 25% increase on the last weight. My BPFSL was 21cm, which is further than i could previously reach without the use of DMSO. I didn’t measure BPFSL before hanging but yesterday and the day before I did and i was reaching only 19.5cm which is my erect length. I think i might experiment with this weight and see what strain i get. If it still low, ill up the weight.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Im going to start tracking my BPFSL before and after hanging as my strain has significantly decreased after decon. I just had a hanging session pre BPFSL was 20.5cm 21.5cm.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Straight Out then Straight Down

Okay, I’d like to share something with all of you. I experienced gains using DMSO and various other topicals. However, one thing I hadn’t realized was that I began hanging straight down around the time I started using DMSO. Prior to that, I had spent months hanging straight out while working at my computer.

So, what might this mean? After my initial weeks of hanging straight down, I had gained 0.5 inches in length.

Perhaps the reason I gained such a significant amount in a short time is that I was stretching the ligaments typically targeted during straight-out hanging. Then, when those ligaments reached a certain point of stretchiness, hanging straight down began to affect a different ligament that hadn’t been as accessible due to the tightness of the straight-out ligaments.

What are your thoughts on this? Should I continue hanging straight down, or should I consider testing hanging straight out for a while and then switching to hanging straight down?

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

After ceasing DMSO usage, its incredible how much tougher my penis is.
These are my results for this hanging session.

Pre BPFSL - 19cm
Post BPFSL - 20cm
Strain = 5.13%

Technically its within Longerstretches approved range which is between 2% and 5%. What i have noticed it takes much more effort to pull my penis out and measure it. It just doesnt seem as pliable as it used to.
Below are the weights I hung at:

200grams - 8 mins
500grams - 9 mins
700grams - 10 mins
1050grams - 15 mins (Heated)
1300grams - 15 mins (Heated)
1600grams - 15 mins (Cooldown)

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Method of measureing BPFSL

Lately I’ve been displeased with how tight my penis has been. Getting my stretched flaccid to reach past my BPEL measurement has been difficult and less common. Something to keep in mind.

I’m not sure how people accurately measure their BPSFL, what I do is i put on a suction cup i use for vacuum hanging, and stretch it alongside a ruler. It seems to provide consistent and accurate results. Getting a grip on my head requires me to squish the glans, or bend the penis slightly. Just seems too difficult for me without the vacuum hanger and seems prone to inaccuracies.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Even if DMSO caused your problem, I used it for months, and got good gains afterward.

I see your point, and I’ve also experienced positive results with DMSO. However, it’s important to acknowledge that DMSO has the potential to break down collagen when applied. Additionally, if DMSO penetrates deeply into the tunica, where smooth muscle resides, it may hinder the growth of smooth muscle.

I don’t intend to criticize DMSO; I believe it has its uses. Perhaps it could be considered if you’ve reached a plateau in your progress after a year of maximizing gains. However, it’s worth noting that daily use of DMSO may lead to excessive tissue damage in the penis, which could ultimately result in toughening due to the overproduction of myofibroblasts.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Data from last nights routine:

Strain of the day:

Hanging Session 1:

Pre BPFSL - 200mm (20cm)

Post BPFSL - 210 (21cm)

Strain = 5%

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

I’ve made a significant breakthrough!

I suspect that the change in the firmness of my flaccid state is a result of the 660nm red light from my heating pad. As I was reviewing ‘Why NIR is better than ultrasound and FIR,’ I was reminded of the extensive research on the effects of 600nm light in improving skin firmness, skin pigmentation, and increasing collagen production. This could explain why my flaccid state feels more ‘elastic.’ I also noticed an improvement in my skin texture and its softness. So, I assume that the increase in collagen has made my penis more ‘elastic,’ causing it to compress itself in a flaccid state, which aligns with my initial observation of a decrease in size. It also clarifies why I never experienced a decrease in erect length.

I was initially quite confused and somewhat stressed, but now I believe that the 660nm light might be the cause. My heating pad also emits an 850nm NIR light. I’m considering whether I should exclusively use that for my gains. So, I have a question for all of you: Could an increase in collagen in the penis make it more challenging to make gains?

I’m planning to resume using DMSO with the exact routine I followed previously, but with slightly heavier weights (this routine also included clamping twice a day).

Previously, I gained 0.5 inches in just 5 days using DMSO twice daily before each hanging session. I will report back with my measurements in 5 days.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

First application of DMSO since decon!

Today marked the beginning of my hanging and clamping routine, incorporating DMSO. Exciting findings below…

Initial BPSFL: 19cm
BPSFL after the session: 21.5cm
Strain achieved: 13.16%
I experienced an astonishing level of stretch during the session. While hanging, I happened to glance in the mirror and was concerned that my vacuum cup was slipping because my penis appeared noticeably longer. However, I confirmed that the glans remained securely attached within the cup.

Something unusual occurred when I removed the vacuum cup; my glans emitted a clear liquid in large quantities. This had never happened to me before, and the liquid had no odor. I’m uncertain with what to make of this. Nonetheless, I cleaned up and proceeded with my clamping routine.

Before applying the clamp, I took the opportunity to measure my BPEL. I thought that such a significant increase in flaccid length might impact my erect length. To my surprise, I measured 20.5cm, indicating that the DMSO had significantly loosened my penis.

During the session, I employed clamping at three different positions along the shaft: first at the base, then behind the glans, and finally at mid-shaft. While it’s too early to draw definitive conclusions about its effectiveness, I plan to modify the order of clamp placement in the next session. I noticed that base clamping negatively affected my erections during the subsequent rounds of clamping. Therefore, in the next session, I will commence with clamping at the tip, followed by midshaft, and conclude with base clamping.

Additionally, after removing the clamp, I observed significant indentations on the shaft at the clamp sites, resembling the appearance of Peyronie’s disease. To alleviate these indentations, I briefly applied a gentle clamp at the base to promote blood flow and press outwards on the indentations.

Considering my inexperience with clamping, I welcome input from experienced individuals regarding possible adjustments to my routine. Clearly, DMSO has had a positive impact on my flaccid stretch.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Originally Posted by NewYellowBanana
Something unusual occurred when I removed the vacuum cup; my glans emitted a clear liquid in large quantities. This had never happened to me before, and the liquid had no odor. I’m uncertain with what to make of this.

I’ve run into that several times, usually with an elastic tensioner, where the actual amount of tug was unknown. I thought it was urine, but it was a clear tasteless fluid - lymphatic fluid. The glans is covered with a mucous membrane, not regular skin, and is lymphatic fluid can get pulled through.

Many men can handle 10 or even 20 pounds of tension with a vacuum cup; my limit is about 4. I’ll get a blister, or fill the cup with lymphatic fluid, or both. But I had substantial damage of my glans from a staph infection years ago, and it never quite recovered. I now have a very low limit before I run into problems pumping, too. So I’ve experienced this problem a few times, where most men probably never see it.

Id like to point out that i ended up causing pretty bad "bruising". A little bit of an under statement actually. My frenulum (the little bit of thickened skin underneath the glans) is black, i didn’t notice it since its underneath my dick. But yeah, my glans is pretty banged up, its all dark red and when u flip it over and look behind the head, its all black and veiny…. I might have to apply less force, or less time, or move the clamp slightly down so it doesn’t put so much pressure on the sensitive bits.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
I’ve run into that several times, usually with an elastic tensioner, where the actual amount of tug was unknown. I thought it was urine, but it was a clear tasteless fluid - lymphatic fluid. The glans is covered with a mucous membrane, not regular skin, and is lymphatic fluid can get pulled through.

Many men can handle 10 or even 20 pounds of tension with a vacuum cup; my limit is about 4. I’ll get a blister, or fill the cup with lymphatic fluid, or both. But I had substantial damage of my glans from a staph infection years ago, and it never quite recovered. I now have a very low limit before I run into problems pumping, too. So I’ve experienced this problem a few times, where most men probably never see it.

Interesting, ive never had it happen before. It also happened last night when i was using my ADS… Interesting.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.


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