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Any guys taking pe pills?


Any guys taking pe pills?

I know I know most of the men here think that there bull shit!

I do to but! I keep on reading of guys making gains and saying shit like the guys who think pill’s suck are dumb asses!

So any of you guys taking any?

If not we need to start having more product reviews to keep the guy’s of this tread one step ahead of other pe’ers

Any of you guy’s out there with money could buy all the different pill’s and see what happens, I mean it couldn’t hurt right? most of the pill’s have a 100% refund (just hope they honor that)

So any one up for a new experiment!?


I’m currently taking (per day):

6 grams of L-Arginine
2 Yohimbe Fuel capsules
300 mg. of DHEA
and a complex that contains Vitamin E, Niacin, Zinc, Green Mussel Extract, Korean Ginseng, sarsaparilla, damiana, suma root, and Muira puama

This is in addition to the Multivitamin, B-6, and Chromium that I take to help ward off the symptoms of hypoglycemia.

As far as it working, I think I’ve finally got it down. My girlfriend (who knows all about my PE) recently said that she noticed a big difference and I never tell her when I switch supplements so go figure. It is a little hard (no pun intended) to be horny all the time, though.

I’ve also noticed that the Arginine and DHEA make me completely nuts in the gym. Just this weekend I did some poundages that I have previously been terrified of – with little soreness the next day, I might add. Now if only I looked like I was as strong as I was, that would be nice….

PE Pills

I read an article in Time Magazine in the doctors office one day which stated the use of Enlargement Pills and the fact that they do work…..who knows may be worth a shot…..but which ones do you use….I typed in “enlargement pills” into my search engine and got a ton of different products……I have been considering trying them….thier claims are somewhat tempting…..what do you guys think?



What was the date on that issue of Time???



I have taken PE pills, I have taken many different types of PE pills and I have to say I have achieved no real results with them, such a waste of 300 dollars (sigh). Anyway, not here to complain, just to warn that you are probably wasting your money if you go with pills, and if you do go with pills, go with Male Response because you will lose the least amount of money that way.


So they wouldn’t give you your money back like the ads tell you they will??




First post for me,

J4L - I’ve taken Vig -RX pills for a couple of months until a few months ago, you know how it is hard to really say which is working - the pills, the changed routine, etc.. there are so many parameters involved.

However, looking back, I now think I did notice an increase in flaccid size, which was not permanent as it subsided when I stopped taking the pills.

A week ago I’ve started taking Virtility Pills VP (not the new VP-Rx, but the older VP version of it which is not much different I think, but I bought this a couple of months ago and only now decided to give them a try).

My impression from the first week of taking the Virtiliy Pills:

Again I see increase in the flaccid state, doesn’t feel like gains as much as just a stronger blood flow, a bit like taking viagra, but not that extreme of course. Also when I jelq and squeeze it seems I find it easier to get harder and fuller, and at the end of a session I look bigger.

I couldn’t tell anything about the long run, but I like the feeling it gives me and it seems logical that better blood flow will be beneficial for gains aswell..

So I’m planning to keep taking them for a few months now and see how it goes..


Hey Jelq4Life,

No, they never gave me my money back even though I followed their instructions to the letter. In fact, when I cancelled online, I never got my last batch of pills, which cost 100 bucks and I had already payed for. That really pissed me off, I will never go back to pills, they are a complete waste of cash.

I have tried Arginmax. I am not sure if they help with PE per se, but I have noticed better erection quality and a better more veiny pump when jelqing. I also take Mega-Men by GNC, an extra 1000 mg of C and saw palmetto.


I have read all the claims for a few different pills that are being offered I think I have made my choice. If anyone else want’s to try a different pill so we can compare results let me know. The product I have picked is located at

When I recieve the pills I will list ingrediants so we can compare them.

I don’t remember what issue of Time had the article on PE Pills but I did read it.



I am not sure what you are taking as the link did not work.


This is the site…….. ….. It is working for me if it doesn’t work type it in yourself and try it. Sorry for the delay I dont get on here as much as I would like.


Thanks gunslinger,

My only question is what is in it? They don’t list the ingredients on their site.

i am thinking of getting this PE Product from this website https://www.RIG … CE-PHARMACY.COM but not sure if i should go for that. Anyone tried this produc tbefore?


thats looks so fake I can’t believe you would even consider buying it (AD 5 INCHES TO YOUR PENIS IN JUST WEEKS!!! LOL!!!


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