Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

HGH and penis growth


Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
During puberty, your dick grows because special harmones are present which allows the HGH to enlarge the male genitals while these harmones are present. After puberty, these harmones are no longer present such that HGH no longer acts to increase the male genitals.

I believe UM1991 already said this, but in a more breviated format.

Can you elaborate on what harmones (sic) are present during puberty which allow the endogenous HGH to enlarge the penis? I keep hearing that during puberty there are androgen receptors and that somehow after puberty they disappear. This is illogical. I want to know more about what hormones and or receptors are present during puberty that are not there after. Thank You.

What you are saying that HGH is bad

Last edited by nel69 : 05-05-2014 at .

I am currently doing 2IU of HGH a day as well as the leangains diet I will say flaccid I’m looking much bigger. I’m doing pumping, stretching, jelqing as much as possible I’m not real good with measuring but it appears I’m gaining balls are big too. I have lost 24 pounds so far so it could be a loss of fat pad. I would recommend HGH for the other benefits regardless if it makes your dick bigger. Interesting as I was typing this my doctor office called and he is taking me off my cholesterol medication I have been on for 15 years! Definitely would recommend this for anyone that has high cholesterol. All other blood work came back perfect.

Originally Posted by bifithung66202
I am currently doing 2IU of HGH a day as well as the leangains diet I will say flaccid I’m looking much bigger. I’m doing pumping, stretching, jelqing as much as possible I’m not real good with measuring but it appears I’m gaining balls are big too. I have lost 24 pounds so far so it could be a loss of fat pad. I would recommend HGH for the other benefits regardless if it makes your dick bigger. Interesting as I was typing this my doctor office called and he is taking me off my cholesterol medication I have been on for 15 years! Definitely would recommend this for anyone that has high cholesterol. All other blood work came back perfect.

Congrats on the weight loss! But I really think the flaccid change has a lot more to do with your PE (and the reduction to your fat pad.) . If HGH resulted in penis gains, then wouldn’t pro bodybuilders all have massive cocks?


I have been on 3 to 4 iu’s of HGH a day for 3 years straight. I have been taking 600 mgs of testosterone for the past 4 years straight. I lost weight, blood was monitored every three months. It is a wonder drug that cost a ton of money. I felt 10 years younger. My cock didn’t grow but I have just now found this site. So I will see what happens from here. I did not get taller. My head did not grow. If anyone has the opportunity to get on this I would recommend it if Your doctor monitors your blood work. I have went off HGH due to ins not covering it any more. Still on testosterone and I can tell a huge difference. It’s a drug that is faked very well on the street. It’s such a slow drug to kick in like 6 months. That if you don’t get Your blood work done you won’t know if it’s real or not. I bought a kit off the street and went in and had my doc test me, and well I wasted a bunch of money. Hope this may help someone get a better look at this drug.

Been using hgh and AAS for 5+ yrs and can also say it does nothing to the penis in terms of growth

Aug 5th 2005: BPEL: 6.5 -- EG: 4.5 (start)

May 16th 2015: BPEL: 8.0 -- EG: 5.25 (present)

Goal: 8.5x5.5

I guess it works when you are doing the PE part right. If you do no PE it wont help much I think.
I guess like when you hit the grow zone withPE HGH might amplify your results or grant you a bigger grow “window”.

I dont feel like doing it..In msot cases you will be able to grow without it.

This is broscience, but I started lifting heavy rpt leangains last oct, a long with sprint 8. Sprint 8 shot my HGH through the roof! My libido was crazy. Lucky my wife is accomodating to my sexual needs. One of the first things I noticed was my flaccid stayed larger. I am a grower not shower. That got me into PE again. I really think HGH naturally by lifting heavy or doing my sprint stuff has helped me gain. How much has it helped? Don’t know, but I think if it doesn’t help grow, by all means the HGH should promote healing in that effect maybe it has helped repair when I do intense clamping. I only do clamping in the shower for 1 set of 10 minutes and I have noticeablly larger erections for sex. Clamp in morning, and my wood for sex at night and bigger since back to PE.

I bought a myhardwear cockring to help keep it from turtling in the day. DO NOT BOTHER WITH THIS PRODUCT. I tried every experiment with it except sex and do not notice any difference than when using silicone 1.50 cockring. Masturbating same thing. Silicone same thing. I was just under 5 inches mseg a few weeks ago and now over 5 inches. It’s not newbie gains either. Unfortunately I’ve PE for over 20 years and should have stuck with it. On and off, but decided to hit it very very very hard and intense like my lifting routine and I am gaining. My wife has yet to say anything, but it’s obvious she is feeling that it’s different. I also lied and told her I was trying to correct a curve in my penis and I wanted to let her know that the clamps and wrap (under my side of sink) was for that. She said it was ok, just lock the door she doesn’t want to see clamps on me or it will freak her out. So not only does she know I’m up to “something”, but I have her support to “correct a curve” she’s never noticed.. LOL! She also cannot believe her husband who was lean from triathlons is now more muscular as I see her look at me out of corner of eye when we are naked in bathroom. She use to say how she loved how lean I was, but now when she is lying or sitting next to me I catch her squeezing my arms/shoulders and legs like she never has.

I will let you know when she sticks it in her mouth! Last night she wanted to give me a quickie from behind and she started grunting and thrusting, which she has never done or at least only did a little before, so she is noticing!


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