Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Extenze Daily Log

Day 20:

Woke up with some morning wood! Wifey reached over and grabbed it and said “Oh, you are awake!”

I gave here the finger for a bit, she came and then I mounted her. Normally I would cum in an instant in the morning. But, I didn’t. I actually went as long as I wanted to. Great stuff.

Dick was nice and hard. No bigger. However, Wifey did say “Whoa” when I entered her though.

That’s all for now.

Well I just went to my local Wal Mart and bought a box. I noticed that they also sold the smiling Bob guy’s stuff for one dollar more. They also had male and female labido boosting pills in the same section. I decided to go with Extenze since that is what is being discussed here. I will keep ya’ll posted. At 48 I need all the help I can get.

It would be cool if you would do a log as well. I would be interested in that.

Originally Posted by Vincent Van Cock
Normally I would cum in an instant in the morning. But, I didn’t. I actually went as long as I wanted to.

Can we swap? It takes me at least 30 mins to cum in a morning, or sometimes I don’t cum at all. My gf quite likes the amount of time I give her but then eventually we both just want me to cum. Lol.

Originally Posted by MitchC
Can we swap? It takes me at least 30 mins to cum in a morning, or sometimes I don’t cum at all. My gf quite likes the amount of time I give her but then eventually we both just want me to cum. Lol.

How do you get like that?

MitchC sounds like me, I am numb in the morning. I am not at peak alertness until 3-4 in the afternoon.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Yeah it’s very strange, it still feels great but the chance to orgasm just… never really comes into view. Lol.

I was the same with alcohol. It makes my dick feel numb. Weirdly, I sometimes cum too quick if I drink. I think it’s because the reflex action that triggers ejaculation still works, but the brain is out of the loop. so just when you realise you are going to cum, it’s too late! and what really pisses me off is that when I cum under the influence of alcohol, I don’t feel very much - it’s like someone else’s orgasm. So I seldom drink before sex - maybe the tinyest sip of JD just to get the taste in my mouth. Sorry gone off topic!

Very interesting thread Vincent. Keep it up ;)

I'm fed up of having a signature!

I will post a log as well. I just started day number four:
Have not noticed much of any effects so far. But I do have my fingers crossed that I will see some effects after it gets built up in my system.


Yeah I can go forever in the morning to! It’s weird how some of us are like that. :)

Wow, they sell it at Walmart. I may have to start shoplifting it just out of spite. I don’t like walmart and that guy on those extenze commercials annoy me. But then that would be the most embarassing product to be caught stealing.

And thanks Mr. Van Cock for having the juevos to try this stuff out and share.

" 'Cute'?! Like its got a smiley face on the end of it! I dont want a cute dick. I want a big scary dick! One that comes out growling, RAAAR!!!! A dick with teeth, RAR RAR RAR!!!! What happened? My dick bit me look at that!" - Rodney Carrington -

Haven’t read the entire thread, not lately, but I had some on hand that I haven’t tried in ages.”gives me a stomachache”

And not much else.Think it’s the yohimbe.

Day 21:

Well, I think that if you have never practiced PE, and you took this stuff, you would be convinced that it works!

It just seems like I ahve a lot more penis! When I take a leak, it is just a wonderfull marvel to behold! It just stays bigger, fuller, puffier and it gets real hard during sex. So, in someone’s mind, I am sure it works. It all depends on what your definition of “working” is. I am sitll convinced it would make a great PE tool.

Before I started taking this stuff, I was not real interested in sex anymore. If I got laid every week or so, that was plenty. And when I did get laid, I had a fair boner. But now, I could do it with enthusiasm every day! That sucker is so hard a cat couldn’t scratch it!

Zip, Boom, Bonjure!

Vinny - is wifey still jumping on you like a woman possessed?

I'm fed up of having a signature!

I went ahead and got a box today! My hopes is to improve and help with my injury. I’m sure it can’t hurt trying o get more blood flow down there. We shall see!


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