Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

30 Days No Ejaculation Experiment

Sure they were. Maybe still are.

Originally Posted by powerman
What is your definition of religion and what is the definition in the “book”
Yoj cannot debate the qualitative value and importance of semen .
It is not there to dump
Ther eis nothing to debate here.

Oh man, where did you get all this crazy misinformation? Seriously, I’m at a loss to understand this whole fetish for not ejaculating.

You say semen “is not there to dump” - well what else is it for? Consider what semen is intended for, from an evolutionary point of view. Your body makes it so it can *leave* your body and end up in a woman’s body, to cause conception and hence birth and the propagation of your genes. Semen isn’t doing your body any good at all if it’s sitting around getting stored up for a long time. In fact it’s not just not doing you any good, it’s doing you harm, since semen contains trace heavy elements and other substances that are harmful to you. Men who who only ejaculate a few times a month are at 50% more risk of prostate cancer than men who ejaculate more frequently. For men who never ejaculate at all, or do so only every few weeks through a wet dream, are presumably at an even higher risk.

Semen is not “precious”, it does not have to be - in fact, shouldn’t be - “hoarded”. It is not a kind of “energy”. It’s a completely renewable resource in that your body creates it all the time. A healthy man’s body produces hundreds of millions of sperms every day. And as Marinera points out, ejaculating frequently will lead to an increase in both quantity and quality of semen. (I guess quality isn’t so important if you’re not trying to get your partner pregnant, but even if you’re not trying for a baby right now, it’s nice to have the option in future, right?)

You’re right that there is nothing to debate, though. The fact is, ejaculating as often as you like is perfectly natural and healthy, and deliberately going for long periods without ejaculating is at best pointless and potentially harmful.

Genetics, diet, exposure to STDs, hormones and age are strongly linked to prostate cancer. The jury is still out on ejaculation frequency with some studies showing a link and some not. As far as toxic trace elements are concerned these are not likely to be at a high enough level to be harmless and can be recycled or excreted from a health body. Many are essential in small quantities. Semen is indeed a renewable ‘resource’ as long as the required minerals are absorbed from what we eat. If not then it’s logical that very frequent ejaculation could cause a deficiency in certain minerals, especially zinc.

I think the study that demonstrated a correlation between low ejaculation frequency and heightened prostate risk was pretty big and thorough. And if you’re worried about zinc deficiency, well zinc supplements aren’t expensive or hard to get hold of. In fact some guys take zinc supplements specifically in order to be able to produce more semen. I’ve taken them myself although I couldn’t swear to a noticeable increase in volume.


l read about taoist sex and it was revelutionary, but l don’t feel like l completely succeeded about the practices. Although l made considerable progress. Mayne l need to find my creative way of retention, as you mention it.

Other than that, l made many discussions about this topic with some guys here, but have to say l feel a somewhat tired and bored. The way l see it now, there’s no use “discussing” this issue. Just o e mentioning should be enough, if somebody has the “interest”. l recommned you the same.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Really? So do you think this thread should be closed, Kaan? Or ‘No discussing’ works only for those who don’t believe the mistic stuff?

:) Not at all. I am not discussing, but anyone may discuss it as much as they please.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Great! ;)


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