Thunder's Place

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Amphetamines and the effects on the penis


Amphetamines and the effects on the penis

Hello, i would just like to first say that I in no way shape or form encourage the use of amphetamines (such as MDMA) but if you’re into that well then that is a personal choice. I have been interested in the subject of amphetamines on the effects of the penis as it hasn’t been covered very well on the internet. I would be very greatful if anybody can provide any input as this will be an on going investigation. If the moderators feel this thread is not appropiate for the forum then i must apologise but i thought it may be an interesting study. Also, if possible it doesn’t belong in the public forum then i apologise.

The general belief is that the use of amphetamines may make sex pleasurable, but rather difficult at the same. From browsing various articles and forums on the internet, here are the most frequent reports of amphetamines.

- The penis lacks erection power, often resulting in lower erection angles, and less powerful erections. The penis is softer, whether it is swollen to a larger size or it has been shrunk is debateable, as i have seen penises under the influence of ecstasy to look more girthier. Anyone with input please talk about it.
- Lesser frequency of erection
- Excessive wetness of the penis
- increased temperature of penis
- the penis when on the rare occasion it is erect can be shorter or larger then usual (this is a rather odd juxtaposition)
- The penis returns normal function after several hours of the drug coming down.
- Shrinking of the flaccid penis

A friend of mine also took an amphetamine and claimed that his penis felt very full and meaty yet lacked hardness or staying power. When i asked him what had happened, he said “My penis didn’t curve left or up as usual, it was perfectly straight. Yet oddly it was longer then id thought it to be). I asked two other girls who had seen his penis that night and they did felt it was above average but looked semi erect)

Judging from my friend, i have come to two conclusions

1) the amphetamine had distorted the image of the penis, as some amphetamines may contain hallucinogenic properties
2) the curve being straightened resulted in a longer looking penis then usual.
3) the tunica and ligaments where relaxed and therefore could expand beyond possible, coupled with the increased bloodflow during arousal would act like a ‘jelq’ effect of the glans and shaft by cheating the tissues.

Of course i am no expert on this, maybe someone with a physiological/scientific background could explain further the effects of amphetamines. My general belief is that it will decrease the size of the penis despite temporal enlargement. I haven’t looked into other drug interactions (e.g weed, amyl nitrate or viagra) So if anyone has any information on that then it would be appreciated. :-)

"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." Friedrich Nietzsche My Journey Start(march 24th 2005): 6.5"BPEL-5.0"EG. Now(Feb 1st 2006):7.5"BPEL-5.375"EG

Ecstacy and MDMA are not amphetamines.

And anyone taking either of those drugs is an idiot.

You’re right but ecstasy is described as being amphetamine-like in science, and MDMA is considered a main ingredient in ecstasy but then it would be impossible to tell what else is in a single dosage (as they’re all different). You’re right ecstasy is very dangerous and will mess up the brain’s neurotransmittors but like i said this research is supposed to be informative. I appreciate any feedback negative or positive but this is mostly concerned with the science rather then the moral issue of taking drugs. Which is always a bad thing to do.

"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." Friedrich Nietzsche My Journey Start(march 24th 2005): 6.5"BPEL-5.0"EG. Now(Feb 1st 2006):7.5"BPEL-5.375"EG

Im new so i haven’t quite grasped the system. Ok then, can a mod move it to where its suppose to be? thanks :-)

"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." Friedrich Nietzsche My Journey Start(march 24th 2005): 6.5"BPEL-5.0"EG. Now(Feb 1st 2006):7.5"BPEL-5.375"EG

In my experience,amphetamines(speed) are uncompatible with sex or the penis.If you manage to get an erection on speed,you are considered a hero.Also,it kills the desire for sex.

Ecstasy,on the other hand,has different effects.When the drug is in effect in it’s full potential,there is a desire for sex but it’s hard to get an erection.But a little later it results in very hard erections,enlarges the penis a little and you have more staying power.

But it is not recomended.

ahh wait then I guess my friends were on ecstasy which isn’t like amphetamine(speed). my mistake, always thought there were the same in application with th effects on the penis but I guess not.

"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." Friedrich Nietzsche My Journey Start(march 24th 2005): 6.5"BPEL-5.0"EG. Now(Feb 1st 2006):7.5"BPEL-5.375"EG

Originally Posted by Jungalist
Hello, i would just like to first say that I in no way shape or form encourage the use of amphetamines (such as MDMA) but if you’re into that well then that is a personal choice. I have been interested in the subject of amphetamines on the effects of the penis as it hasn’t been covered very well on the internet. I would be very greatful if anybody can provide any input as this will be an on going investigation. If the moderators feel this thread is not appropiate for the forum then i must apologise but i thought it may be an interesting study. Also, if possible it doesn’t belong in the public forum then i apologise.

The general belief is that the use of amphetamines may make sex pleasurable, but rather difficult at the same. From browsing various articles and forums on the internet, here are the most frequent reports of amphetamines.

- The penis lacks erection power, often resulting in lower erection angles, and less powerful erections. The penis is softer, whether it is swollen to a larger size or it has been shrunk is debateable, as i have seen penises under the influence of ecstasy to look more girthier. Anyone with input please talk about it.
- Lesser frequency of erection
- Excessive wetness of the penis
- increased temperature of penis
- the penis when on the rare occasion it is erect can be shorter or larger then usual (this is a rather odd juxtaposition)
- The penis returns normal function after several hours of the drug coming down.
- Shrinking of the flaccid penis

A friend of mine also took an amphetamine and claimed that his penis felt very full and meaty yet lacked hardness or staying power. When i asked him what had happened, he said “My penis didn’t curve left or up as usual, it was perfectly straight. Yet oddly it was longer then id thought it to be). I asked two other girls who had seen his penis that night and they did felt it was above average but looked semi erect)

Judging from my friend, i have come to two conclusions

1) the amphetamine had distorted the image of the penis, as some amphetamines may contain hallucinogenic properties
2) the curve being straightened resulted in a longer looking penis then usual.
3) the tunica and ligaments where relaxed and therefore could expand beyond possible, coupled with the increased bloodflow during arousal would act like a ‘jelq’ effect of the glans and shaft by cheating the tissues.

Of course i am no expert on this, maybe someone with a physiological/scientific background could explain further the effects of amphetamines. My general belief is that it will decrease the size of the penis despite temporal enlargement. I haven’t looked into other drug interactions (e.g weed, amyl nitrate or viagra) So if anyone has any information on that then it would be appreciated. :-)

And the moral of the story… Don’t take amphetamines.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Meth, Esctacy, or MDMA increases your heartrate which will send blood racing through your entire system. If you use these drugs, you are in the wrong forum(s). The idea behind getting an erection is maintaining one. It is near impossible to do either while under the influence of amphetamines. You should focus on other things.

Curiosity killed the cats penis…

As pointed out above mdma is a member of the amphetamine family…

The only things I’ve found with having sex on ecstasy is that it takes a bit more to get a hard on but once it is there its very difficult to come.

I have not noticed a larger dick or anything of that sort at the time either, and none of the girls I was with at the times mentioned any “bigger dick” type effects. But then again, we were probably both totally wrecked at the time…

Now, sex on acid is a rollercoaster ride I do not want to experience again….

See Ya,



In my experience Amphetamines basically kill your libido…It is next to impossible to maintain an erection while on amphetamines.

Current stats- 7.75" BPEL X 5.25 EG Goals- 8.5BPEL X 6.00 EG

Hey y’all,

Ok - I’ve tried a few of these out of shear curiosity I guess and this was my experience.

The first drug I tried beyond weed was meth. I’ve tried it (and speed) a couple of times now a few years ago and the same thing happened each time. While on it, I felt supremely confident and just wanted to dance. Coming down I felt like the world was ending and smoked copious amounts of green to get through it. This was when things got interesting.

Weed makes me horny as all hell usually. When that was coupled with the fact that the speed/meth was stopping me from feeling drowsy, I wanted to fuck like never before. I had no one to fuck so I spent several hours choking the chicken instead. During that time I had troubles getting and maintaining an erection, and it was really hard to cum despite the fact my eyes were glued to the porn on the TV and I was really horny.

I’ve tried 2 E’s (this was this year) - the first was very speedy - I enjoyed that - same kind of result as the speed/meth. The second was nasty - made me feel ill, paranoid, anxious..

I wouldn’t recommend taking any of it to anyone - but especially NOT ECSTACY - it’s messed up coz you never know what you’re gonna get or what it’ll do to you.


I had an acquaintence that ran his own GHB lab for about 3 years. He told me that when they ran low on certain chemicals they just used car battery acid. Think about that the next time you take it. I also had a friend that ran an LSD lab out of the chemistry department of a major midwest university. I could tell you a few more stories about what’s in some of that shit.

Call it what you want, to me it’s a moot point because I don’t take the crap. I prefer my facualties just the way they are these days. But any drug that alters brain chemistry on multiple levels and produces psycho active responses and hallucinations has left the relm of amphetamines. It may contain amphetamines, but it is not one itself. Justify it however you want.

But what a high, reach new levels of conscience

Not to pick on anyone, because I’ve done way stupider stuff than you could even imagine in my day when it comes to drugs,
but lets look at the results:
Anxiety, paranoia, delusional, general malaise, and hell that’s just where I want them to find me:
Passed out with my pulverized dick in my hand, a puddle of semen on the floor and the porn taped rollin’.
God what a Saturday night.


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