Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

An unusual situation.

An unusual situation.

Hey guys. I’ve got a situation that I haven’t seen discussed here yet. I’d appreciate your input.
A year and a half ago I was in an ATV accident. I rolled my side by side down a hill. It flipped, I was ejected, and it bounced off my pelvic area. It shattered my pelvis and severed my urethra right at my prostate. I spent 2 months in the hospital and had a suprapubic catheter that I kept for 6 months. (Came in handy on drinking nights!) I also sustained damage to my pudendal nerve. Thats the bundle of nerves that comes thru the pelvis and goes from your asshole to the head of your dick. The result was it took the lead out of my pencil, and I am left with a burning pain from my asshole up thru my taint and up to the head of my dick.

After 6 months, they went in and fixed the plumbing and I was able to piss like a big boy again. They cut me open from asshole to ball sack to perform the repairs. Not a good time!! Therapy to strengthen my pelvic floor and core followed. Except for occasional dribble or spasms, I have no urinary incontinence issues.

My urologist suggested an inflatable penile implant. It’s a 3 piece unit. A reservoir that is shoved up inside my abdomen, a pump that’s tucked in my sack next to my nuts, and 2 chambers that are in the shaft of my dick.

I was concerned about the loss of size and I indicated this to my urologist. Even though there is a model that increases in length and girth, he didn’t use it on me. Prior to the accident, my erect length was 7 3/8” and slightly above average girth. The end result was a loss of almost 2 1/2” and noticeable girth. My flaccid size is unchanged and it’s no longer affected by variables such as cold tempratures.

With the forementioned nerve pain I can not leave it fully pumped for more than about 20 minutes. However, I never fully deflate it either. I am hoping to desensitize myself to the pain.
Hey, walking around with a little extra “pocket change” isn’t such a bad thing…

I knew there was a possibility of penile atrophy due to the length of time that it was out of order. I used vacuum. (At the time I just had an adapter I put on the vacuum sweeper that I could use for a couple minutes at a time without overheating the motor on the sweeper). I also did stretch it a lot and used the Viagra to increase blood flow to it while I did my therapy. After I found this forum, I developed an adapter for the vacuum cleaner and determined that with a perfect seal it developed 10” of vacuum.

I also made my own industrial duty pump. For the pump, I am using the vacuum pump that I evacuate automotive air conditioners with. I made the tube out of a 2 1/2” clear acrylic tube a foot long. I made the regulator from the petcock of a radiator and I monitor the vacuum with an automotive vacuum/fuel pressure gauge. I’ve been pumping for between 5 to 10 minutes at a clip maintaining 8” of vacuum. I am able to give it momentary (a half second at best) bursts of up to 20”. Is it apparent that I am a mechanic?

I saw a video made by a prominent urologist in Miami. According to him it’s possible to regain size lost due to atrophy by using the pump in conjunction with cycling the pump. However, I believe the implants he uses expand in length and girth. Mine does not.

I told my urologist that I was not prepared for these results. I told him between the loss of size and the increased pain that I feel like I’ve been castrated. Of course, the asshole got all defensive about it, not taking any responsibility for it.

II do get some temporary gains in girth from the pump. It’s also the only way the head swells up too as the chambers don’t extend into the head. But I have a feeling that I am essentially beating a dead horse with the pump.

I’ve never tried hanging. Anyone have any input on that?

So, does anyone have any experience with implants for E.D.? Any loss of size and if so were you able to regain it?

Does anyone have any other recommendations?

I have never seen anecdotal experience approaching PE for implants. My gut feeling is that is not possible. Most PE targets tunica and CC’s. They both adapt synergistically to the new expansion. In your case is not possible because that expansion is fixed by a foreign synthetic object which 1) will not expand beyond its intended capability nor grow and 2) The tunica will not efficiently expand in girth without having the CC’s applying internal pressure.

You could try stretches and hanging, but if the tunica enlarges, will raise the question: What happens when the tunica is too big and the synthetic CC’s too small. Perhaps they will not be able to fill up all the space inside.

How old are you?

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

I’m only 58. Don’t look it, don’t act it, and in spite of these issues I don’t feel it.

If the urologist would have used the implant that expands in girth and length I think I would regain size. He used the Boston Scientific AMS 700 CX. The model AMS 700 LGX advertises they expand in length and girth.

I do have an appointment with a neurologist to address the nerve pain later this month. The urologist couldn’t (or wouldn’t) give me a clue as to what can be done about it.

His excuse was he never said I’d have a hard on like I did when I was 18. I told him I wanted the one I had the morning before my accident. I had a particularly good edging session the morning before we went riding.

I should have shown him pictures.

Originally Posted by jcardoc
I’m only 58. Don’t look it, don’t act it, and in spite of these issues I don’t feel it.

If the urologist would have used the implant that expands in girth and length I think I would regain size. He used the Boston Scientific AMS 700 CX. The model AMS 700 LGX advertises they expand in length and girth.

I do have an appointment with a neurologist to address the nerve pain later this month. The urologist couldn’t (or wouldn’t) give me a clue as to what can be done about it.

His excuse was he never said I’d have a hard on like I did when I was 18. I told him I wanted the one I had the morning before my accident. I had a particularly good edging session the morning before we went riding.

I should have shown him pictures.

You are right at looking down in Florida. My perception is that your solution falls more in the cosmetic surgery field rather than traditional urology. With the advances in medicine, I am sure your implant can be replaced, and a good cosmetic surgery center specialized in phalloplasty will have the latest technology for that.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Sorry to hear about your accident =/

Did you ever end up trying PE with your implant? Have any results or research to report?

It’s true that most PE focuses on stretching the tunicae and expanding the corpus cavernosa. However, you now have an artificial means of expanding and erecting the penis. In theory though you should still be able to expand the surrounding tissues. While it may not increase your current erection dimensions, since may be fixed by your implant, it could expand your tissues for future implants?
The average life of a penile implant is 10-15 years before it has to be replaced. Maybe it’s feasible to upgrade on your next one if you make room?

Also, at franktalk. Org forums there are regimens and discussions for cycling your pump to try and regain previous tissue lengths. And some discussions of pumping as well. Maybe check there?

Hope you find an answer for yourself. Or if you already have, then post an update here?

Best of luck!

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