Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning Demystified

Not sure why, but it helps with the curving-back-towards-the-body bit.

Try just rubbing the base of the shaft, with fingers along the top of the shaft; you can rub the glans, but only the top side. See if you can’t get the popping out that I’m talking about… I’ll try give a better description when I’m not so tired.

The length expansion I think is dependent on rubbing the top side, though I can’t give a good reason why.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

I never understood reverse kegels. Can someone explain in simple terms how it’s done?


Since you are my property, the contents of your mind are also my property, and you will give them to me when I ask.

Ha! A quality post, thank you!

And like kfarrelldba I don’t understand reverse kegels, maybe someone has a nice link for us?

Now --> 6.125" BPEL x 5" EG

Goal --> 7" BPEL x 5.2" EG

To perform a reverse kegel, try expanding your lower belly, and pushing down on your perineum, kinda like you’re trying to fart (which you will if you have to). You should feel some more blood in your dick if you do it right.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by kazooplayer
Try just rubbing the base of the shaft, with fingers along the top of the shaft; you can rub the glans, but only the top side. See if you can’t get the popping out that I’m talking about… I’ll try give a better description when I’m not so tired.

The length expansion I think is dependent on rubbing the top side, though I can’t give a good reason why.

I think some people are just wired differently. I’ve tried repeatedly to reproduce what you describe, and in all honesty I have a few problems with it:

1) stimulating the top (dorsal side) of the penis alone (even including the dorsal side of the glans) does not provide sufficient stimulation to get or maintain an erection.
If I’m already highly aroused I can get some interesting, but very subtle, sensations before erection subsides. There is no more “popping out” than would happen if you took a 100% erection and pushed down on it to take a measurement (I’m assuming you mean something more than this, right?)

There are times when it is particularly pleasurable and rewarding to focus on the dorsal root and lower shaft, but this always includes stimulation of the perineum area and the underside of the lower shaft as well.

2) I find it virtually impossible to avoid the underside of my penis when self-stimulating, and, after trying repeatedly to so, can see no benefit. Again, perhaps people have different sexual circuitry.

3) I have no idea what “popping out” means. It’s just too vague of a description for me to confirm whether I’m doing that. But the exercise I outlined in the OP does produce cumulatively higher and higher levels of erection—firmer, harder, seemingly longer (“popping out”? maybe…), and tremendous glans expansion.

The description of “curving back toward the body” is also problematic for me. My penis is very straight, with no curve at all. It also rather thick. I have a hard time accepting that lack of the curvature you describe in my case implies that I’m not performing an exercise properly.

It may be that, as you said, we’re using different approaches to reach the same (or similar) ends. I just feel that all the explanations of balloooning so far have been too vague, and put too much of an emphasis on certain features (like the dorsal side, avoiding the underside, etc.), that automatically disqualify many people who are not wired to respond similarly. While some people just get it, and they’re off and running with penises popping, other’s sincerely and earnestly try to no avail. I’m not convinced that intelligent, experienced, and curious would-be-ballooners are necessarily doing anything wrong when they fail—the problem might be with the description. My guess is that this is partially due to different sexual circuitry (different “wiring”) and partially due to the mystifying language that people seem to resort to when explaining it.

Maybe what I’ve described in my OP is not properly called ballooning. But I’m pretty sure that it’s reproducible. I’d like to think that anyone can do it, provided they strengthen their pelvic muscles and learn to reverse kegel.
And for those who, like me, have trouble with most of the explanations about ballooning that are floating around, maybe this will do for now.

Perhaps we should call this “Extreme Edging” instead. I don’t give a fuck what it’s called. It works as described.

What I do is a combination of what cheeva does and Kazooplayer.

First do shaft work to complete 100% erection.
When you feel you are about to blow switch to top side work, rubbing the sweet spot, or merely placing my thumb on that spot.
While gently rubbing the sweet spot the same time gently rub the top of the glans. For months I did it this way and rotated positions.
Now I recently added erect kegels into the mix. A great awesome substitute for those who can’t grasp anal breathing.

I don’t think there is a wrong way to balloon as long as the desired effect is achieved which a bigger harder boner and delaying ejaculation as Long as possible.

Note: I now take a more tantric approach and stimulate all regions of my penis including the underside of my glans. This can be done best while doing erect kegels at the same time.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Cheeva, if you can’t achieve an erection without rubbing the underside (which I completely understand, it’s almost impossible for me to do to… almost ;) then try doing what kingpole suggests, and only switch to the top side and inner shaft when you feel an orgasm coming on.

The popping out I describe is not like your dick suddenly just “POPS!” it’s a gradual process where your dick elongates and starts curving back towards your body; my dick used to go straight out too, which I vividly remember because I would measure easily by laying the ruler flat against the top of my shaft, but after ballooning, I have a permanent curve that occurs whenever I have a 100% erection…

Thinking about it now, maybe the curve is necessary for a permanent gain from this? Could the curving change the inner structure to induce growth? Just throwing that out there.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Thanks for this article — nice to have the information so clearly presented.

I spent a month ballooning alone before I started a newbie routine incorporating jelqing and stretching.

I did not see any gains from ballooning alone. But I do feel that it is an excellent exercise, and that it helped get my penis ready for the newbie routine.

I also feel that my erections in general are stronger for having done it, and I can’t help but think that the process of engorging the penis with so much fresh blood has to be healthy for the tissues.

Plus I really enjoy getting into that zone of euphoria that you have with a good session. It is very pleasurable and if nothing else is good for mental well-being.

Hey Sta! Have you read “Dick Control”, great ballooning lesson?
Like Kazoo pointed out he gets more stimulus by the top of the penis approach and accenting the sweet spot. Some guys can’t find the sweet spot. So Cheeva’s approach is very good for those who prefer to do shaft work. Me I do both. Got to find what best suits you. After all ballooning was invented by a quack named Dr. Linn. So lets just say ballooning is evolving into an art over hear at Thunders.

There is no wrong way to blow up a balloon, hehehe!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
Hey Sta! Have you read “Dick Control”, great ballooning lesson?
Like Kazoo pointed out he gets more stimulus by the top of the penis approach and accenting the sweet spot. Some guys can’t find the sweet spot. So Cheeva’s approach is very good for those who prefer to do shaft work. Me I do both. Got to find what best suits you. After all ballooning was invented by a quack named Dr. Linn. So lets just say ballooning is evolving into an art over hear at Thunders.

Ah Dr. Linn. I think I spent a month puzzling over his website back in 2003. Very WACKY. Crazy text. Insane illustrations.

Yes, “Dick Control” is an excellent article. Really excellent.

I have been basically following Kazoo’s approach from that humongous ballooning thread. Recently been alternating with your method. And now looking forward to trying Cheeva’s approach.

This has all been very illuminating.


Yeah, patent pending. Lin gets a royalty every time Ballooning ™ is used. :rolleyes:

The cheeva rocks!

Originally Posted by cheeva

Agreed. The only “gains” I would claim for this technique is that it can maximize the erection and temporarily expand the glans (i.e. while holding the contraction.) However, I don’t think that’s to be scoffed at—a larger, harder dick is always a good thing, whether permanent or not, right?

I’d say.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Just wanted to thank you cheeva for this thread and Dick Control: A Primer, both very good reads

Hi I am new here, I would like to add and ask if I may. Ballooning you are referring to is when the penis expands temporarily in a kegel, correct? When I try this, it’s usually a super pulling kegel that gives me more of the ballooning affect rather than the reverse, is this normal?



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