Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bent Dick?

Bent Dick?

A fair number of Thunder’s members have posted concerns about straightening out curvatures of various degrees and in various directions.

Curvatures are usually lumped under the term "Peyronie’s Disease" although there is no single cause or syndrome. Many bends are caused by injury or surgical intervention; some seem to occur almost spontaneously. But most are the result of areas of scar tissue buildup which tightens that area of the shaft and forces a curviture in the direction of the location of the scar tissue.

This is a more common condition that one might think. Unless a bend interferes with sex or prevents it, or is painful during erections, most go unreported to the medical community.

Curiously, more bends and curves are reported in Germany than in any other country.

Here’s a link to get interested guys started on their reading. I haven’t explored the whole site but it appears there’s a support forum and a number of posted articles or links. Photos are available but only after you’ve requested them by email because the owners of angelfire do not permit nudity.

The Bent Penis Homepage

If any of you have found ways to correct your own bends, talk it up, so to speak.



Hey Avocet8…

I have a very slight bend to the left and the middle of my penis is smaller in girth than the rest. I have been following some of the advice from this group…

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I have been taking 1000 mg MsM in the mornings and at night with 150 mg of Soy Isoflavone through out the day for the past week. Now I don’t know if its my imagination or what but I’m starting to fill out in the middle and the bend seems to be less.

I know this is early, but others with more sever Peyronie’s Disease have noticed an effect in two or three days. Here is a cut and paste from one person trying it…

Hi Started taking MSM and Soy Isoflavone
on 012602,I noticed a slight reduction of pain one the
third day. Had a curve to the left of 40 degrees
just below the head.The pain was so bad that sex was
impossible.Lost 1/2 inch of total lenght with no reduction of
girth. As of today,the curve has reduced to 20
degrees, and the pain reduction is 90%. All this in less
than a month. I would recommend these 2 products
HIGHLY. With results like mine I can only hope that anyone
who trys them will see any change in their condition.There
are others on this board who have had favorable
results using MSM and SI. It took longer for them.Give
it a try,why not? MSM 1000mg 2 times a day
with food. Soy Isoflavone 100mg 2 time a day with
food as well. Good luck,Be well,and don’t
give up hope,I almost did. Will continue to
update. PDFTD

So if you have a slight bend I would recommend them two supplements to try.


Last edited by Modemmer : 09-24-2002 at .


Modemmer you knowledge in all matters concerning chemical and herbal remedies never ceases to amaze me!

Modemmer & Avocet

A lot of guys with problems hanging to the left have their spermatic cord attatched to the base of the penis. This can be fixed through massage therapy, but the problem is very few therapists know the technique. The left ischiocavernosus muscle at the base of the penis can be palpated and seperated from the cord. In the US we have some therapists that have gone to seminars and know how to do it, and I have learned how to do it even though I am just a ‘regular’ massage therapist- but my interest in the male pelvis spurred me to learn the technique. You may want to call and/or ask around and see if a therapist in your area can do this. It is very easy and not all that uncomfortable for the client. Good Luck!

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'


Well, I’m at the age now where normal exercise and just vitamins will no longer keep me at the youthful self I am. I have been doing allot of reading about anti aging agents and the use of them. The time to start using them to effectively hold off aging is in the forties!



I’ve talked with a number of men who have found that regular pumping will also have a straightening effect over time. You notice any change in your own case from pumping?



Yes the pumping I do has helped a bit, maybe them supplements and pumping is what could be accelerating the process.

Now I don’t have a madly curved member, and it has a very slight hour glass shape to it. But the pass few days has made me very optimistic that it will straighten out fully. I don’t have any lumps, but on the left side on top right in the middle is a small indentation that seem to give it that hour glass look.

That indentation seems very hard to the touch compared to any other place. So it may be a small scar formation, but it has gotten smaller in the last couple days.

When I pump I use a marker to outline it on the tube. So I know its not my imagination. When I compare the spot, its at 3 Hg after 8 minutes.

So yes I could say its has been the pumping for pulling my penis straight again, but I think I have to give credit to MsM and SoI for pulling the dent out!

LoL, maybe we can package it up and sell it on them late night marketing programs on TV as “Miracle Dick Dent Remover”.



I can see the commercial now: you with one hand pointing to the place on your dick where the dent used to be and the other hand holding a bottle of Miracle Dent and Bend Remover.

“But wait! If you order now, you will receive not only the Miracle Dent and Bend Remover but also two tubes of Miracle Pump Lube _and_ the amazing Miracle Cock Ring!!!”

Real glad to hear all that is working well for you.

For the Peyronie’s readers here, are their any negative side effects to these supplements?



Here’s news of a novel treatment that seems to work for some men with Peyronie’s:

Medscape Medical News
Shock Wave Therapy Effctive in Peyronie’s Diseasee

NEW YORK (MedscapeWire) - Penile angulation and erectile pain in Peyronie’s disease may respond to extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), according to the results of a prospective study published in the May issue of Urology.

“ESWT with a standard lithotriptor (without the mobile arm) in
Peyronie’s disease is a feasible, safe, and effective treatment for
pain on erection and significantly improves the penile angle,” write T. Lebret and colleagues from Hopital Foch in Suresnes, France.

Of 54 men studied, 51 had penile angulation greater than 20 degrees, 35 had pain during erection, and 24 had erectile dysfunction. Mean disease duration was 16 months, and mean angulation before treatment was 48 degrees (range, 10-100 degrees). Each patient received a minimum of 1 session of ESWT (3000 shock waves, 7 kJ) applied to a flaccid penis; treatment was safe and well tolerated.

Of the 35 patients with pain during erection, 31 patients (91%)
noticed relief immediately after ESWT (P<.001). In 29 patients
(53.7%), reduction in angulation was greater than 10 degrees, with a mean reduction of 31 degrees (P<.001). However, only 6 patients (25%) with erectile dysfunction reported improvement.

Overall, 46% thought the plaque was smoother, and only 16% wished to proceed to surgery because of incomplete relief.

The authors conclude that ESWT is safe and could be a valuable tool in the arsenal of procedures used to treat Peyronie’s disease.


Reviewed by Gary D. Vogin, MD



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