Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Comments About Your Penis

Fieldmouse- thanks for the kind words…

Other than the fact that I attract girls with serious issues, I know she did have some serious problems that probably affected her sexually- she had been beat brutally by her father growing up.

“not super long but not small” yeah I think that was one of the first things I realized when I joined thunders- it wasnt as small as I thought, even if it never grew the positive effect of learning that was great. Unfortunately I still have Penisorexia.

Today I got a “wow” from my girlfriend, first time that’s happened.

Originally Posted by stubby


All information here is from my cow Bessy. The opinions and posts are hers and not mine. I just do the typing for her because we all know cows cant type. Fieldmouse :iws:

My first girlfriend we had sex a few times I was 17 and jerked off a few times a day. I was out of shape and smoking pot all day long every day. So I pretty much know why I was so lousy in bed. And looking back her comments don’t bother me today. But they sure as hell bothered me back then.

After we had sex a few times. She made a finger gesture as if to suggest my dick was barely one inch long. I was around 5.75 NBPx who knows it was much thinner back then I’d guess 4.25ish. We broke up that day and I can count how many words we have spoken since. She was a neighborhood girlfriend that live a few houses down from me.
My wife made a comment under her breath one time after sex (we were dating at the time) “if it were any smaller I couldn’t feel a thing”. This was all pre PE.
My wife then girlfriend broke up. I got heavy into working out and PE.

I picked up this girl in a bar and after a few dates we were having sex. I had been doing PE (only vacuum pumping) which gave me good strong erections but only a little extra size. I used a cock ring on her always. And I never really measured back then but it was a little bigger. And she was very happy with my size. I also knew about prepping and at times when I could I would pump it up a tad.

It’s so funny the slut girl I picked up from a bar who I thought would have the biggest vagina. And I really thought she wouldn’t be happy with my size. She was completely happy. She told me it was bigger than most guys. And she had been around. She also had no idea how big her guesses were 7” long she would say. She was a full inch off but I let her believe it anyway.

I think the difference in size I went from 5.75NBP 4.25 EG to a 5.75NBP 4.5 EG. Coupled with strong erections really made the difference. It doesn’t take much to make a big difference.

Now with proper PE form I have increased to 6.25NBP X 4.75 EG Almost 5 at the base. And the wife really likes this size. Allot more than what I had 4 months ago. I mean allot more. Of course with a little pre sex prep I easily get the girth up to 5 all over.

Am I bitter from the comments and the pain it caused. I honestly don’t know . I tend to be confrontational, a little defensive, antisocial, withdrawn, solitary with no friends. Was this the origins of my pain? Perhaps, but I would never blame women for my short comings. I will increase my size and hopefully this can help heal the wounds.

The best thing PE has done for me is make me less jealous. I was very jealous when I was small and I’m not jealous anymore. And that alone has been worth it.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Well I left my sad story here the other day so I won’t cross post: How many people know about PE?

But this did remind me of a (funny?) story.

I got a lot of action back in my high school days. I had one female friend who was more of a standby than a girl friend. She was really more of a get high buddy with benefits. Party together, sometimes have sex, sometimes not. Well, one day we were hanging out and partying at her house together and we got to talking about anal sex. Having never done it myself at the time, I asked her if she was interested. She said that it had hurt like hell when she did, but………. she had never done it with "a little dick". WTF? I thought. I’m about 7.1 / 7.2 bpel and about 5 or 5.2 in girth. She was messing with my head and guess what - it worked, damage done. She was still game on for normal sex and my being high with a hard on, well I did my business and left. But the story doesn’t end here……

I knew she was also doing other guys also, thats why she was just a part time fuck buddy anyways. She was also a pretty cool chick just to hang and party with, a real good looker also.

Well about a few weeks later she doesn’t show up at school for about a week and when I call her on the phone her mother keeps saying she’s not home and hanging up on me. I’m thinking WTF? and then I run into one of my buddies and I ask him, hey have you seen "M"? He starts laughing and says, didn’t you hear. "B" fucked her in the ass (this dude was rumored to have a monster cock) and he was so big that he ripped her ass to her pussy. Wow, now that’s F’d up I thought.

A few days after that "M" called me, looking to get high, and blurted the whole story to me. It had been true and she had had to tell her mom about it in order to get her to take her to the hospital. All I could think was I bet she’s got a whole different outlook on "little dicks" now. I was bummed out for her at the time. I mean I hadn’t wanted to see the girl get hurt and certainly not like that. But I have to confess, I did think about that "little dick" comment more than once over the years. The really ironic thing was though, she was tighter than hell - always. What was she doing making comments like that anyways, she knew she was tight - we joked about it. Future size queen in the making?

Reading your stories of negative hints and comments about your size makes me sad, if I ever heard something like that it would hurt deep inside for sure. The actual size, whatever it is, has very little to do with it. As fieldmouse said, she demonstrates that she is the one with a problem. Have you ever hinted about her boobs/ass/vagina being too small or large for your taste? Why / why not? If you did, you contributed to giving her the problem in the first place, and she just repaid you by commenting on your dick. Very stupid game, leads nowhere. If you never would do such a thing, the answer to ‘why’ is the reason she does not deserve your attention or company. Comments like “not feeling enough”, “if you were any smaller I blah blah” are either made by a very inconsiderate stupid woman, or one that uses dirty tricks to fuck up your mind. If you are convinced she means well after all and you really love each other, the obvious response is to encourage her to start a serious program to train her vaginal muscles (which she should do anyway for health purposes). There are plenty of sex toys that make the exercising fun for her, and it is likely to give much quicker results that any PE regime can accomplish. Much safer too.

I have been lucky enough to only meet women that thinks the glass is half-full rather than half-empty in the sexual department, for my wife it is also her attitude to things in general. Hence, at my former 7.0 bpel x 5.7 I never got reason to believe my size was ‘unfit’ in any way, only heard positive comments like “fill me up again, please”, “fits perfectly” in between the beautiful moans and grunts. Now I was a little surprised at first to hear she wants a set of Geisha balls and a huge, high quality dildo for Xmas this year. On second thought, it is a very logical response to my secret PE training: she feels a need to adapt to a cock that now for some reason hurts a little more than before in deep penetrating positions, mainly because it is much harder than before. Maybe she also feels a little more now overall due to this and wants to reinforce the good feeling. Needless to say, I’ll be more than happy to get some motivating training equipment for her now that I know she will not take it as a negative hint.

The couple of negative comments I’ve had in the past were caused not because of my size but a lack of hardness. I suppose I’m around average size and enjoy the extra half inch or so I’ve got PEing but even better is the rock hard erection quality. I think you need that even more than size for good sex.

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Originally Posted by Tork
Well I left my sad story here the other day so I won’t cross post: How many people know about PE?

But this did remind me of a (funny?) story.

I got a lot of action back in my high school days. I had one female friend who was more of a standby than a girl friend. She was really more of a get high buddy with benefits. Party together, sometimes have sex, sometimes not. Well, one day we were hanging out and partying at her house together and we got to talking about anal sex. Having never done it myself at the time, I asked her if she was interested. She said that it had hurt like hell when she did, but………. she had never done it with "a little dick". WTF? I thought. I’m about 7.1 / 7.2 bpel and about 5 or 5.2 in girth. She was messing with my head and guess what - it worked, damage done. She was still game on for normal sex and my being high with a hard on, well I did my business and left. But the story doesn’t end here……

I knew she was also doing other guys also, thats why she was just a part time fuck buddy anyways. She was also a pretty cool chick just to hang and party with, a real good looker also.

Well about a few weeks later she doesn’t show up at school for about a week and when I call her on the phone her mother keeps saying she’s not home and hanging up on me. I’m thinking WTF? and then I run into one of my buddies and I ask him, hey have you seen "M"? He starts laughing and says, didn’t you hear. "B" fucked her in the ass (this dude was rumored to have a monster cock) and he was so big that he ripped her ass to her pussy. Wow, now that’s F’d up I thought.

A few days after that "M" called me, looking to get high, and blurted the whole story to me. It had been true and she had had to tell her mom about it in order to get her to take her to the hospital. All I could think was I bet she’s got a whole different outlook on "little dicks" now. I was bummed out for her at the time. I mean I hadn’t wanted to see the girl get hurt and certainly not like that. But I have to confess, I did think about that "little dick" comment more than once over the years. The really ironic thing was though, she was tighter than hell - always. What was she doing making comments like that anyways, she knew she was tight - we joked about it. Future size queen in the making?

How is it possible for the anus to get ripped down to her pussy?

They are not that far apart. :)

All information here is from my cow Bessy. The opinions and posts are hers and not mine. I just do the typing for her because we all know cows cant type. Fieldmouse :iws:

I’m here because of my lack of girth. I got over 7” BPEL and would really like at least 5” EG. I know thats just average girth but to me it would be so great not to feel so small :( .

I’ve done PE 2,5 months. Yesterday I started horses, plumped bends and some clamping to really hit the girth.

Before PE: NBPEL 5.50" x EG 4.30"

Current: NBPEL 6.50" (BPEL 7.5") x EG 4.6" (head EG 5")

Goal: NBPEL 7.00" x EG 5.25"

Originally Posted by kassit

How is it possible for the anus to get ripped down to her pussy?

I wouldn’t think that is possible either.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

It’s quite possible - Just ask any woman who has given birth. Not all rip during child birth, though many do. Of course, then it rips from P to A instead. If the woman is having any trouble at all, the Doctor will most likely cut it for her. The proper medical term is called: an epiziotomy. Ripping from A to P instead is what I find particularly troublesome. Obviously no one had the common sense to stop.

Originally Posted by Tork
Obviously no one had the common sense to stop.

I was thinking that too.

All information here is from my cow Bessy. The opinions and posts are hers and not mine. I just do the typing for her because we all know cows cant type. Fieldmouse :iws:

Best comment I have ever received was from my soon-to-be ex-wife. She said every time I’d put it in her it felt like she was losing her virginity all over again.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

Originally Posted by Tork
It’s quite possible - Just ask any woman who has given birth. Not all rip during child birth, though many do. Of course, then it rips from P to A instead. If the woman is having any trouble at all, the Doctor will most likely cut it for her. The proper medical term is called: an epiziotomy. Ripping from A to P instead is what I find particularly troublesome. Obviously no one had the common sense to stop.

I’m havin’ a hard time picturin’ this…

well to get on topic,I’ve recieved comments like your “you’re big,it’s nice and thick…” but the best one is “you should really cut a couple inches off it”,I don’t know why it’s the best thing said ‘bout my dick but that made me feel like a man.


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