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I do wonder how many achieve it.


I do wonder how many achieve it.

I have achieved being able to climax without ejaculation. I have been able to for about 2 years now. How many of you have mastered this?

I have found that it is only partially to do with pc strength. It is more to do with training your dick to expect not to ejaculate when it climaxes.

At first I would do sessions of masterbation, dedicated to nothing other than training for climax without ejaculation. I abandoned the pursuit of pleasure as a goal in the masterbation, as I knew that could lead me astray, and would probably cum.

So I would masterbate until I fealt myself fairly close to climax but a safe distance away, then I would do a very strong pc clamping until my dick went mostly soft. Then I would build up again, until nearish climax and clamp down on my pc whilst having stopped stimulation. Then repeating many, many times. squeezing the life out of my pc, slowly teaching my dick to expect to not cum.

The next day I would do it all again, except take myself even closer to climax before I stopped stimulation and clamped down on my pc.

A couple of days later at most, I was able to take myself so close to climax that when I stopped stimulation, I was on the brink of climax without the use of severe pc clamping. Straining to squeeze hard enough to shut all excitment and valves in my penis. I would become flacid from the prolonged squeeze. After a few times of this, my dick was finally programmed to hold of ejaculation as I actively took myself over that brink of climax and squeezed my pc for all it’s worth whilst I climaxed. It worked. After some hard work, I was finally rewarded for my effort. I had taught my dick to do something it wasn’t naturally inclined to do.

After several weeks the ability became easier and easier to achieve. At first I had to use sheer pc power to stop ejaculation, but as time went by I found myself having to use much less pc effort inorder to stop ejacultion whilst climaxing. I believe this is because the neural pathways from the brain to the dick, needed to be programmed with these knew skills, inorder for my dick to perform the task efficiently. It took time, effort and practise to build this auto pilot programme in my brain.

Now climaxing without ejaculation is second nature to me. My dick does it automaticly most of the time. Depending on how long the stimulation has been going on for. If I allow myself to reach climax very quickly, then I usually have to clamp my pc a bit harder inorder to stop ejaculation, but it is still rather easy. Anything past 10-15 minutes of stimulation and my dick automaticly stops ejaculation when I allow myself to climax. Not always, but usually.

It’s all about the pc clamping effort at the beginning, but once you have succeeded and time goes by, the brain becomes efficient at it and it is then more about the brain programming rather than pc effort. In my own personal experience.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 10-17-2003 at .

Nice post. Very interesting.

I haven’t spent much effort in this area yet. I’ve tried to clench my pc enough to clamp off ejaculation without success. In fact, an intentional pc squeeze seems to make me shoot if I’m on the brink.

What happens when you climax without ejaculating? Do you feel the rhythmic muscle pulses that would normally expel semen, but nothing comes out?

I should start working on this.

So is it hard to ejaculate now? Do you involuntarily stop ejaculation, or is it like a on/off switch?

Originally posted by hobby

What happens when you climax without ejaculating? Do you feel the rhythmic muscle pulses that would normally expel semen, but nothing comes out?

For me, it feels a somewhat like ejaculating without the expulsion of semen. It is a bit different though. The glans doesn’t become as sensitive post-orgasm, and the feeling is more towards the balls. It makes you shoot a LOT when you finally decide to let yourself ejaculate. The orgasm you have when you finally ejaculate is pretty damn intense too.

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Great description of the process, Gottagrow. It still takes a sustainable effort for me, but I am able to climax without ejaculation. In order to achieve this technique, I did hundreds of PC/BC clenches all throughout the day and also practiced edging. It took a few months to be able to completely hold off. Definitely time well spent.

I also agree that it’s more mental than physical. It takes me forever to climax when I’m drunk or really tired because I’m not into it as much. I’m going to start working on the mental side of climaxing without ejaculation now that I’ve mastered the physical aspect of it. Great post!

Is the goal to tense the muscles enough to prevent the rhythmic contractions that result in ejaculation? Or does the rhythmic pulsation occur, yet something else prevents the expulsion of semen?

Even with well-conditioned muscles I haven’t been able to restrain the whump, whump, whump that occurs. It gets out no matter how hard I clamp down. So I suspect, particularly in light of Gottagrow’s post, that I’m going about it the wrong way


Do you cease motion while trying to hold back? If not, that might be why you can’t. Continued stimulation makes it almost impossible to hold it back. I have to stop until the orgasm subsides, then I can resume stimulation.

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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

Yeah, I have to take a quick break and clamp down real hard to hold off. I’ve tried to squeeze the PC/BC muscles to stop ejaculation while thrusting, but it’s almost impossible to concentrate on both (like rubbing your head and patting your stomach at the same time).

However, I can hold back the ejaculate and still feel the orgasm when I masturbate. I think (hope) that with more training I can achieve this during sex.

soon, my experiences seem to be different to yours. When I am climaxing I continue to stimulate myself until the pleasure receeds. My dick throbs and pulses as if it were shooting out cum, but nothing comes out at all. My dick then goes limp. I could continue stimulation after climaxing if I decided to but my dick will soften for a few moments before it is fully rock hard again. During this time my dick feels pretty desensatised as the orgasm rush receeds and my dick is a bit soft. Once I reach full hardness my sexual sensativity to pleasure returns and I can enjoy once more. However I rarely bother with this type. I find that a second orgasm is more intense if I leave my dick to recover for 4 or 5 minutes. It’s usually never as good as the first one though, but still darn good.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Gottagrow, can you hold off during continual stimulation during sex? or only when masturbating?

>Do you cease motion while trying to hold back?

Yes. I blast off anyway.

I’m still trying to figure out what you guys feel during a non-ejaculating orgasm. Muscle pulses or a continuous contraction that prevents the pulses?

Hobby, I experience each type, but in different situations.

I feel the muscle pulses when I hold off during masturbation.

I use the continuous contraction that prevents the pulses during sex.

Hmm. Seems there are different things going on with different guys.

If I have this right, Gottagrow has basically the experience of a full orgasm, meaning contractions that if not for his efforts would expel semen. Soon2b9 may have something similar, though he didn’t mention the pulsing contractions. Stevie31 dry orgasms both with pulses and without.

Seems there are several mechanisms working here. As a newbie to this kind of thing I’m wondering where to focus my effort. Should I try to prevent the contractions? Or allow them, but try to clamp down hard enough to prevent semen from escaping?

>>When I am climaxing I continue to stimulate myself until the pleasure receeds. My dick throbs and pulses as if it were shooting out cum, but nothing comes out at all. My dick then goes limp. I could continue stimulation after climaxing if I decided to but my dick will soften for a few moments before it is fully rock hard again.<<

I have tried to continue stimulation, but it’s too hard to hold back that way.
My dick feels MUCH like when I’m having an orgasm in which I ejaculate, but it seems to be more concentrated towards the base/scrotal area. Also, my dick goes only slightly limp before becoming all the way hard again (happens when I resume stimulation). Not sure why it is so different for the both of us, I’m pretty sure we are doing the same thing.


>>Muscle pulses or a continuous contraction that prevents the pulses?<<

I use a continuous contraction to hold it back, but at some point during the orgasm, I do get the similar pulses to what I get when I actually ejaculate. The pulses are (obviously) completely involuntary and happen as a result of the orgasm. If you can hold back to where you shoot REALLY hard when you finally ejaculate, I think you are on the right track. Next time you try it, make sure you are not squeezing the anus as well … I think it’s easier to hold back if you restrict contraction to the PC/BC muscle.

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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

Stevie, yes I can manage during sex. You may perhaps need to spend some time with a woman, taking it slowly as you allow yourself to near climax, then stopping and pc clamping, then starting again, over and over, allowing yourself to get a bit closer each time, gradually getting your brain used to the idea of holding off ejaculation in that environment. My guess is that your brain’s programming is not that strong yet and it needs training in such a situation. It seems your brain isn’t that accumplished at doing during masterbation yet, so when you put yourself in a situation where your brain is used to you always ejaculating when you climx(i.e during sex), your brain naturally decides to use this pattern of programming, as thats all you have ever done during sex(ejaculated). You need to spend some time during sex, retraining your brain to perform differently. It’s hard to focus when you are in the heat of passion with a woman moaning, so you need to build up a new pattern for your brain, so that it does it in a groove, without you straining each time. That will take time, practise and lots of “edging” DURING sex.

If you want to learn an even better technique at holding off ejaculation, which also gives multiple orgasms and allows you to last for hours on end during sex aswel as masterbation, then I recommend the insights and teachings of sexual chikong. Here is something you should take time to read below. It may take months to master fully but boy is it worth it. I have mastered the first part, and haven’t started the breathing part of it yet. All the theory behind it is very sound and I can vouch for this as I practise taiji chikong which follows the same route as the understandings of sexual chikong.

Don’t buy any of the stuff at this site, he may be very insiteful about eastern sexual mastery(and indeed he is), but that doesn’t mean he isn’t after a buck or two from selling stuff you don’t really need. The only thing I might possibly purchase is his cd on how to master sexual chikong technique. Everything else is worthless pill pushing, but I can’t blame him for wanting to make a living. Just read the information I send you too and take some time learning how to do it. It really does work.

Read the writting in green



There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 10-17-2003 at .
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