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It burns when I pee

It burns when I pee


I’ve been away from the forum for a while again. I don’t know, the divorce got to my head I guess and it fucked me up. I’m kind of having some issues but I don’t know for sure.

Let’s start from the most obvious one being burning and stinging sensation when I urinate and ejaculate. It comes and goes. Sometime it’s worse sometimes not at all there. It started a year ago. I was thinking it’s like uti or something and after it subsided I thought it resolved itself but it came back. Lately it came back again and it got bad now it’s like okay.

My libido is shit. I masturbate maybe twice a month. I don’t know if it’s because I’m 30 and it’s normal for it to be lower at that age but the change came really rapidly around last year. My refractory period is bad. I masturbate once and can’t get it up again at all for a next round whereas I would be able to go 3 rounds two years ago.

The timing of all this is suspicious because it’s around the time my ex wife started acting up and asking me to let her fuck other people. I remember one time after we had sex I noticed I had a pimple on my penis and thought nothing of it. It was just a pimple I guess but I don’t know anymore. It definitely didn’t look like herpes. Looked like a pimple. Another time I noticed like a shiny blotch on another part of my penis. Something similar in shape to but it was a lighter shade of red. I also feel pressure in my prostate sometimes. Definitely after ejaculation. The veins on my penis used to be blue or pink but since then I started seeing that some veins are red like they’re inflamed and the area around them is reddish too. I have seen my urethral opening becoming red too. I have pain in my left testicle that comes and goes and the left vas deferens hurts me too sometimes.

I got itching and burning sensation in my penis and pain out of nowhere too. One time I came across some meme on the internet where a girl said it burns when she pees that’s how she knows her pussy is fire and people were saying she’s got gonorrhea. I started looking into it and I don’t wanna diagnose myself but the symptoms seem to match. I though it’s a really painful std but from the article on the wikipedia it seems like that’s not always the case. Last week I went and got all the std tests done. Supposedly they came back negative. I don’t have the official results yet. I got called up on the phone because they said my testosterone came back too high. I ordered testosterone test just in case. I was relieved to hear it was about testosterone I was worried they called me about an std but they said they came back clear.

When I started reading about the urine test for gonorrhea people said that you’re supposed to use the first urine of the day or at least go an hour after you last urinated. I don’t know how long it’s been that I urinated before the test but it might not have been even an hour because I barely produced a sample. I’m looking to redo the urine test for gonorrhea with the first urine of the day once I get results of the last test on paper.

I have this physician that I go to but he doesn’t seem to be any good. If my second std test comes back negative I’m gonna try to look for a urologist and treating this urinary tract infection or whatever this is.

I don’t even know if I’m looking for anything from you at this point. I guess I gotta wait for the results. I wanted to know though if it’s normal for my libido to drop a lot in a short period of time? Is it psychological because of my divorce? I’m 30 y/o. Anyone had gonorrhea that could validate or disprove anything that I mentioned here? Does it matter what sort of urine you use when you test for it? Like is it easy to get a false negative? Is gonorrhea always a really painful std? I just don’t trust my ex wife and the timing of all this is so suspicious.

Measurements as of January 2021

BPEL: 7.625" MSEG: 5.125" BEG 5.375"

Sounds to me like your issues arw at least 99% psychological and stem from your divorce. I know nothing of STDs but it is a good sign the results were negative. How are your sleep and eating patterns?

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
Sounds to me like your issues arw at least 99% psychological and stem from your divorce. I know nothing of STDs but it is a good sign the results were negative. How are your sleep and eating patterns?

I gaslit myself into thinking that my problems are psychological too but listen, they’re not.
I’m sexually active again. Though I didn’t have sex since the divorce I still redid the std test. This time did chlamydia with culture. They stuck three cotton sticks in my dick. It hurt like hell for two days but it came back positive. I’m getting doxycycline 200mg every day from today.

I felt betrayed for a couple of hours but what’s more fucked up is how much pain I had to go through while peeing and the prostate pain from all this. I was thinking oh maybe the pain is from hanging weight.

The time around when I got infected is when I noticed decreased sexual function and pelvic inflamation. I wonder if getting rid of chlamydia will improve it. I miss how good it was before everything changed. Sucks to have your dick go limp mid sex or not being able to get it up after a couple of drinks. Anyone here had chlamydia and can offer any input? I wonder how bad it could get if you had this shit for what now, like 3 years

Measurements as of January 2021

BPEL: 7.625" MSEG: 5.125" BEG 5.375"

Even if you have an STD your posts read very psychologically stressed and disturbed. That I think is the origin of your libido/sexual symptoms.

The STD, very common. The antibiotics will clear it in no time.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Originally Posted by igigi
Even if you have an STD your posts read very psychologically stressed and disturbed. That I think is the origin of your libido/sexual symptoms.

The STD, very common. The antibiotics will clear it in no time.

Well, yeah. I ain’t gonna deny it. Was still getting over the divorce and everything.

You’re saying the std would not impact sexual function?
According to some article on the internet:
"4 If chlamydia infects prostate gland, sexual dysfunction, like ED or premature ejaculation may occur. "
What Is Chlamydial Prostatitis and How Is It Tested? | Prostatitis Radical Cure

I noticed improvement from taking antibiotics. I’m having more erections and can last longer but it’s still not what it used to be. Will see how it goes maybe try to look into prostatitis more or see a urologist.

Measurements as of January 2021

BPEL: 7.625" MSEG: 5.125" BEG 5.375"

Originally Posted by asdfasf
Well, yeah. I ain’t gonna deny it. Was still getting over the divorce and everything.

You’re saying the std would not impact sexual function?
According to some article on the internet:
"4 If chlamydia infects prostate gland, sexual dysfunction, like ED or premature ejaculation may occur. "
What Is Chlamydial Prostatitis and How Is It Tested? | Prostatitis Radical Cure

I noticed improvement from taking antibiotics. I’m having more erections and can last longer but it’s still not what it used to be. Will see how it goes maybe try to look into prostatitis more or see a urologist.

Got the chlam from a random once.

It was just a day or two later, I started noticing some burning while peeing. Didn’t take many pee’s to realize, okay this is BURNING different.

Went to the doc ASAP. He said he could do a bunch of tests, but it’s either the chlam or the clap (gonorrhea), and he could just "give me a cocktail" which would kill both.

So I said "Give me the cocktail." 😂

Cleared right up, no problem.

A week or so later I get a call from the girl. She’s like "I just got tested. I have chlamydia."

I’m like "Yep. I know. I handled it." And hung up on her 😂

At least I found out it was just chlamydia.

Anyway. Never got to the point yours did, but I had zero symptoms from it besides the burning.

I believe you’ll pull through 100%.

Also believe you seem depressed, and that’s understandable. I’m sorry for what happened with your wife. Wishing you the best. Hope you’ll keep working on your dick and your self in general. Good luck to you man! Plenty of fish! Have fun!

The symptoms returned after I stopped taking antibiotics. Did three rounds of doxycycline and then one of azithromycin since july. I still test positive for chlamydia.

The urologist said that there’s antibodies left over in my body and wait three months to retest. I wanted to get an opinion of another urologist so started seeing another one.
Tomorrow I should have results of a semen culture study and started taking antibiotics again. The new urologist prescribed me ciprofloxacin and tamsulosin together every day and one injection of betamethasone. I see improvement again but tamsulosin prevents me from ejaculating. Supposedly it’s helping the antibiotic get deeper into the prostate.

I did a usg of the prostate and supposedly they found some calcifications in there. Both urologist said not to worry about it and that I will be fine.

Measurements as of January 2021

BPEL: 7.625" MSEG: 5.125" BEG 5.375"


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