Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Join the challenge! Porn detox!

Originally Posted by powpow
Living without porn is possible but I could never live without Gut’s avatar. Boing! Just writing about it gives me a boner.

Well I just cleared 15 gigs off my hard drive…

A few hours into the challenge, I find it difficult. My hands are shaking because of the detoxification but I’m using it in a good way. Yeah, goooooood….

I feel honored to have given you jackoff material. :)

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

Originally Posted by powpow
Come on Bird! You know I think you do awesome work with these!

I’m not telling you to stop the Battle of the babes and the Let’s all rate her. I’m just saying that I won’t check them for a little while. In fact, I won’T hang out at “The Dive” during detox. There’s just too much temptation there…

So far, I’m doing terrific at my porn detox. Even yesterday, I came home hammered after this girl I have a little crush on turned me down for a date (boyfriends…I hate these guys) and I didn’t even think about checking some porn.

Sure had a good pumping session though…

I am interested by the idea but giving up organizing the battles and the ratings is to far off. It would be a great way to test how great my willpower is though.

Hopefully not to much members join you otherwise I could stop the ratings and battles.

Originally Posted by Bird2
Hopefully not to much members join you otherwise I could stop the ratings and battles.

So far you don’t have to worry about that because I’m still alone on my boat.

I’m doing terrific. I had some pretty good sex over the week end some, hopefully, this will help my will power.

Originally Posted by Gut Scrambler
I would join but I have conquered. I only watch porn as an occational treaat. It took time but I have trained my imagination so I can visualize sexual thoughts and situations in my head just like I could in high school. Back when I was in high school and living with my folks, the internet didn’t exist and porn mags were too risky to stash. I’ll never be as horny as I was back then but using my imagination instead of porn really has shown a dramatic effect.

Don’t give up. The first week or so is tough but it gets easier as your mind improves.

Did you notice a drop in sex drive after you quit? I quit a while ago and kind of yoyoed. It slowly went down for a while, then went back up. Just recently it went back down but I’d been exercising recently after stopping and I’ve heard that can do it. I’m wondering if I should watch a little porn now and wean myself off.

I didn’t have a sex drive in my heavy porn days. I had to load up some porn to get it going again. I never got wood during the day even when looking at a very attractive lady. Once I stopped watching porn, my sex drive was same, nonexistent. After a few weeks, if I remember correctly, things started turning me on again. Joe joe, I don’t know how old you are but in my teenage days, we had computers but no internet. Unless you had access to some porn tapes or mags, it was all about the movie projector in your head. I realized I wanted to get back to that and it did take some time. You just need to sit back in your room sometime and start thinking of some good thoughts or things you want to do to some girl. It will come back to you and you will find yourself getting turned on by less intense things throughout the day.

I don’t recommend trying to ween off porn. That’s like trying to ween yourself off heroin. You got to go cold turkey man!

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

Odd, when I was watching porn, I’d think about sex non-stop, it was touch to think about anything else. It’s after I stopped that my sex drive went way down.

Originally Posted by Joe_joe
Odd, when I was watching porn, I’d think about sex non-stop, it was touch to think about anything else. It’s after I stopped that my sex drive went way down.

Same goes for me

Has it gone back up? How long ago was this?

Pow pow,I too have realised I have a problem and have decided it time to give it up especially as I am working on a solution to fix up my retarded ejaculation I have to ensure that all areas are in the all clear. We will see what unfolds. I would join you however for me I used to indulge in porn whenever I could…but right now it has moved to around 2 a week max and I am trying to go for a week clean. Gut Scrambler you have made some really good points and you are right about the visualisation for I too use that. I know you have likened porn to heroin and I can understand your reasons for that however for some of us I think that weening off can help. I know now it may be near impossible…but after this week, I may take a break from my detox break and then go for a month clean. I did it before some three years ago and I can do it again. I think it is easier when one has a sex partner…something I bloody don’t but it is still no excuse sex partner or not I am giving this shit up.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

Hey hey!

One week clean and I’m doing terrific!

Yesterdy I was almost too horny and had flash images of naked women in my head. Today I’m just too tired.

Well that’s just week 1, but it seems it could become a life style for me…

Ok, I’m going to bed.

Originally Posted by powpow
Here’s the situation:

I’m a Propecia survivor: took the stuff for about 1.5 year before noticing a serious decrease in libido, energy/aggressiveness and starting to experience pretty serious ED. I was 22 at the time.

This caused many problems with the girlfriend I had then: I never felt like having sex, had trouble getting a sufficient erection and I even failed a few times to get any kind of erection. I must mention that part of the problems I experienced with this girlfriend were caused by a lack of sexual attraction (despite the fact that she’s a very pretty girl).

After leaving this girlfriend and getting these things out of my mind, my condition got much better.

Now it’s been 4 years and I’m doing pretty good:
-Libido is almost as high as when I was 18 (I feel like having sex 3+ times a day with a partner and sometimes I even masturbate that much)
-Erection: not as good as it used to be. I get between 90 and 95% erect but never more.

With a partner, I get erect without any direct physical stimulation. When I masturbate, I need to keep the stimulation going in order to maintain my erection. I can never maintain an erection without stimulation unless I’m with a partner. When I pump, I always exit the tube flaccid, I can’t stay hard while jelqing and I need to edge while clamping to stay hard. Porn, even though I’m a big fan of it, doesn’t produce any movement in my pants anymore.

Yesterday, I was talking on the phone with this friend of mine who is my regular sex partner since last summer. She was talking dirty to me and guess what happened? Yes, movement in my pants.

So, here’s what I’m trying: no porn of any kind until summer. Not even my beloved “Let’s all rate her” an “battle of the babes threads”. Today is day one. Anybody wants to join the challenge?

That’s certainly is going to help me develop my imagination..

The maker of Propecia is a powerful drug company that is PURPOSELY HIDING THE FACT THAT SERIOUS HORMONAL COMPLICATIONS CAN OCCUR FROM THE PUBLIC IN ORDER TO MAKE PROFIT. THEY HAVE THOUSANDS OF REPS to goto Doctors offices, etc. This is a big scam.


Could actually cause you to form Breast, decreased Jaw Size, TALK THINK LIKE A female.But very Few People Know the truth about how dangerous this drug is.

Since you are 22, you are lucky to have started late enough to not effect you during late stages of puberty.

You say a lot of strange stuff in that post vanburen. You should post your sources when claiming such amazing things. I don’T think Propecia can cause you to grow breasts or cause your jaw to shrink.

Anyway, there are a bunch of threads about this medicine on this board and this is not the purpose of this thread.

I don’t have sex, so going without porn for more then for a few days - I’d be ripe to start strangling animals.

I couldn’t do it. It maybe my only ‘vice’.

Originally Posted by powpow
You say a lot of strange stuff in that post vanburen. You should post your sources when claiming such amazing things. I don’T think Propecia can cause you to grow breasts or cause your jaw to shrink.

Anyway, there are a bunch of threads about this medicine on this board and this is not the purpose of this thread.

Propecia can cause breast tissue to grow in men. DHT competes with Estrogen in breast receptors.

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout

I don’t have sex, so going without porn for more then for a few days - I’d be ripe to start strangling animals.

I couldn’t do it. It maybe my only ‘vice’.

Being horny is one of your best allies when it comes to finding motivation to work on getting girls. Today, for the first time of my life, a girl actually made a move on me and left me her number without me having to do anything. My sexual energy is getting so big, females can sense it!


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