Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Love making tips

Love making tips

Thunder, I apologise if this post is irrelevant to this forum.

My suggestion is that we try and concentrate on “LOVE MAKING” hints as well, because we PE to be in a better position to satisfy our lovers ( most of us). Now, penis size alone cannot help us if we do not know how to use it optimally. For example, I am married now and my woman seems not to know what she wants(so it seems to me) because when we make love, she says I should go slow (when digging her). After a few seconds she is the one who is galloping like a horse and gripping me like an electric current. When I play half/shallow penetration she asks me what I am doing. I do not answer that. Actually, it is meant to tease her clit. I read somewhere, also, that the G-sport is about 2” inside from the labia. So I want to target it. But again sometimes she tells me that I am going too dip that she feels pain in her stomach, which I think refers to her cervix.

It’s a struggle finding out which position is best for her, she simply says that all positions are OK for her. But I have seen that she sqirts a lot when when I come from behind. The only trouble is that I can’t penetrate as deeply as I would like, she has big buttocks. I cannot see her labia from behind. It’s concealed by her buttocks, but I do reach them nicely when fully erect. She hates “legs-up” style, But I like it, I like it when I see my wood digging it in front of me ( It makes me even more horny)

Please say what you think is the relatively better style to send her to paradise. I need this. I want my marriage to live longer. Any suggestion will do. Just throw all of ‘em here. Guys and girls.

Sorry again Thunder if I am going astray.


Seems you are allready on the right track...

Hey Khondovu

Welcome to Thunder’s Place!

Your suggestion is a good one and you are absolutely right about PE as a tool for better sex with the partner.

I take it that you are newly married and you both seem to enjoy a variety of positions in sex, but you are not sure what she really wants.
Well it is possible that she may be unsure too…
The best way IMO is talk to her while doing different positions and ask her what she want’s you to do. I know it’s not easy for some men - including myself - to talk like this during sex but I hear it’s the best way.

It is great that you care and really want to satisfy your wife, she is lucky to have a guy like you!
Just be patient , explore, listen to her (try to figure out what she really likes even when she tells you one thing and then acts exactly the opposite - women are not always easy you know) and in time you will find what sends her (and you) to Paradise.

ù ì å í



I read you.

Try this one. The standing facing way astride position (Phat’s name)

(1) Woman faces away: sit on the edge of a bed or chair or table or bench…. Get very hard
and have your lady stand over you, straddling your legs, which can be sort of close together.
Then, lean back a bit to get more “length” and let her sit down facing away. Vary the angles
and I think she will really like this, because you can dig deeper, see your dick now, and you
will have less chance of hitting her cervix.

(2) sit on bed , reclined on your outstretched arms, and have her lean away forward and
repeat above

(3) put your legs under your thighs reclined on your outstretched arms and repeat above

This may give her a nice “floating” feeling. The farther forward she leans the easier can see the
action. This will also stimulate the G spot.

Tell us how it worked!


Welcome to Thunders where all can learn from each other.

In response to your question, both WillB7 and Phat 9 have given good advice. I would like to add one thing. WillB7 suggested that you ask her what she likes while making love, I suggest that the two sit down BEFORE making love and discuss what each of you like and don’t like. If your lovely bride is unfamiliar with different techniques then as you try different ones, get her response. And if she asks you what you are doing, for god sake tell her. You are her teacher, and teaching takes patience.

There are several positions that can be used for sending one into orbit, the one Phat describes is a good one, and also to have your lady lay on her side, either or, have her kick the front leg forward, and straddling the bottom leg you can hit all sorts of delectable spots and still see what you are doing, if that is important to you. You can also try having her on top facing away from you.

Keep the lines of communication open, don’t forget that your job is to pleasure her, and yeah you get something out of it too. Listen to her as you are making love, see what gets to her, you should be able to tell ;) . Talk to her before you make love and find out what she would like to try. You might someday be surprised at what you hear.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

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