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oh, Fuck. I have a Venous Leak- Invictus' thread

oh, Fuck. I have a Venous Leak- Invictus' thread

First and foremost, i’m going to admit that I have a venous leak. I am going to see the Urologist (second time, but with a NEW one this time), and be honest with him. I am finally opening up to surgery options. Thanks to my new family Doctor (not urologist), he has helped me to be a realist- opening up my eyes to my issue and helping me realize that I DO have a problem. :down:

I have a venous leak. I think its the Dorsal Vein, among others. I saw my Doctor the other day and started talking about it and he really thinks I have a leak and will probably need surgery based on my symptoms, but he referred me to a Urologist. I could have damaged it from many things.

I think this time i’ll be a man and admit I have a problem- I keep convincing myself there wasn’t anything wrong and rejected the thought that I would need surgery but I can’t do it anymore. The Negative brought onto my life because of this problem is unfathomable for guys that have normal function. I’m not going to talk about those negative experiences that I went through basically since I started having sex at 16 years old (i’m 20 years old now), but its fucked up- Fucked up that I didn’t recognize the problem for what it really was, and then have balls to confront the issue, instead of sidestepping it like i’ve done this whole time.

Your Dick can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. Just depends how you treat him…

Obviously I fucked something up. I don’t want to type aimlessly. I need some answers, and support. How painful is surgery? How much has it improved you? Would you recommend it?

A Guy in Need ;(

I am terribly sorry to hear that man, and I am sorry I cannot give you any information about surgery because I dont really know anything about that.
But we are here ti support you and I wish you the best of lucks in your surgery and in your recovery process.

If you dont mind me asking what do you think caused this problem in your dick?

Cheers and dont give up brother.

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3

Hey Dyablo, your support is appreciated man. As of right now, I am feeling down, confused, perplexed, and basically “WTF.” But I know things will be ok.

I don’t mind at all. These things might have either started the leak, done nothing, or aggravated the leak:

1. I was born with some extra fatty tissue around my penis. Right after I was born the doctor removed some of that tissue surrounding my penis, but one thought is that he might have caused some nerve damage. Although this might be nothing.

2. I started masturbating in the 8th grade, so I was about 13 years old. I never was told how to masturbate so I did it very rough and quick all the way into college. I have a strong grip too, from drumming since I was 11. So I think this caused damage, if not the initial cause.

3. My GF in my junior and senior year in high school was very rough with me. We were able to fool around about 4 days a week, on average. I loved it when she would be rough with my dick and squeeze it and I would encourage her to squeeze my dick (Fucking shoot me now please). So this probably aggravated it.

I don’t think I caused this from PE, in fact, I am pretty sure. The first time I did PE (17), I was EXTREMELY careful. And I saw good results in EQ, even my GF noticed; it was very noticeable. But I only did it a few times at the age. I started back up at PE this last year.

One’s glans isn’t always hard, just so you know. It can be rather soft and squishy even with a raging hard on.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I see. Thanks Mgus. Well, my glans would be soft enough that, I would have trouble getting my dick inside of a girl. I have a pretty big glans, and it would be very soft, so I couldn’t get inside of this girl I hooked up with in the summer. After it happened, I thought it was her. I thought she was just too tight. But now I realize that my glans was just too soft to get in. Here is a post from 6.28.2008 from my log.

Originally Posted by invictus
So last night, I got drunk with a girl, we were hooking up, and then time came to fuck. Since I used to be an alcoholic, and this was my 3rd time drinking all summer, I was craving alcohol and pussy alike. I hooked up with her a couple days ago but we didn’t have sex, but tonight since she was going away she wanted to fuck. Anyways, I drank 3/4’s a fifth of vodka and had a 40 [drank both these with the chick, not alone]. I took a Viagra on the way over to make sure I boned her brains out. But it was fucked up, because I had trouble. Her pussy was so tight, and my dick was big but not “hard.” I felt like it was saturated with alcohol or something. This has happened before last year, with a really gorgeous girl that really liked me, and she was a virgin. So this is really fucked up. Anyways, I got really pissed and I fucking drove home smashed at 4 am.

I remember it vividly. It wasn’t that she was too tight, she is used to sex. My fucking piece of shit dick just got too soft and had trouble getting inside her. This is the kind of soft glans I am talking about. This wasn’t the only time, believe me.

Can you please describe all of the symptoms you are having? Have you tried using a cock ring and saw something difference with your erections?

I will tell you the truth, urologists won’t help you, if you are capable of getting an erection and penetrate, thats enough, they will say it’s all in your mind etc’ I been to some, and Yataghan50 been to 7 urologists, all told him (and me) that it’s in his mind.

We all know that glans shouldn’t be hard, but they shouldn’t be lifeless.
Does your glans swell during an erection? Do you feel like kegeling for nothing? (Blood goes in and out) - you can see the glans swell and then shrink.

I think you need to find an Interventional Radiologist, tell me where do you live and I will look one for you, they are the best, they have the skills to close the leak with just a single needle, it doesn’t heart ( I had the whole thing without any kind of anesthetization ) they don’t use a knife, and they don’t cut anything, they can see and obtain the problem during the “surgery” mine was about 15 minuts top. ( I got some semi erection after )

You need to take pictures and show them to the Interventional Radiologist, when your closing the vein and after (you should see diffarnce) look at it that way - maybe you don’t really have any leak at all, you need to be almost sure, talk to your family doctor - he sounds like a good man with and open minded, he can refer you to a doctor, when you’ll see one, tell him about our story, Yataghan50 and mine, about how we got checked (Yataghan50 with dye injected to his veins to locate the leak, and me with a very sensitive Doppler - they almost didn’t found it with a Doppler, in the end under the sonar, they found 2 leaks)

Believe me, the urologist (one of the best in Israel) knew that I have it, but he said he couldn’t do anything about it, and that I should find an Interventional Radiologist that will agree to help me, he gave me Cialis in the end and told me that 25% of men recover in the end - Bullshit.

See an Interventional Radiologist and you will save time and money, (my insurance spent over 2000$ on examinations that the urologist had done) - in the end they had to spend something like 1500$ on the doppler and some thousands of $$ to cover my policyholder’s participation, I had a private operation so it cost more, but I can tell you that I didn’t had to do it private - one of the doctors was a bit greedy in my opinion.

Best of luck, I’m here to share and help.

Don’t get anxious, everything will sort out.

This will give you the

Conquering my goals.

Ever hear about “whiskey dick”? Some guys get soft erections from alcohol.

If this is why you are thinking about having a venous leak, I’d say that it is much more likely that it was due to the alcohol. (from wiki: “Excessive alcohol use has long been recognised as one cause of impotence, leading to the euphemism “brewer’s droop,” or “whiskey dick;” Shakespeare made light of this phenomenon in Macbeth.”

By the way, are you making a habit out of driving whilst drunk? Do yourself a favor and leave the car at home when you go out. Might save an innocent persons life.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I believe after my first PE injury, as traumatic as it was, caused me to have venous leakage; perhaps a very bad case of it to. My symptoms: my glans were never soft prior, and my erections maintained for a substantial amount of time.

Nowadays, they still don’t last too long once they erect. Also, my glans don’t get hard unless I kegel blood into them. My urologist told me this is likely what I have from the PEing the first visit with him; he said not too much can be done to cure it, and surgery usually doesn’t fix the problem the completely, or that long of time either.

Invictus, have you made any gains through PE whilst having venous leakage? I was always curious is guys can gain regularly with venous leakage or not. A cockring has helped me tremendously with my venous leakage.



When I get an erection I lose it really quickly, in seconds actually. I tried manually pressing on the Dorsal vein but i’m not sure if I saw that much of an improvement. But one crazy thing is that, the gushing. What I mean is, when I get hard, during the process itself, I can actually feel in my dick like the pumping. And its not consistent. Like what I mean is, I can almost feel the blood pumping as if there is a pulse. And the dick is pumping more and more blood to compensate for the leak. Then I get an erection, and unless i’m manually stimulating, will slowly gush, gush, gush out. Maybe “gush” isn’t the word I am looking for, but its like a pulse, a beat. Like a dying motor or something. Do you understand?

Also, as far as blood flow goes, I know something is up. When I work out, drink, smoke, take an adderall, or even two cups of coffee, or get cold, I have EXTREME shrinkage. I’m talking about 2 inches. It just sticks straight out, its pathetic. I am about 5.75 BPEL and about 5.4 MSEG so I really don’t think there is a reason I should be that small, all the time. Actually, working out is a little less than 2 inches, and on an Adderall pill, its the fucking worst shrinkage. Any activitiy that basically requires blood or anything that is a vasoconstrictor shrinks it down REALLY small. When i’m not on these, its still bad. And i’m never hanging. Only when I was jelqing consistently and taking an L-ARG supplement did I have occasionally hanging flaccid (or sometimes when I took a Viagra/Cialis).

My glans swells HUGE when I kegel. Like now my BC muscle bulges out and is freakin STRONG because I guess I needed a way to compensate for that leaked blood…but i’m not sure.

Morning wood was never around in my teens and is only happening now when: i’m on a dedicated jelq cycle, taking a Cialis/Viagra, or sometimes when I don’t jerk off for a week.

Did you get your vein occluded? How are you so far? Can you get an erection and keep it?

This leak problem has also killed me in the sense that, I have had the worst premature ejaculation. Shit sucks.

There is more but I gotta run real quick. Thanks.

Originally Posted by invictus
I’m talking about 2 inches. It just sticks straight out, its pathetic. I am about 5.75 BPEL and about 5.4 MSEG

That’s a normal flaccid-erect difference, in my opinion. There are guys here who report a 3” flaccid despite an 8” erect length. Also, as mgus said, weak glans inflation is perfectly normal, even if we’d all like to have those awesome mushroom dicks that some guys sport.

But you say you have problems keeping a good erection. That sounds like a serious problem. How long have you tried gentle PE for? No matter the cause of your ED, some guys do find significant improvements, gradually over time, through jelqing and pumping and the like. Don’t be afraid to use a cock ring, also, if this helps you. Surgery can sometimes improve venous leaks, but you might have other options for getting your erections back into good shape.

Well, it would not hurt to go see an urologist and have it checked out. If you are drinking it certainly don’t help the problem.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by invictus

When I get an erection I lose it really quickly, in seconds actually. I tried manually pressing on the Dorsal vein but I’m not sure if I saw that much of an improvement. But one crazy thing is that, the gushing. What I mean is, when I get hard, during the process itself, I can actually feel in my dick like the pumping. And it’s not consistent. Like what I mean is, I can almost feel the blood pumping as if there is a pulse. And the dick is pumping more and more blood to compensate for the leak. Then I get an erection, and unless I’m manually stimulating, will slowly gush, gush, gush out. Maybe “gush” isn’t the word I am looking for, but it’s like a pulse, a beat. Like a dying motor or something. Do you understand?

Also, as far as blood flow goes, I know something is up. When I work out, drink, smoke, take an adderall, or even two cups of coffee, or get cold, I have EXTREME shrinkage. I’m talking about 2 inches. It just sticks straight out, it’s pathetic. I am about 5.75 BPEL and about 5.4 MSEG so I really don’t think there is a reason I should be that small, all the time. Actually, working out is a little less than 2 inches, and on an Adderall pill, it’s the fucking worst shrinkage. Any activitiy that basically requires blood or anything that is a vasoconstrictor shrinks it down REALLY small. When I’m not on these, it’s still bad. And I’m never hanging. Only when I was jelqing consistently and taking an L-ARG supplement did I have occasionally hanging flaccid (or sometimes when I took a Viagra/Cialis).

My glans swells HUGE when I kegel. Like now my BC muscle bulges out and is freakin STRONG because I guess I needed a way to compensate for that leaked blood.but I’m not sure.

Morning wood was never around in my teens and is only happening now when: I’m on a dedicated jelq cycle, taking a Cialis/Viagra, or sometimes when I don’t jerk off for a week.

Did you get your vein occluded? How are you so far? Can you get an erection and keep it?

This leak problem has also killed me in the sense that, I have had the worst premature ejaculation. Shit sucks.

There is more but I gotta run real quick. Thanks.

Well, I don’t think you have a venous leak,

But I have to tell you something, a lot of things are just playing with our mind, it’s all in our head.
I’ve been to my doctor today, I was so impressed by him, he told me about venous leakage and about the “VNUS” (he knows all about it and he is using it) you’ve mentioned, he is treating people with the RF and laser techniques, he said that you can’t use the VNUS techniques on the dorasel vein or on any vein that is related to the penis, they are just too small.

I’ve mentioned PE to him, he told me a lot about what he knows, there are studies that indicates that we will be able to enlarge the penis with in 10-15 years from now with techniques like the one that Stagetop mentioned, using PGE-1 to loosen the collagen fibers and the gain length, with stretching - he knew all about it, and I was amazed. He told me that it’s good to use a pump, not just for enlarging, it’s good for the vassals and to encourge more blood in the penis, it’s a healthy thing.

He gave me Levitra and I got an erection - he examined me, there is a 30%-40% improvemnt in my problem, and I need to wait another month or so to see if I’ll need another procedure, he doesn’t want to close the dorasel vein, it can’t be shut down in one time, you need to close it in a long period of time, each time you’ll close a bit, and bypasses will be create with time to repair the damage, those bypasses will not have any leaks.

My doctor is also treating women that can’t get an orgasm, with a special treatment on the clitoris (involving PGE-1 too).

To tell you the truth, your problem sounds something more of a mental problem then a pysical problem, which ED supplements did you try besides Viagra \ Cialis? Was it Phrama grade?

When you’re getting an erection, and your glans grow, it stay swell during the erection? Or is it shrinking right after the kegel stops?

Conquering my goals.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
That’s a normal flaccid-erect difference, in my opinion. There are guys here who report a 3" flaccid despite an 8" erect length. Also, as mgus said, weak glans inflation is perfectly normal, even if we’d all like to have those awesome mushroom dicks that some guys sport.

But you say you have problems keeping a good erection. That sounds like a serious problem. How long have you tried gentle PE for? No matter the cause of your ED, some guys do find significant improvements, gradually over time, through jelqing and pumping and the like. Don’t be afraid to use a cock ring, also, if this helps you. Surgery can sometimes improve venous leaks, but you might have other options for getting your erections back into good shape.

I’ve tried gentle PE for a month or so? I’ll have to re-read my log tonight. I did see some slight improvements but I think the problem is far too great for PE. I will talk to my doctor about a pump, and i’m not convinced I need the surgery just yet, but something has been wrong since day 1. I just convinced myself that it was normal. I mean, my life was going great; I was young and naive, and started have lots of sex before any of my friends. Why the hell WOULDN’T my dick be 100%? Well, looking back, there has been a lot of things messed up; But now I am thinking somethin else; I think that the doctor that performed the initial surgery when I was a baby caused nerve damage; this is why I liked when my gf would be so rough with me, or I would PE a little too rough (initially, and maybe) which aggravated the problem. But then again, I really don’t know. But I am 100% sure this isn’t mental.

Originally Posted by kingpole
Well, it would not hurt to go see an urologist and have it checked out. If you are drinking it certainly don’t help the problem.

Thanks KP for chiming in. I don’t drink/smoke anymore actually. Only a few times over the holidays but nothing even to worry about. You have been giving my advice on my log and since day 1, I knew something was up. I’m not saying I didn’t see good results but based on the reading, its obvious my mind was fluttering around with the possibility that I had a leak.

The first two pages of my thread talk a little about it, its not too long at all:
True Life: Diary of a Jelqer


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