Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Overcoming Bad Blood Circulation in the Penis -- Raynaud's Disease

Overcoming Bad Blood Circulation in the Penis -- Raynaud's Disease

Just searched the forum for "Raynaud’s" and came up with a couple of threads related to general health. Bad Circulation, Raynaud’s phenomenom
If you have a poor general circulation — hydrate, sleep, eat, and do sports — in that order.

My problem is not the cold feet and fingers. Just the penis.

But the Raynaud’s disease must be the word of the year. My (rather famous) urologist diagnosed me a month ago. It is not really a disease but a bunch of symptoms caused by a poor blood flow to the extremities. In my case just the penis. Everything else is perfectly fine.

A few months ago I started having a cold hard flacid, or a turtled penis, at work during the day. Luckily not at night, which would have been extremely dangerous. It was so bad that it was even hurting. If it ever happens to you — do not wait a single minute — search for remedies immediately. A low oxygen in the penis starts killing nerves and soft tissue.

I think the poor blood flow in my case was caused by some very tight pelvic floor muscles (perhaps Kegel’s). It, in turn was a result of dehydration and stress. I just recovered from two years of adrenal fatigue. It is another set of symptoms, unrecognized by mainstream doctors, but it felt quite real to me. I had a poor sleep, low testosterone, dehydration, fatigue. I was so tired and unmotivated I almost stopped masturbating. And having a girlfriend of almost 11 years (duration, not age, LOL) is not helping with having an exciting and frequent sex. Use it or lose it — I knew it all along — I just got tired and let things go for a while.

Anyway. I am now on Clomiphene and TRT, drinking Pedialyte and BCAA, but that was not enough. I am supplementing with the DHT cream. I had been taking an estrogen reducing Anastrozole, as part of the TRT, but that reduced my estrogen to below 20 pg/mL (ideally should be 20 - 30 pg/mL), which killed my sex drive, so I stopped that.

I take a bunch of herbal supplements, which helps, but I do not know which one helps with what. Among them a horny goat weed, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, garlic, zinc, multivitamins, L-tyrosine for sensitivity, 5-HTP for relaxation, etc.

When stuff became so bad that I started losing sensitivity and penis size I went to the doctors. We tried PRP injections, which worked amazingly well the first time. My penis became as sensitive as it was 10-15 years ago, I loved it. But then the daytime cold hard flacids came back and I lost all the sensitivity that I gained.

I doubled the nightly Cialis to 10mg, added a daily FlowMax pill, but that was only keeping the status quo.

So… how did I fix it? Three methods: Pumping, Edging in clamps, Reverse kegels.


A second PRP place that I went to recommended using a HydroMax pump after the PRP injections. They didn’t know shit about penile PRP, as I learned later, but the HydroMax pump recommendation was solid. I bought one and started using it. It is ridiculously expensive at ~$350, if you buy a full-blown kit from a brick and mortar store, but it is only $150 online. The thing that you do not get online is a handy strap to hang it on your neck hands-free, but that is not a big deal. Do not make a mistake of buying too large of a size, like I did. The reference penis lengths on the box are not BPEL but simply EL, so you need to buy it 1 - 1.5" smaller.

Edging in clamps:

I use not a hard clamp but a velcro tie. I try to keep it about the same size day-to-day by wrapping it around a cylindrical hand cream bottle, which is approximately the diameter of my penis. This way I get the consistent desired blood pressure in my penis every time.

Reverse Kegels:

I used to be good at them, but I slowly lost an ability to do that. I would strain, but nothing would happen. It seems like my pelvic floor muscles were so tight that they were not allowing any additional blood flow. It was bad. I had to learn to do them all over again. Very slowly, baby steps. They also taught me to keep the front of my pelvic floor muscles relaxed.

Warming, PE, cooling down — all the usual.

When it was really bad I even tried cannabis (I applied for and got a state license). It also helped. It’s could be an amazing thing for your penis blood circulation. It also helps with nerves, muscle relaxation, and in some ways with being able to consciously keep the muscles relaxed. Too bad it is making me mentally lazy. But my penis is liking it, so I use it strategically and not very often.

So what was the effect? It was a complete reversal. I stopped having daytime cold hard flaccids (almost) completely. Sometimes it does get cold, but it is not turtled, and can be easily warmed up. My nighttime erections have been very good. The sex drive is high. The sensitivity almost returned. I feel almost normal.

I had to get a second girlfriend. I did not want to do it. I love my main one, we do not want to break up ever, but the sex is almost non-existent, and my manly health is suffering. I can’t make her want it, and trying to do that created an unnecessary stress for both of us. A second girlfriend is an effective solution, a boost to my my libido, motivation, and happiness. It’s a win-win-win for everybody. At least for now.

And get this… for the first time since joining this forum (10+ years ago) I gained some length and girth! I lost 0.5 - 0.75" over the years, compared to my mid-20’s size, especially during this recent turmoil, but now I have regained it all back in just two months! If it keeps going this way, I might become bigger than I have ever been, LOL!

Last edited by C0rnholio : 07-28-2018 at .

Originally Posted by C0rnholio

When it was really bad I even tried cannabis (I applied for and got a state license). It also helped. It’s could be an amazing thing for your penis blood circulation. It also helps with nerves, muscle relaxation, and in some ways with being able to consciously keep the muscles relaxed. Too bad it is making me mentally lazy. But my penis is liking it, so I use it strategically and not very often.

My penis LOVES cannabis. I’ve had some amazing sex sessions on it. Makes me very sensitive but not to the point I ejaculate super fast. But man, those orgasms are incredible. Shame I don’t have a qualified condition to get it legally where I moved to.

Starting BPEL: 8". Starting girth: 6.5"

Goal BPEL: 9.5". Goal girth: 7.5"

Started's Samurai 9/2020

Similar Issue

Not sure if it’s Raynaud’s (though my mom has that), but I’ve noticed a similar issue arising over the last couple of years and its been very upsetting.
My penis is looking visibly like it’s not getting adequate circulation; particularly in the head, which looks dark, purple-sh, and splotchy. It’s usually cold to the touch.
Meanwhile, my libido (which has always waxed and waned annoyingly over periods of months for no apparent reason) has been very low for the last couple of years, and utterly FLATLINED over this past year since quarantine started.. And then the moving across the country for graduate school. Masturbation feels like a chore, and I can’t get fully hard no matter what I do..

Frustratingly, I don’t feel confident that any general-practice/primary care doctor will have any clue about this kind of stuff.

I’m 33 and in pretty great shape (gym regularly, eat and hydrate and sleep pretty well).. But have spent the last 4 years going back to school for a biology degree to get into dental school, and it’s been VERY stressful (need those straight A’s to get into med school).. Amplified by my clinical anxiety.
Now I’m *in* my first semester of dental school, and it’s made the constant stress of the last 4 years look like child’s play..

So, right off the bat, I’m thinking libido issues and ED as a psychosomatic response to constant stress/anxiety, and probably also as a physiological consequence of the sustained elevated stress (cortisol, etc.).

I’ve largely ruled out hormonal problems.. Bloodwork confirmed that I do have naturally low testosterone, but I spent the last couple of years on Clomid (which helped but wasn’t getting my T levels up to optimal), and this past year taking exogenous testosterone injections (which should have my libido raging, but I feel no different, aside from chronically sore nipples now).

My biggest fear: that my last few years of practicing PE have somehow irreparably damaged the tissues of my penis..
1) Weight hanging (5-15 lbs) using a AutoXleeve silicone sleeve with its suction-end-piece,
2) Pumping with a properly-fitting tube by Thickwall Cylinders (some edema/blanching in the head after most long sessions, and accidental blisters a couple of times, but I’ve generally been careful not to get too aggressive with the pressure),
3) And wearing the AutoXleeve with its weighted end piece, throughout the days and especially nights.

I gained some initial size from my PE efforts (though that’s stalled).. But I’m petrified that I’ve damaged things, either vascularly or with accumulation of internal scar tissue. And this isn’t something I can even bother bringing up with my doctor.

BUT.. I know I’m not totally physically broken, because I occasionally wake up with great morning wood- so I know its still *able* to get perfectly hard. Just infuriatingly not on-cue.
And even with the morning wood, my head doesn’t fill the way it used to.. I’ve always had a great full helmet-head when hard, and now its spongy even when the rest of my shaft is rock-solid.

I’ve tried a slew of the usual herbal supplements for male virility, libido, blood flow, etc.. No results to get excited about.

I’m really concerned/worried, and am at a total loss for where to turn or what to constructively do about it. I’d start trying the Angion Method to encourage angiogenesis, but my inability to get adequately hard on-demand already has me doubting I could even chub-up enough for proper jelqing..

Someone, please help enlighten and guide me here.

Last edited by Sizeking87 : 11-11-2020 at . Reason: rearranging sections

See your MD. If no help there, go to a urologist, then to a urology specialist, and then… until you find the dr who can help you. Your situation is so unique that it is extremely unlikely anyone here has a similar situation. Best of luck to you and please keep us informed of your situation.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by C0rnholio
Just searched the forum for "Raynaud’s" and came up with a couple of threads related to general health. Bad Circulation, Raynaud’s phenomenom
If you have a poor general circulation — hydrate, sleep, eat, and do sports — in that order.

My problem is not the cold feet and fingers. Just the penis.

But the Raynaud’s disease must be the word of the year. My (rather famous) urologist diagnosed me a month ago. It is not really a disease but a bunch of symptoms caused by a poor blood flow to the extremities. In my case just the penis. Everything else is perfectly fine.

A few months ago I started having a cold hard flacid, or a turtled penis, at work during the day. Luckily not at night, which would have been extremely dangerous. It was so bad that it was even hurting. If it ever happens to you — do not wait a single minute — search for remedies immediately. A low oxygen in the penis starts killing nerves and soft tissue.

I think the poor blood flow in my case was caused by some very tight pelvic floor muscles (perhaps Kegel’s). It, in turn was a result of dehydration and stress. I just recovered from two years of adrenal fatigue. It is another set of symptoms, unrecognized by mainstream doctors, but it felt quite real to me. I had a poor sleep, low testosterone, dehydration, fatigue. I was so tired and unmotivated I almost stopped masturbating. And having a girlfriend of almost 11 years (duration, not age, LOL) is not helping with having an exciting and frequent sex. Use it or lose it — I knew it all along — I just got tired and let things go for a while.

Anyway. I am now on Clomiphene and TRT, drinking Pedialyte and BCAA, but that was not enough. I am supplementing with the DHT cream. I had been taking an estrogen reducing Anastrozole, as part of the TRT, but that reduced my estrogen to below 20 pg/mL (ideally should be 20 - 30 pg/mL), which killed my sex drive, so I stopped that.

I take a bunch of herbal supplements, which helps, but I do not know which one helps with what. Among them a horny goat weed, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, garlic, zinc, multivitamins, L-tyrosine for sensitivity, 5-HTP for relaxation, etc.

When stuff became so bad that I started losing sensitivity and penis size I went to the doctors. We tried PRP injections, which worked amazingly well the first time. My penis became as sensitive as it was 10-15 years ago, I loved it. But then the daytime cold hard flacids came back and I lost all the sensitivity that I gained.

I doubled the nightly Cialis to 10mg, added a daily FlowMax pill, but that was only keeping the status quo.

So… how did I fix it? Three methods: Pumping, Edging in clamps, Reverse kegels.


A second PRP place that I went to recommended using a HydroMax pump after the PRP injections. They didn’t know shit about penile PRP, as I learned later, but the HydroMax pump recommendation was solid. I bought one and started using it. It is ridiculously expensive at ~$350, if you buy a full-blown kit from a brick and mortar store, but it is only $150 online. The thing that you do not get online is a handy strap to hang it on your neck hands-free, but that is not a big deal. Do not make a mistake of buying too large of a size, like I did. The reference penis lengths on the box are not BPEL but simply EL, so you need to buy it 1 - 1.5" smaller.

Edging in clamps:

I use not a hard clamp but a velcro tie. I try to keep it about the same size day-to-day by wrapping it around a cylindrical hand cream bottle, which is approximately the diameter of my penis. This way I get the consistent desired blood pressure in my penis every time.

Reverse Kegels:

I used to be good at them, but I slowly lost an ability to do that. I would strain, but nothing would happen. It seems like my pelvic floor muscles were so tight that they were not allowing any additional blood flow. It was bad. I had to learn to do them all over again. Very slowly, baby steps. They also taught me to keep the front of my pelvic floor muscles relaxed.

Warming, PE, cooling down — all the usual.

When it was really bad I even tried cannabis (I applied for and got a state license). It also helped. It’s could be an amazing thing for your penis blood circulation. It also helps with nerves, muscle relaxation, and in some ways with being able to consciously keep the muscles relaxed. Too bad it is making me mentally lazy. But my penis is liking it, so I use it strategically and not very often.

So what was the effect? It was a complete reversal. I stopped having daytime cold hard flaccids (almost) completely. Sometimes it does get cold, but it is not turtled, and can be easily warmed up. My nighttime erections have been very good. The sex drive is high. The sensitivity almost returned. I feel almost normal.

I had to get a second girlfriend. I did not want to do it. I love my main one, we do not want to break up ever, but the sex is almost non-existent, and my manly health is suffering. I can’t make her want it, and trying to do that created an unnecessary stress for both of us. A second girlfriend is an effective solution, a boost to my my libido, motivation, and happiness. It’s a win-win-win for everybody. At least for now.

And get this… for the first time since joining this forum (10+ years ago) I gained some length and girth! I lost 0.5 - 0.75" over the years, compared to my mid-20’s size, especially during this recent turmoil, but now I have regained it all back in just two months! If it keeps going this way, I might become bigger than I have ever been, LOL!

You regained lost size, increased your libido and testosterone getting your sex life back on track? Did it increase desire in the original girlfriend?

Originally Posted by SeekingPlatinum

My penis LOVES cannabis. I’ve had some amazing sex sessions on it. Makes me very sensitive but not to the point I ejaculate super fast. But man, those orgasms are incredible. Shame I don’t have a qualified condition to get it legally where I moved to.

Pretty much anyone can get a medicinal MJ card, if it is legal in your state. There are special doctors who find dozens of valid reasons for it. Women can claim cramps and men can claim back pain, joint pain, old injuries, sleep problems, depression, anxiety… anything. Particularly, if you had visited other doctors for the same condition, whether their treatment was successful or not.

Originally Posted by Sizeking87
Not sure if it’s Raynaud’s (though my mom has that), but I’ve noticed a similar issue arising over the last couple of years and its been very upsetting.
My penis is looking visibly like it’s not getting adequate circulation; particularly in the head, which looks dark, purple-sh, and splotchy. It’s usually cold to the touch.
Meanwhile, my libido (which has always waxed and waned annoyingly over periods of months for no apparent reason) has been very low for the last couple of years, and utterly FLATLINED over this past year since quarantine started.. And then the moving across the country for graduate school. Masturbation feels like a chore, and I can’t get fully hard no matter what I do..

Frustratingly, I don’t feel confident that any general-practice/primary care doctor will have any clue about this kind of stuff.

I’m 33 and in pretty great shape (gym regularly, eat and hydrate and sleep pretty well).. But have spent the last 4 years going back to school for a biology degree to get into dental school, and it’s been VERY stressful (need those straight A’s to get into med school).. Amplified by my clinical anxiety.
Now I’m *in* my first semester of dental school, and it’s made the constant stress of the last 4 years look like child’s play..

So, right off the bat, I’m thinking libido issues and ED as a psychosomatic response to constant stress/anxiety, and probably also as a physiological consequence of the sustained elevated stress (cortisol, etc.).

I’ve largely ruled out hormonal problems.. Bloodwork confirmed that I do have naturally low testosterone, but I spent the last couple of years on Clomid (which helped but wasn’t getting my T levels up to optimal), and this past year taking exogenous testosterone injections (which should have my libido raging, but I feel no different, aside from chronically sore nipples now).

My biggest fear: that my last few years of practicing PE have somehow irreparably damaged the tissues of my penis..
1) Weight hanging (5-15 lbs) using a AutoXleeve silicone sleeve with its suction-end-piece,
2) Pumping with a properly-fitting tube by Thickwall Cylinders (some edema/blanching in the head after most long sessions, and accidental blisters a couple of times, but I’ve generally been careful not to get too aggressive with the pressure),
3) And wearing the AutoXleeve with its weighted end piece, throughout the days and especially nights.

I gained some initial size from my PE efforts (though that’s stalled).. But I’m petrified that I’ve damaged things, either vascularly or with accumulation of internal scar tissue. And this isn’t something I can even bother bringing up with my doctor.

BUT.. I know I’m not totally physically broken, because I occasionally wake up with great morning wood- so I know its still *able* to get perfectly hard. Just infuriatingly not on-cue.
And even with the morning wood, my head doesn’t fill the way it used to.. I’ve always had a great full helmet-head when hard, and now its spongy even when the rest of my shaft is rock-solid.

I’ve tried a slew of the usual herbal supplements for male virility, libido, blood flow, etc.. No results to get excited about.

I’m really concerned/worried, and am at a total loss for where to turn or what to constructively do about it. I’d start trying the Angion Method to encourage angiogenesis, but my inability to get adequately hard on-demand already has me doubting I could even chub-up enough for proper jelqing..

Someone, please help enlighten and guide me here.

I have learned through trial and error that “use it, or lose it” is very true when it comes to penis.

I would postpone any ambitions to increase the size until you start having hard and predictable erections. You need to make your penis healthy first, else any additional strain/injury that you subject it to would only make it more sick.

Have you tried nightly Viagra 10mg, or Cialis 5mg? It used to do wonders for my testosterone and libido. I still take it regularly.

Your weights and pumping pressure/duration seem excessive. If they cause your penis muscles to tense up then it is worse than not doing anything. The only time that pumping works for me if it I am already fully erect before I use the pump. Then I keep the pressure much lower than I would otherwise, and still get a good blood flow into the penis and the glans. It is easy to do it every morning, if you live alone. And do not overdo it on the duration because this can be just as bad as pumping a flaccid penis.

A miracle but nevertheless temporary solution that I found was using Alprostadil. They inject that stuff into the penis to cause instant erections. They also use it in “Muse” pellets that you insert into your urethra. I have never tried Muse pellets, they used to be on a nationwide backorder, but I had a couple of compounding pharmacies make me a transdermal solution with Alprostadil and Lipoderm. The recipe is 1mg of Alprostadil per 1ml of Lipoderm. Put that in 1ml syringe and use 1/10 of the syringe when needed. Rub into the glans, or you could also apply it inside the urethra, although the pharmacy wouldn’t recommend this. Five minutes later and you have a stolen, hot and red glans, on a full-on erection. Be careful not to apply too much, else you’d have to run to ER for a downer injection.

The best thing that worked for me though is a new, wet and willing pussy. Nothing beats that, not even Alprostadil.

Oh, one more thing… I stopped the exogenous testosterone injections two years ago. They were not doing anything for me, other than shrinking my testicles and making them cold.

Injecting testosterone only works for me only temporary, and only when I combine that with some physical and mental sexual stimulation. Else, it doesn’t do anything good for me.

Originally Posted by djrobins
You regained lost size, increased your libido and testosterone getting your sex life back on track? Did it increase desire in the original girlfriend?

It is funny that you’d ask that!

I have noticed that I am sensitive to the level of hormones/pheromones in women, and they are even more sensitive to the level of hormones/pheromones in me.

I do not find women attractive in the state that I live in. I always wanted to go to Brazil and see those women in their natural habitat. I did that in late 2018 and in late 2019, meeting the same girl online and then arranging to come to visit her and spend 1-2 weeks together. My dick was the happiest it has been in the last 10 years! No ED whatsoever, great sensitivity, always hanging low and heavy, and sex several times a day every day.

Upon returning home, my girlfriend smelled me and “jumped my bones”. That lasted only a few days though.

The same thing happened after my second trip too. Except that I had a Brazilian girl sitting next to me on the plane on the way back to the US. We first talked, then she snuggled up to me while pretending to be asleep, and then we were making out for the rest of the flight. I am dating her now. I love her too.

I left my girlfriend of 10+ years. She had been taking some hormonal pills, which wrecked havoc on her libido, and my libido as well. Apparently, I was so miserable with my cold penis problems that she didn’t feel very attracted to me. And I didn’t feel attracted to her with her low hormone levels and low desire. Her libido came back only after I left her and she stopped taking those pills, but it was a bit too late. I really hate it when women become horny only when they want to catch and retain a man.

Last edited by C0rnholio : 11-16-2020 at .

Originally Posted by C0rnholio
It is funny that you’d ask that!

I have noticed that I am sensitive to the level of hormones/pheromones in women, and they are even more sensitive to the level of hormones/pheromones in me.

Very good you noticed this. I suspect the same is true for many.

Originally Posted by C0rnholio
I do not find women attractive in the state that I live in. I always wanted to go to Brazil and see those women in their natural habitat. I did that in late 2018 and in late 2019, meeting the same girl online and then arranging to come to visit her and spend 1-2 weeks together. My dick was the happiest it has been in the last 10 years! No ED whatsoever, great sensitivity, always hanging low and heavy, and sex several times a day every day.

Yessir! A good sex life with a attractive woman whose into you with the right chemistry makes skin splitting erections, and a larger hanging flaccid and low hang balls. Sexuality is part of masculinity. Femininity super charges and amplifier of masculinity.

Originally Posted by C0rnholio
Upon returning home, my girlfriend smelled me and “jumped my bones”. That lasted only a few days though.

She didn’t have to smell pussy juice. It was your masculine swagger and pheromones. Your woman was reclaiming her “ownership”, same thing happened to me in the same situation. Sex starved for 9 months by my woman at the time. Finally got a gf. She wanted to fvck me asap after seeing me after my new gf put it on me.

Originally Posted by C0rnholio
The same thing happened after my second trip too. Except that I had a Brazilian girl sitting next to me on the plane on the way back to the US. We first talked, then she snuggled up to me while pretending to be asleep, and then we were making out for the rest of the flight. I am dating her now. I love her too.

The new pheromones. Our chemistry adjust to who we lay with. If you lay with a woman who doesn’t desire you then you’ll put out a sex starved vibe. If you lay with a woman who desire you then your vibe will be of a sexual and desired man.

Originally Posted by C0rnholio

I left my girlfriend of 10+ years. She had been taking some hormonal pills, which wrecked havoc on her libido, and my libido as well. Apparently, I was so miserable with my cold penis problems that she didn’t feel very attracted to me. And I didn’t feel attracted to her with her low hormone levels and low desire. Her libido came back only after I left her and she stopped taking those pills, but it was a bit too late. I really hate it when women become horny only when they want to catch and retain a man.

Alot of women are wired like that. Its why they can stop sex immediately after submitting him in marriage. Laying with the loe desire ex probably produced a pitiful flaccid and small balls. You probably felt like shit and had ED.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Laying with the low desire ex probably produced a pitiful flaccid and small balls. You probably felt like shit and had ED.

Yep. This is exactly how it all started 3-4 years ago. My fault that I stayed with her this long. My mojo was a bit down after some overtraining in the gym:sports, and she didn’t help me improve it at all.

Originally Posted by C0rnholio
Yep. This is exactly how it all started 3-4 years ago. My fault that I stayed with her this long. My mojo was a bit down after some overtraining in the gym:sports, and she didn’t help me improve it at all.

Her type is usually miserable and she will be dragging you down to feel better about herself.

I guarantee 90% of the mojo being down was HER. She wasn’t making you feel good.

I have a small progress report.

Someone asked me about the Shockwave therapy. No, Shockwave was not helpful at all. Actually, it was counterproductive.

As I mentioned before, many of my pelvic floor muscles were too tight, clenched from constant stress and body inflammation. At the same time, my lower back was tight, I had other muscle knots in random places. So, no surprise, some of my pelvic floor muscles were tight too. And if they are tight, then they can block the normal blood flow to the penis.

So, I first switched to low-carb and Keto diet (eating fruits and other carbs and snacking every 3 hours promotes inflammation). When on Keto, fasting for 18 - 24 - 36 hours becomes really easy. Fasting really stops inflammation.

To get my pelvic floor muscles to relax and start working again, I first tried E-Stim, which was fun a few times. Then I started playing with various masturbation sleeves and anal toys. Some of them allowed me to achieve the most full erection while being completely relaxed. I also started paying attention to my pelvic floor muscles during the day. If I can do a pushing kegel, then I am relaxed. If not, then I need to relax first.

Recently, I started experimenting with hanging, but the jury is still out on this one. I have to have a partial erection or at least a full and relaxed penis for hanging to be effective and not harmful, which is not easy to do.

The most important part is to have nighttime and morning erections. I take 5mg of Cialis or 10mg of Viagra before bed. A little porn and a few minutes of relaxed edging before bed help a lot. I also do pushing kegels while edging. I avoid pulling kegels, they are part of the problem.

Of course, regular hot sex is the best cure.

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