Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PONR just kicked in yo!


Originally Posted by A69
Can someone please explain to me this fascination with semen retention?

And you guys do realise that there is a direct link between reduced ejaculation frequency and increased risk of prostate cancer?
Ejaculation Frequency and Risk of Prostate Cancer: Updated Results with an Additional Decade of Follow-up - PubMed

I mean, I’m set. I have had a vasectomy so none of my semen is (are?) going anywhere. But that also means I may be at increased risk of prostate cancer (the evidence is weak at best, and at worst there is a a slightly elevated risk of developing PC, but not necessarily dying from it)

There is a reason men have wet dreams if ejaculation frequency is severely reduced.

Umm no? This is false in my opinion. Just because your troops aren’t leaving the headquarters no more doesn’t mean you are more likely to face prostate cancer down the road. Semen is mixed with other liquids before being dispensed through the urethra and its quantity is relatively little, compared to the liquids that it’s mixed with. The prostate liquid makes the most of that mixture, so the speculation is that if the prostate isn’t used regularly it will malfunction to the point of cancer. In my opinion that is complete bullshit, but that may just be me.

Starting stats (as of September 2018): 13.5cm / 5.3" BPEL ||| 11.5cm / 4.5" MSEG

Current stats (as of November 2022): 17cm / 6.7" BPEL ||| 13.5cm / 5.3" MSEG

JinnGB's progression

Nocturnal emissions are more frequent than guys may think. Despite your best-laid plans to store a giant vat of semen in yourself, it often disperses by itself at night. With body heat, it can dry up during the course of the night, and you barely even know that it happened the next morning.

Director, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI), Thundersplace | Land Acknowledgment

Originally Posted by Don Logan
Nocturnal emissions are more frequent than guys may think. Despite your best-laid plans to store a giant vat of semen in yourself, it often disperses by itself at night. With body heat, it can dry up during the course of the night, and you barely even know that it happened the next morning.

The funny thing is that I had a few of them when I first tried retaining for longer. I usually wake up when the emission occurs.

Starting stats (as of September 2018): 13.5cm / 5.3" BPEL ||| 11.5cm / 4.5" MSEG

Current stats (as of November 2022): 17cm / 6.7" BPEL ||| 13.5cm / 5.3" MSEG

JinnGB's progression

I’ve been retaining for awhile now, for PE purposes. Spunk only for sex. But I think I’m gonna stop.

Last night the wife and I had sex, for the first time in 2 weeks. I lasted like 2 minutes! Very disappointed in myself.

We generally only have sex on the weekends. I think I’m gonna go back to releasing once a week, usually Thursdays. Give me a day or two to build some back up. If I’m all backed up, 2 weeks worth, I can’t last for shit! And, I hate when that happens!!!

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

Originally Posted by JinnGB

Umm no? This is false in my opinion. Just because your troops aren’t leaving the headquarters no more doesn’t mean you are more likely to face prostate cancer down the road. Semen is mixed with other liquids before being dispensed through the urethra and its quantity is relatively little, compared to the liquids that it’s mixed with. The prostate liquid makes the most of that mixture, so the speculation is that if the prostate isn’t used regularly it will malfunction to the point of cancer. In my opinion that is complete bullshit, but that may just be me.

Sorry to be blunt , but science don’t care about your opinions, only facts and the facts are as I laid out in my previous post

Originally Posted by Don Logan

Nocturnal emissions are more frequent than guys may think. Despite your best-laid plans to store a giant vat of semen in yourself, it often disperses by itself at night. With body heat, it can dry up during the course of the night, and you barely even know that it happened the next morning.

Exactly, and there is a reason why they happen

Originally Posted by A69
Can someone please explain to me this fascination with semen retention?

Yeah I dont get it either. For me makes no sense and I see it as celibacy.

Besides, your semen sooner or later will turn yellowish after not cumming for a while (Necrozoospermia & oxidative stress accumulation)

I could link the studies related to the above mentioned but since it will be “false”, not gonna bother :)

Everyone have their believes, you @A69 showed a link from a reputable source “PUBMED”, yet “its false” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Let them be, they will continue doing it one way or another. BUT sooner or later they will cum while dreaming, its just a matter of time.


If most of you are seeking bigger loads, why not try enclomiphene, hcg, rfsh, glutathione, l-carnitine and so on.

Last edited by fdersby88 : 06-12-2022 at .

Originally Posted by A69
Can someone please explain to me this fascination with semen retention?

And you guys do realise that there is a direct link between reduced ejaculation frequency and increased risk of prostate cancer?
Ejaculation Frequency and Risk of Prostate Cancer: Updated Results with an Additional Decade of Follow-up - PubMed

I mean, I’m set. I have had a vasectomy so none of my semen is (are?) going anywhere. But that also means I may be at increased risk of prostate cancer (the evidence is weak at best, and at worst there is a a slightly elevated risk of developing PC, but not necessarily dying from it)

There is a reason men have wet dreams if ejaculation frequency is severely reduced.

You can’t be more wrong.

Thing that helps prostate health is contractions of the pelvic floor that massage that gland, just do those contractions and massage it externally ot internally for that matter and no need to empty your balls

How possibly could fluid in one gland harm another?

It is bonkers, prostate need your attention, love and care just as any other part of your body.

If all prostate stimulation you do is 7-8 contractions when you cum, then you aren’t really stimulating it at all.

I do a ton of kegels followed by even more reverse kegels to avoid too tight pelvic floor which makes you cum much faster.

After reverse kegels I massage whole area from anus to pubic bone which relaxes those muscles while also stimulating the prostate.

I sometimes milk more prostate fluid-precum than I would ejaculate semen if I decided to do so.

That is all your prostate needs, it doesn’t need empty balls, it needs love and care

Originally Posted by jocacar
You can’t be more wrong.

Thing that helps prostate health is contractions of the pelvic floor that massage that gland, just do those contractions and massage it externally ot internally for that matter and no need to empty your balls

How possibly could fluid in one gland harm another?

It is bonkers, prostate need your attention, love and care just as any other part of your body.

If all prostate stimulation you do is 7-8 contractions when you cum, then you aren’t really stimulating it at all.

I do a ton of kegels followed by even more reverse kegels to avoid too tight pelvic floor which makes you cum much faster.

After reverse kegels I massage whole area from anus to pubic bone which relaxes those muscles while also stimulating the prostate.

I sometimes milk more prostate fluid-precum than I would ejaculate semen if I decided to do so.

That is all your prostate needs, it doesn’t need empty balls, it needs love and care

Except if you actually looked at the studies, the theory on ejaculation frequency is based on a theory called the Prostate Stagnation Hypothesis which is a theory that states that one potential reason for the increased risk of prostate cancer when ejaculation frequency is reduced involves prostatic accumulation of potentially carcinogenic secretions, which may create more opportunity for Prostate cancer development.

The ejaculation process is far more involved than simply emptying your balls. It is a cascade of events and it is still not fully understood how the lack of those events are linked to prostate cancer.
However, it is thought that this cascade of events helps in maintaining prostate health and so reducing the risk of prostate cancer.

So until someone can show me even a credible scientific theory as to how prostate massage and “love and care” will prevent me getting prostate cancer, I will be emptying my balls deep into my wife at every opportunity I get.
If anyone has seen one of Layne Norton’s youtube videos lately, they will have seen his cool t-shirt that states…..”DATA > feelings”

I’m more than happy for my brothers here at Thunders to do as they please.
I just ask that they stop professing their feeling on a subject as scientific fact


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