Thunder's Place

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Sildenafil Didn't Work Oh And ED at 32


Sildenafil Didn't Work Oh And ED at 32

So.. I’m now 32 (last june) I haven’t hooked up with anyone in years because of work and my location (in a mountain) province isn’t conducive either.

Last night I dated a guy and I was really into him. A friend of mine jokingly gave me 100 mg if sildenafil before the date.

So fastforward to the part, I was turned on at first. Got hard a bit. But when I tried.. I wilted. He blew me got hard but when we tried again, wilted. So bright idea, found the sildenafil in my pockets and secretly took it.

30 minutes later, doesn’t work. So ended uo pleasuring him instead. Didn’t even managed to orgasm myself.

2 hours, palpitations of 130 bpm and some light headedness. 12 hours no erection. I’m still here. Limp as a noodle.

So I guess I have problems.

"Men are gifted with two heads, sadly they do not

have enough blood to run

both at the same time" by anonymous

Was it the real sildenafil or a knock off? It can be a blue pill and state its 100mg and be a fake. Sidlenafil branded (Viagra) is very expensive in the USA. You can get a generic 20mg if the script is written Sildenafil Citrate 20mg. That is cheaper.

Did your friend say they worked for him? Also if you ate a meal, especially a high fat meal within the previous 2 hrs, it may not work or be delayed. I have the name brand not work on occasion. Remember this only works if your mind is horny. You don’t get hard just taking one if you are not horny, drunk, anxiety , nervous, or stressed out for example

Mph is it available in the states generic yet? I think it doesn’t expire for a little longer or maybe it was the end of 2017 I forgot. If it has expired I would think it would take awhile to hit the market.

I also took 100mg of sildenafil(ravatio) from a friend on more than one occasion but I got absolutely nothing from it. Not even a side effects. I know its the real deal because the friend is an old guy who relies on it. Liquid sildenafil from iron dragon is the same as it gives me absolutely nothing. Liquid tadalafil works a little but doesn’t get me hard enough. I wonder if levitra would work? I am currently waiting for my doctors appointment date to get here and I will still have to wait for results after the tests. I rely on pills from sex shops to have sex until I can get prescribed something that actually works consistently.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Yes, do see a urologist, but here are some questions:
1. Do you get hard when you masturbate? If so, how is the quality (very hard, somewhat hard, etc.)
2. Do you have morning wood? Morning tumescence?
3. How is your general health? Diabetes? high blood pressure? Do you smoke, drink alcohol? Do you exercise regularly? Are you overweight? What is your general level of energy?

Sounds like you haven’t been “using” it much. If you masturbate more frequently, it ought to help with the erections by improving blood flow.

Lastly, of course it can be psychological - anxiety since you haven’t been with anyone for a while, and of course there are other causes, but i’m very confident this situation can be improved. Gentle PE also helps most people.

Originally Posted by Nostradongus
Yes, do see a urologist, but here are some questions:
1. Do you get hard when you masturbate? If so, how is the quality (very hard, somewhat hard, etc.)
2. Do you have morning wood? Morning tumescence?
3. How is your general health? Diabetes? high blood pressure? Do you smoke, drink alcohol? Do you exercise regularly? Are you overweight? What is your general level of energy?

Sounds like you haven’t been “using” it much. If you masturbate more frequently, it ought to help with the erections by improving blood flow.

Lastly, of course it can be psychological - anxiety since you haven’t been with anyone for a while, and of course there are other causes, but i’m very confident this situation can be improved. Gentle PE also helps most people.

He has quite a bit of good questions that you should ask yourself but before you go and assume that there is something wrong with you please do the following. Again, I’m going to assume that you do the following and that I’m suggesting what to do as a solution:

1. If you are masturbating more then once a day, cut it back to once a week and only masturbate with your imagination.
2. Cut out all porn in your life
3. If you are going to masturbate, make it worth it. Try to stroke yourself in different variations, slow, fast, the tip etc. Make it your own personal time.
4. Cut out all that garbage Pharmaceutical Drugs. (This is my opinion) Western Medicine is the most profitable industry product with the goal of being for profit. It is never in the best interest for the consumer. I personally run and manage a health food store where I am and I can not tell you enough how much I despise the pharma medicine. If you are on any drugs, please look for ways to completely ween off of those drugs. The side effects from minor to major is a huge list when taking those drugs and you are guaranteed to experience a few of those side effects.
5. This is something that you can take to help with blood flow. Korean Ginseng (Only after you doubled check with an acupuncturist if your body can handle the ginseng), Tribulus (this is a short term thing), Black Maca (this one is going to be tough since the real black maca is grown in a few regions and a lot of companies just want to bottle up the yellow maca and sell it as black so try a few brands), Pine Pollen (This is GOLD, a lot of customers of mine are experiencing random erections throughout the day because of the ability to help produce more ‘free form testosterone’) Tongkat Ali (I only tried the Indonesian version which is 600 MG 200:1 extract), L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, there are plenty of other things that you can try but these are the main ones for me.
6. Eat foods that are good for you overall. Stay away from sugar dense foods. I noticed that my erection quality drops when I eat a lot of sugars. Also the usual, stay away from cigarettes, alcohol etc.

Hope this helps buddy

Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')

Current: MSEG - 4.80' - 5.2'

Goal: 9x6

Originally Posted by Nostradongus
Yes, do see a urologist, but here are some questions:
1. Do you get hard when you masturbate? If so, how is the quality (very hard, somewhat hard, etc.)
2. Do you have morning wood? Morning tumescence?
3. How is your general health? Diabetes? high blood pressure? Do you smoke, drink alcohol? Do you exercise regularly? Are you overweight? What is your general level of energy?

Sounds like you haven’t been “using” it much. If you masturbate more frequently, it ought to help with the erections by improving blood flow.

Lastly, of course it can be psychological - anxiety since you haven’t been with anyone for a while, and of course there are other causes, but i’m very confident this situation can be improved. Gentle PE also helps most people.

1. When masturbating sometimes I get somewhat hard and sometimes weak. If I am standing it doesn’t get as hard but it gets a little more hard while sitting. I need a lot of stimulation to get up.

2. I get morning wood and nocturnal wood that is really hard. The kind of erections I wish I could get again at will. But when I wake up and it goes down it’s like it become lifeless again. Barely getting hard which make penetration difficult. Sometimes I can get hard and others I can’t.

3. I lift weights and do cardio regularly (currently took a break from weights to give my body a rest since I suspected overtraining but I should be seen more improvement than this after 3 weeks off.) My blood pressure average between 116 and 123 systolic and diastolic van be as low as 60 most times. I noticed that after I did leg days my systolic pressure the next day would be in the high 130s. I read that a 2 month break from weights restored some guys sex drive and erections. Besides my nocturnal wood which is stronger and occur more often my daytime erections haven’t shown much improvement. As far as I know I’m not diabetic and I don’t drink or smoke at all. I am 6’3 195lbs and lean enough to have a visible 8 pack without flexing. I eat mostly clean and eat lots of fruit and veggies. Probably eat better than 97% of Americans. With my lifestyle of exercise and eating one would think I’m as healthy as a person could be which puzzles me as to why I have these problems.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

One thing that’s weird is it’s extremely difficult getting hard in the morning on an empty stomach but after I eat some food it helps. It wont get hard at all if im standing and trying to get erect first thing in the morning after my morning wood goes down. I find that odd.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Originally Posted by Rahman810
I get morning wood and nocturnal wood that is really hard. The kind of erections I wish I could get again at will. But when I wake up and it goes down it’s like it become lifeless again. Barely getting hard which make penetration difficult. Sometimes I can get hard and others I can’t.

Given what you wrote about the quality of your night and morning wood, to me it sounds like you are suffering from performance anxiety.

Decent article from the Mayo Clinic site on what performance anxiety is and how to get over it:

Sexual Performance Anxiety
Sexual Performance Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Just a little except from the article:

Originally Posted by The Mayo Clinic

Your state of mind can have a big impact on your ability to get aroused. Even if you’re with someone who you find sexually appealing, worrying about whether you’ll be able to please your partner can make it impossible for you to do just that.

One of the effects of the stress hormones is to narrow blood vessels. When less blood flows into your penis, it’s more difficult to have an erection. Even guys who normally don’t have any trouble getting excited might not be able to get an erection when they’re overcome by sexual performance anxiety.


Anxiety can take you out of the right mind-set for sex. When you’re focused on whether you’ll perform well, you can’t concentrate on what you’re doing in bed. Even if you are able to get aroused, you may be too distracted to reach orgasm.

Sexual performance anxiety leads to a cycle of troubles. You might become so anxious about sex that you can’t perform, which leads to even more sexual performance anxiety.

More at link. Megalomax, maybe take a look at it too when you get a chance.

Last edited by sta-kool : 02-14-2018 at .

That’s what first came to mind for me as well.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

But the thing is I fail to get erections while I’m alone about 90% of the time and when I do get them they are very weak(not rigid). Sometimes I can only get a 60% erection and other times 90% full. The 90% full erections are rare. If I could function outside of sex I would’ve assumed performance anxiety but it’s not that.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

So I have been thinking about your stiff night wood and your less that stiff woof when you are awake.

Rahman, what is your masturbation style? Super tight grip and beating the hell out of it? That can “train” your cock to be less sensitive to more subtle stimulation.

I think our PE routines can do the same.

Take a look at this site on “Death Grip Masturbation” and see if it applies:

Masturbation Death Grip Syndrome
http://curedeat … .com/index.html

I have suffered from this in the past and overcame it through training with a Fleshlight. I think it may be time to retrain, as I have fallen back in the habit of gripping too hard and flogging it.

Last edited by sta-kool : 02-16-2018 at .

Originally Posted by sta-kool
So I have been thinking about your stiff night wood and your less that stiff woof when you are awake.

Rahman, what is your masturbation style? Super tight grip and beating the hell out of it? That can “train” your cock to be less sensitive to more subtle stimulation.

I think our PE routines can do the same.

Take a look at this site on “Death Grip Masturbation” and see if it applies:

Masturbation Death Grip Syndrome
http://curedeat … .com/index.html

I have suffered from this in the past and overcame it through training with a Fleshlight. I think it may be time to retrain, as I have fallen back in the habit of gripping too hard and flogging it.

I only use a fleshlight to masturbate and when I did use my hand I was gentle.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75


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