Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The "No SEX" Ordeal In Long-term Relationships

1 678910

Originally Posted by Makehergocrazy
Alright my man, I think I got to page 7 and I’ve read enough! It’s making me go crazy, lol. Where do I start.

Your a man, and you have needs. She is comfortable now, and no longer has competition anxiety. You’ve given her no sign that if she doesn’t get her shit together, you will move on. So what does she have to fear? She’s smart, she gives you a nice BJ once a month to keep you on hold. Just enough to not worry about you moving on. She’s manipulative, and makes you feel as if being a man in itself is wrong.

Dude, you’ve done the works. Massages, deep talks, patience (very respectable amounts), lingerie and sweet gifts. And still, not only does she keep you in HER frame, she feels even more content with knowing your tied to her string.

Look man, women are designed by nature to want and find the best man they can get. That’s hypergamy. I saw a comment on one of the pages where another member said something along the lines of, “ya it’s a trip, whenever I seem to be working on myself and becoming better all of a sudden the panties drop”. Ya go figure. She needs to do what she can to keep that valued man in her life. Are you starting to understand what I’m saying?

You have every right, every fucking right, to want to have a partner that is sexually motivated and present with you. You are a man. And a healthy man will always want and need sex. It’s biological. We should always choose a partner that understands and respects this.

The moment they feel the, “kick rocks” coming. As long as she truly respects you as a man, and she believes you are higher than her on the sexual market, she will do anything to keep you with her, which involves taking care of your needs. Plus, they need this. They need to feel like they gotta keep their man impressed.

Ever heard stories about how a woman will swallow a mans load and let him fuck her in the ass, but with another man she decides when he can get some basic missionary sex? They are perceived to be at different levels of the sexual market value totem pole.

Look, if you take care of yourself and your healthy, you’ll be in your prime even up to 45-50. Women on the other hand, start to lose their prime much faster. Especially when it comes to being able to have and birth children. They instinctively fight to not have their man choose a younger and healthier woman than them. That’s their biggest threat. But in order for this to happen, again, she needs to respect you and perceive you as a high valued man.

I suggest truly working on yourself, because that’s what should come first anyways. I’d bet she’d drop her panties much faster for you if you started becoming more fit and active, more successful with your career, and of more value overall, than buying her things left and right, and giving her the oil massages. Treat her like a super star, and she’ll treat you like a fan.

Once she has respected you and has proven her value to you as a man, well then sure reminding her how much she means to you is of course necessary. But there’s a time and place.

Look up on YouTube, “holding frame” or “keeping frame”.

I suggest reading the book, “the unplugged alpha”. I think this book will change you for the better, brother. It may just be what you need.

By the way, you sound like a good fucking man. I truly respect the effort you are putting in. You deserve a good partner.

+1 - this nails it IMO.

Mar21 - BPFSL: 6.5", BPEL: 6.5", NBPEL: 6", MEG: 5.5"

Jan22 - BPFSL: 8" (cold), BPEL: 7.5", NBPEL: 6.875", MEG: 5.5"

One Day - BPFSL: 9.5", BPEL: 9", NBPEL: 8.5", MEG: 6"


What’s going on Flowsky? Haven’t heard back from you. Be honest brother, was that not the advice you were wanting to hear? Hope all is well.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Actually I was overburdened by work, as my primary field of income is photography and graphic design, so… busy month.

As per the situation I am having…

We became more open about what is going on inside our brains, especially when her female friend dropped the bomb about being pregnant. This piece of news turned her inside out. She sees a possible pregnancy as a fine way to keep me at her side. Or, if I may use your analogy, she dropped a “crowdpleaser” single, just to keep in touch with her fan.


I am no dumb ass, and managed to swivel past the “Oh, it would be nice to have a baby, as we are approaching our 30s.” vibe. No way I could put myself in a scenario like this, despite my desire to have a child. Told her that the NoSex policy is real, it has a purpose, despite the several hiccups along the road. Explained to her that, with my luck, if we decide to have a baby, I would do my job in just a couple of tries, and then we would go back to not having sex again. This time - for a very long time. I tried to explain that fertility and sexual desire are two different subjects, which have nothing in common. I know many girls, which have their libido up in the skies, but their fertility it tampered by some physiological problems.

She disagreed, but I had no strength left to argue, just let her talking past my head.

I was a semi-professional football player once, but due to knee injuries I have been forced to quit football for good. However, looking at my 55 kg of masculinity, I seem like i never moved from being 15-year-old. This is about to change. I am starting a full body improvement program, aiming at 65-70 kg of lean muscle and below 10% body fat. My body fat is low, as my metabolism is super fast, so that’s not a big concern.

My plan for bulking include a three month free weight workout routine of 100 push-ups, 100 crunches, 100 dips, and 100 split squats daily, with rest days corresponding to my PE rest days. I also believe improving my body would yield a positive result in terms of attraction, whether it is my girl or someone else.
Yes, I have to increase the value of myself, since I have no time to lose with explaining to someone how the fuck to be active, regardless of the situation. The passiveness hurts way more than activeness. I even opted for her to find a lover, or a side dude, just to re-train her brain.

Anyways, she decided to take the hormones tests in January, but I hardly doubt it would happen. She feels “the burden” of society pressing her into having a child. She even managed to slurp out the “I would have a normal family, eventually, whether or not it is with you”.

Ah, the relief! Ah, the freedom that sentence brings. It means we will soon uncover the true face of my girl. If she really wants to be with me - she will change for the better, and change permanently. If she doesn’t want to be with me - we will part ways and seek comfort on our own.

Starting point - 15.5 centimeters BPFLS=BPEL, 12 cm. MSEG /// Goal: 20 cm BPFLS, 18 cm BPEL, 14 cm MSEG

Let the marathon begin - Flowsky's progression

Originally Posted by flowsky
She even managed to slurp out the “I would have a normal family, eventually, whether or not it is with you”.

Ah, the relief! Ah, the freedom that sentence brings. It means we will soon uncover the true face of my girl.

I believe she just uncovered it, for you. I wanted to hope for you both. That’s enough there for me, I’d skate the fuck out.

That sentence does bring freedom. Freedom to move the hell on. It sucks, but that’s the story she’s making you write. Now burn the book and move on. Let her squeeze the shit out of someone else too weak to call her bluff. You hit all the marks. Plenty of women out there that’d repay your efforts 100 fold… not with an “I’m feeling frisky, flowsky; how’s about a handy, or blowy?”

It’s time to get real, brother.


Yep, considering it, despite my best efforts to keep the relationship going, since she is a wonderful person, indeed.

However, these types of behavior are not what I can call normal.

Starting point - 15.5 centimeters BPFLS=BPEL, 12 cm. MSEG /// Goal: 20 cm BPFLS, 18 cm BPEL, 14 cm MSEG

Let the marathon begin - Flowsky's progression

You are being emotionally abused , she is not a wonderful person . If you feel like your the only one pushing to keep the relationship going , it isn’t worth it .

Once again I say move on. Get yourself healthy. You have time to get into a healthy relationship with a woman who will appreciate you for all that you are, make love to you and fuck you senseless, and be a good mother to your kid(s).

He was delighted as it stiffened

And ripped right through his sock

It’s been a good year

I don’t think she’s wonderful, not how you describe her. She’s reached the comfort level of relying on you for her life. She’s milking you for all you’re worth. Get out while you can! She’ll try to trap you into a miserable life alongside her with a baby. She wants what she wants, which isn’t a lot, and not what you want, which is a great relationship. Get out while you can, I know you love her and there is a lot of years between you both, but it doesn’t sound like its ever going to work our or you’ll get the lifestyle you so desire and quite frankly deserve.

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

Originally Posted by flowsky
I am starting a full body improvement program, aiming at 65-70 kg of lean muscle and below 10% body fat. My body fat is low, as my metabolism is super fast, so that’s not a big concern.


She feels “the burden” of society pressing her into having a child. She even managed to slurp out the “I would have a normal family, eventually, whether or not it is with you”.

She’s drawn her line in the sand. You’ve spent more time than anyone can reasonably justify on a broken relationship; time to move on while your market value is still high.

I understand you’ve been together a long time, and there are probably complicating factors keeping you together, but what you’ve been describing is a toxic relationship. It’s not going to get any better. And as she just implied, it can get a lot worse.

I have to admit I haven’t read the whole thread but I just saw that you aren’t even 30 yet. In my opinion, if you’re in a dysfunctional relationship at such a young age, it will never get better. You don’t have kids, you’re not looking back at 25 years of memories - you’ve got your whole life ahead of you.

Waiting for her to change is totally pointless, I’m afraid. Truth needs to be told, people don’t change. If they’re not the person you want them to be already then there’s nothing to do here. If they were that person once and something made them change then it’s worth investigating what that was and see if there’s a way back (adding the disclaimer as I haven’t read it all).

If not, you need to stop the codependency and stand on your own.

My progress Start: c. 5" NBP x 5.5 MEG

Aug 21: 5.9" NBP x 5.7 MEG

Nov 21: 6.5” NBP GOAL: 7" NBP

What makes her wonderful?

My progress Start: c. 5" NBP x 5.5 MEG

Aug 21: 5.9" NBP x 5.7 MEG

Nov 21: 6.5” NBP GOAL: 7" NBP

Ya man, there’s no such thing as a unicorn, but there are plenty of other woman out there that have more to offer and would absolutely appreciate the type of energy you put into a relationship.

Looks to me like she’s just draining you. They can either be a compliment to your life, or a drag. You get to decide. Luckily, you aren’t married or don’t have kids, so the law can’t fuck you in the ass and make it even harder, either.

I hope for the best. Know your value and expect to have the same.

Really, you should check out that book “the unplugged alpha”. It may be just what you need brother. Even has an audio book that’s only like 5 hours long.

Oh and one last thing that seems pertinent to this situation. Love will never be enough. A good relationship consistent of much more. Don’t let your love for her sabotage the great life and partnership you can have in this life.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Last edited by Makehergocrazy : 12-23-2021 at .

Important question, is she on birth control? If so what form? And the tests you guys have taken, have you checked her testosterone levels?

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

1 678910

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