Thunder's Place

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Penis under developed one side

Penis under developed one side

I noticed last night before I hopped in the shower that my penis seems to curve more flaccid (Possibly due to PE). Since I always see it in the mirror I decided to take a picture from someone Else’s perspective and the result was scary. It seemed to curve a lot more than I thought and I noticed that one side is under developed.
How can I work this side through exercises?
Thanks, .Parry..

P.S. I have been PEing for around 3 Months now.

I think it is mostly due to genetics; anyway, do you jelq mostly with one hand?

If you never noticed it before in life, either you really weren’t paying attention or PE might be a factor. I think when you notice things like this during PE development, it gives you a great opportunity to adjust your style/routine to compensate.

My journey .... My pics

Start BPEL 6.50" x MSEG 5.00"

Now BPEL 7.625" x MSEG 5.25"

Originally Posted by marinera

I think it is mostly due to genetics; anyway, do you jelq mostly with one hand?

Possibly. I jelq with two hands but my right is stronger than my left so I don’t know if that makes a difference.

It could. Try doing most of your jelqs with left hand.

Anyway, a curved penis is not that a disgrace nor ugly.

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