Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Stealth vs. Full Disclosure


Stealth vs. Full Disclosure

I’ve been open with my wife about starting my PE journey to build a bigger penis, better EQ and better ejaculation control.

My wife simply rolled her eyes when I told her my plans. She already thinks I’m obsessed with my rather ED ridden smaller penis but she does agree to support me as I put in the time, and purchase items needed for this journey.

So here’s the question, for those of you who go stealth mode from the very start,

Do you have plans of revealing your PEing at some point when you can no longer hide your gains or routine?

For those of you who remain in stealth mode, do you have an escape plan in place, if your significant other caught your with dick in hand in the act or through evidence you didn’t hide well enough. When I say escape plan, I mean a well thought out explanation.

And lastly, for those of you who remain in stealth mode, what do you think of your SO’s response would be if you told them the truth about your routine and lifestyle?

Thanks for playing

I had full blown ED when I started in stealth mode.
My Ed rapidly faded. Sex picked back up.
Wife asked what changed. I said something like ‘found a ED exercise routine on the internet’.

After gaining ~1” wife asked what exactly I was doing. It was a direct question, so of course she got a direct answer including me showing her my TM gear.
She thinks that I’m completely stupid for continuing to hang, but I worry about ED showing back up if I don’t do some sort of exercise.

BPEL: 5.5" --> 7.9" ; BPFSL: ~5.6" --> 8.5"

Progress log summary: Hanging with FIRe

"Going hard, fast and heavy is all against the scientific knowledge of tissue expansion or elongation." - Kyrpa

Originally Posted by 5.5Squared
I had full blown ED when I started in stealth mode.
My Ed rapidly faded. Sex picked back up.
Wife asked what changed. I said something like ‘found a ED exercise routine on the internet’.

After gaining ~1” wife asked what exactly I was doing. It was a direct question, so of course she got a direct answer including me showing her my TM gear.
She thinks that I’m completely stupid for continuing to hang, but I worry about ED showing back up if I don’t do some sort of exercise.

I also have ED. I don’t think my wife understands how debilitating it is not being able to hold an erection. It really becomes a major downer that consumes my every thought.

I think your wife will understand what you’re doing when she becomes the recipient of all your hard work and gains.

Originally Posted by 5.5Squared
I had full blown ED when I started in stealth mode.
My Ed rapidly faded. Sex picked back up.
Wife asked what changed. I said something like ‘found a ED exercise routine on the internet’.

After gaining ~1” wife asked what exactly I was doing. It was a direct question, so of course she got a direct answer including me showing her my TM gear.
She thinks that I’m completely stupid for continuing to hang, but I worry about ED showing back up if I don’t do some sort of exercise.

I feel like hanging somehow helps erections as well. Do u have a theory as to why?

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

Originally Posted by
I feel like hanging somehow helps erections as well. Do you have a theory as to why?

I am new to PE so I don’t really know how hanging improves erection quality but I would sure like to find out.
I do plan on hanging once I get through my newbie routine. I’m sure there are veterans here who could answer that question.

Originally Posted by
I feel like hanging somehow helps erections as well. Do u have a theory as to why?

I began supplementing with Vitamin D3 & K2. Moves calcium from arteries.
And of course I added heat to my hanging.

Last year I deconed for over 7 months with no lost functionality, so maybe it’s the supplements and regular use.

I totally understand the mind games that ED plays. I eventually figured out that my flavor of ED was actually PA (performance anxiety).
I worried so much about getting an erection that it was impossible to get an erection. <— catch-22

BPEL: 5.5" --> 7.9" ; BPFSL: ~5.6" --> 8.5"

Progress log summary: Hanging with FIRe

"Going hard, fast and heavy is all against the scientific knowledge of tissue expansion or elongation." - Kyrpa

Don’t feel bad about stealth mode. I don’t see it as hiding any secrets. My lady has an hour in the morning and a half hour at night in the bathroom, did she go over every detail of her face mask with me? I think it’s similar. I think she looks beautiful, and I enjoy her hard work both with her makeup and exercise routines. Thats just my opinion. I’m not saying that I am going to ignore signs of getting too big.

Originally Posted by evlwevl
I’ve been open with my wife about starting my PE journey to build a bigger penis, better EQ and better ejaculation control.
My wife simply rolled her eyes when I told her my plans. She already thinks I’m obsessed …

Even if she “supports” you, I dont like thar rolling eyes reaction.

The cock usually needs nothing to work just fine but sometimes needs massage, stretching, or some other basic care.
I dont understand why this have to be treated differently than if you stretch your hamstrings or she comb her hair.
PE do not need be hidden or treated with any form of shame or secrecy. Makes no sense to have it as a naughty boy’s secret.

Its just basic genital maintenance workout.
When I showed my first extender to my woman she understood immediately the goal was fuck deeper and got wet immediately.
For her, PE is sexy because she realize the result will work deeper inside her slit

I’ve been been PEing for almost 5 years years, stealth mode. But A time or two, I’ve left my clamps in the shower. And, almost a year ago she walked in the bathroom while I had the pump on. So, I was caught red handed.

She just rolled her eyes & said something like “Oh lord “.

She insists my size is fine. But, I can definitely tell a difference in her reactions to my improved size.

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

I mention it here there just pull & tug, push blood into it. She doesn’t know what time I put into effort yet. Am session before she gets up pm session before she gets home. About 30 minutes each. I’m hopeful some results will make her a fan of my member. She need a lot of time & attention. So that will be the struggle time. She thinks I obsess over it anyway, I do but hell it’s like a curse living in self shame. I work in healthcare it’s not like I don’t see what normal is. I’ve had ED for six years too. I’ve started to talk more about it last few days.

I don’t think there is a universal answer to this question. The correct answer is: it depends. Namely, on your wife. And how she is dealing with things like that.

My wife knows that I work out regularly. At this time she is on the couch, I am in my man cave. Everyone is happy where they are, she leaves me alone at that time. Recently I told her that I was pumping and right after that it was the right time to test it, since the girth is bigger. She liked it, she admitted that you can tell the difference.

When I tell her what else I want to achieve, she just says I’m complaining at the highest level. She doesn’t want more, but believe me, compared to all of you, I’m in the midfield! Let’s bet, if there is more, she will not complain.

They do their thing, we do our thing.

If our women can do kegels and get tit jobs and go to a spa day and what not to feel good. Why do we have to have any insecurity about PE? My stuff is out in the open - hiding it is silly, it’ll make a woman think she has a right to be upset. I have never had any issues with it.

Being secretive about it -to me- seems to indicate some weird form of guilt about doing something bad. It’s not. I keep myself in excellent shape, and any woman that feels insecure as in “are you doing this to attract other women” can kiss my &ss, s*ck my d&ck (or both :-D). Insecurity is a turn-off.

Originally Posted by evlwevl
I’ve been open with my wife about starting my PE journey to build a bigger penis, better EQ and better ejaculation control.

My wife simply rolled her eyes when I told her my plans. She already thinks I’m obsessed with my rather ED ridden smaller penis but she does agree to support me as I put in the time, and purchase items needed for this journey.

So here’s the question, for those of you who go stealth mode from the very start,

Do you have plans of revealing your PEing at some point when you can no longer hide your gains or routine?

For those of you who remain in stealth mode, do you have an escape plan in place, if your significant other caught your with dick in hand in the act or through evidence you didn’t hide well enough. When I say escape plan, I mean a well thought out explanation.

And lastly, for those of you who remain in stealth mode, what do you think of your SO’s response would be if you told them the truth about your routine and lifestyle?

Thanks for playing

I’m single, married once. I don’t think personally I could ever disclose that I partake in PE with a partner.

I will say that I am happy for everyone on here who has supportive partners that you can share this stuff with, I’m just jaded at this point.

Start May 11th, 2023: BPEL 16.8cm (6.6in) MSEG 12.5cm (4.92in) BPFSL 18.3cm (7.2in)

Current: BPEL: 17.9cm (7.04in) MSEG 12.5cm (4.92in) BPFSL 19.8cm (7.79in) June 7th 2023

Goal: BPEL: 24.13cm (9.5in) NBPEL: 22.86cm (9in) MSEG 16.51cm (6.5in) EG => Dream would be to have 17.78cm (7in) erect girth

Originally Posted by Lookinforgirth
I’ve been been PEing for almost 5 years years, stealth mode. But A time or two, I’ve left my clamps in the shower. And, almost a year ago she walked in the bathroom while I had the pump on. So, I was caught red handed.
She just rolled her eyes & said something like “Oh lord “.
She insists my size is fine. But, I can definitely tell a difference in her reactions to my improved size.

The words and reactions don’t line up which is why I wouldn’t be able to tell my gf/wife what I am doing in my free time.

Start May 11th, 2023: BPEL 16.8cm (6.6in) MSEG 12.5cm (4.92in) BPFSL 18.3cm (7.2in)

Current: BPEL: 17.9cm (7.04in) MSEG 12.5cm (4.92in) BPFSL 19.8cm (7.79in) June 7th 2023

Goal: BPEL: 24.13cm (9.5in) NBPEL: 22.86cm (9in) MSEG 16.51cm (6.5in) EG => Dream would be to have 17.78cm (7in) erect girth

I don’t want to play captain obvious here, but I just really really had to write something when I read this:

Originally Posted by evlwevl
I also have ED. I don’t think my wife understands how debilitating it is not being able to hold an erection. It really becomes a major downer that consumes my every thought.

I bet my penis that precisely what you said here is the cause of your ED. The fear of failing. If there is a clear medical reason then I apologize but just reading your thread and reading your measurements, I don’t think there is anything wrong with your d - as blatantly indicated by its entirely normal size!! Your thoughts are the problem.

Generally speaking, what most people in this forum but in this thread in particular should ask themselves, is whether it is the PE that is the treatment for their ED or whether it is just the psychological effect of it. Either because it makes a man think that they are doing something good and healthy to tackle their ED, sort of inducing a placebo treatment effect, or because it gives them confidence because they now think "bigger cock means better sex".
Would they liberate their mind from this idea, and rid themselves of the obsession that only big dick can be good, there would be much less ED around as they would rid themselves of the root of their insecurities also.

I struggle with ED, too, so I know where you come from. But what I recommend to everyone is to seek counseling, therapy, or at least meditate and read about the psychological causes for ED before you go to town on an already fine penis with 2h daily sessions of PE. The amount of time and energy could go into something more appropriate for your situation.

Again if there is some medical reason due to some damage or illness or medication, then apologies, but if it is that serious then I would also doubt if PE can do anything for you.

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