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Using Rice Sock As Fulcrum For "you" Stretches

Using Rice Sock As Fulcrum For "you" Stretches

So I was kind’ve bored the other day with regular old stretches, and was also trying several users’ suggestion of leaving the rice sock on while stretching for extra “oomph”.

Unfortuantely, the rice sock is so thick it really prevents me from much access to my poor bloke.

That’s when it hit me.

If you grab both ends of the sock from either direction — either ends pointed down holding palm up from underside, or ends pointed up holding them with palm down - you can then pull the sock nice and taught (make sure you don’t have a ripped or shredded sock!) grab your dick, and then pull your dick *around* the sock for a bent stretch.

Not quite a V stretch because of the girth of the sock, but a nice rounded “you” stretch where the side in contact with the sock is not only getting a good bent stretch, but also a good dose of heat.

I know someone somewhere has probably already thought of and mentioned this.

But hey,
It’s new to me!

Sounds good, give it a try!

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