Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

been there...done that!...

Originally posted by supersizeit
Dld,I welcome any questions in regards to this matter, PM or otherwise…feel free to contact me.

Thankyou SUPERSIZE…I look foward to chatting.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Originally posted by Insane_Man

As a few other people have already suggested, I would theorize that perhaps you loss of gains was due to the gains being garnered primarily by pumping.

Isn’t pumping doing a very similar thing to jelqing?

_Then I suppose you could put both in the same category, thus causing quick losses when the excercise is stopped altogether.

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

Originally posted by cascade
Isn't pumping doing a very similar thing to jelqing?
_Then I suppose you could put both in the same category, thus causing quick losses when the excercise is stopped altogether.

I do not know a whole lot about pumping but from what I’ve read they have an opposite function. Jelqing is working inside out and Pumping is working outside in. I have also noticed a different appearance in th epenis between the two types. I big time pumper seems to have a fluid soft look to the penis and a jelqer looks more vascular and solid. I would assume the best plan would be to combine the two exercises.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

DLD is right. Pumping works mostly from outside-in. That’s why if youve seen pics of these guys known as “extreme pumpers” in other words they use pumps which do not fit their dick ….usually theres a ton of room in the pump around their dicks….and they pump for extended periods….they have very bloated looking dicks. Most of the bloating is from lymphatic fluid being pulled under the skin.

Hey guys,
Just to clear up any confusion…I should point out that about 50% of my gains were lost in the first 2 years…and about another 25% was lost in the following 14 years of total PE inactivity.

I only recently started again 3 months ago…when I began reminiscing about the good old days… my girlfriend (then) said she was watching some porno flicks with her girlfriends and when they commented and how huge they were …she would brag to her friends and say …”oh thats nothing, you should see my boyfriend!!!”

over the years “huge” comments from past lovers began to gradually fade…and since i was accustomed to hearing that all the time…I wanted to get back into the program and return to my former glory.

…..the music plays…GLORY DAYS (Bruce Springsteen) :)

like a marathon runner that has a few marathons under his belt but was inactive for many years…I believe that the body has some kind of memory pattern about previous levels of fitness thereby making it easier to come back the second time around…so i think the same might hold true for PE…wouldn’t you think?
In retrospect even a bi weekly maintenance program could have saved some of those gains if not all of them.

but you must also factor in the equation, that there is natural atrophy occurring over such a time span …

somewhere I read that the body begins to breakdown and deteriorate on an exponential level after the age of 25.

non-per’s can lose perhaps as much as 1 inch or more (correct me if I’m wrong)…from the age of 25 until they reach perhaps 60 and beyond…I’m willing to bet the NBA players from 20 or 30 years ago are not all as tall as they were in their prime playing days…

therefore…I think something similar might be said of PE

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Last edited by supersizeit : 03-24-2003 at .

Originally posted by supersizeit

non-per's can lose perhaps as much as 1 inch or more (correct me if I'm wrong)…from the age of 25 until they reach perhaps 60 and beyond…I'm willing to bet the NBA players from 20 or 30 years ago are not all as tall as they were in their prime playing days…

therefore…I think something similar might be said of PE

Hello Supersizeit,

For height, not that I am an expert in the field by any means, but I have seen a few growth specialists in my youth. I found that an every day person will be of different heights dueing a 24 hour period. For instance if you awake early by the end of the night you’ll be anywhere from 1/8th of an inch to a half inch shorther than first thing in the morning. Then you go to sleep and rest on a horizontal plane you body like a spring uncompresses. So get measured for your best result first thing after waking up. Over time with gravity and atrophy of the body you can be about 2 inches shorter at the end of a long life than at your prime.

I took the Psychology of Stress and Time Management in college, in it was coping techniques for people so they don’t fall pray to addiction. One chapter was on Tai Chi (can be speeled like a zillion different ways) this elderly short women practiced it and gained one full inch to her height by way of the stratching and conditioning techniques.

There is also “techniques” for improving one’s height like PE does for the penis. I was initially skeptical but decided to look at it with an open mind. I believe it is a moot point for me and I don’t want to be even harder to fit for clothes especially shirts. I’ll try and post this information sometime in the furure for anyone who wants to see it.

I don’t think Penile atrophy has the same “mechanism” of work as gravity does on height. from my understanding gravity would help stretch it just some more. But I could be wrong and don’t come from a medical background really.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Hey Twatteaser,

Cool post on height information. I agree that the body has some subtle variations during the course of the day. …However, My NBA players analogy may have not been the best biological analogy since the loss of height is really a function of losing bone density and mass as opposed to losing connective tissue in the penis…(Gravity is the reason I like to wear boxer shorts…they let my unit hang better inorder to reap those benefits!)…but what the hell,…I only meant it in the general sense that we all lose something ,somewhere on our body, somehow and at sometime.

A general atrophy of the whole body as we age…(dam it :( nothing seems to grow in life unless we work at it like mad)… but at least here on this forum we can grow in knowledge and wisdom and a little “PE grease elbow” couldnt hurt :)

Interesting reference to Tai Chi…Because of the mental and bodily unification processes that occur in such ancient arts like Tai Chi, it would seem that the elderly lady that gained that inch may have actually gained it not so much as to the stretching and conditioning but as a result of some variation of what DLD had mentioned concerning mental and physical approach as a path to faster gains…especially if gaining height was what she had in mind to begin with.

I really do believe in targeting areas in your body or enhancing athletic ability through visualization…I think its what separates a run of the mill athlete from an olympic champion…it is most certainly worth a try in PE.

The Tai Chi of PE! ( I like the way that rhymes)…lol

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


I must have missed this intro… Sorry…

But anyways, welcome aboard soldier! looks like you’ll make general some day!


This thread has kinda taken off since the first reply eh?

On the atrophy issue, I think it is very real for all bodyparts. If you dont use it you lose it. I plan on doing PE for the rest of my life, even at a low level after I reach my final goals. For the overall blood flow and health and to maintain gains. I think this is the best way, because it will keep your dick in great shape and also it will stop the atrophy.


Re: Welcome aboard!!!

Originally posted by ThunderSS
Hey supersizeit,

Welcome to the forum. Great first post!!!

Is that OK??

Thanks Thunder. All these welcomes are like WARM FUZZIES and of course its a SPECIAL FUZZY to get one from THE MAN himself—THUNDER!

Originally posted by secjay
I must have missed this intro… Sorry…

But anyways, welcome aboard soldier! looks like you'll make general some day!

Thanks Secay. I prefer the title of Admiral :) (I’m a former Navy veteran)
What does that make Thunder? He runs a tight SHIP!
Thanks for the nice thought and compliment. :)

Originally posted by SS4Jelq

This thread has kinda taken off since the first reply eh?

On the atrophy issue, I think it is very real for all bodyparts. If you dont use it you lose it. I plan on doing PE for the rest of my life, even at a low level after I reach my final goals. For the overall blood flow and health and to maintain gains. I think this is the best way, because it will keep your dick in great shape and also it will stop the atrophy.


Hey SS4Jelq,

Yes,it really has, hasnt it? But I guess you would know.

I think that once PE gets into your blood…you will be a PE’ER for life.
I couldnt agrree with you more concerning the atrophy.

Supersizeit sorry but I dont get it. You sound like you were disapointed with the girth you had in the past yet your goal is to achieve that same girth again ?

Excellent point Nitro!

Yes Nitro I knew that someone would eventually bring up this very valid point sooner or later but you must take into consideration that back then I was only in my early/mid 20’s and most of the women I was boinking at that time were in their teens or 20’s and had a tighter snatch. Today I have to consider that Im nearing 40 years of age (I’ll be 39 very soon!!!) and I figure I might need about another year to accomplish my goal at my current rate of expansion. The women that I am most likely to be with today will likely be 40 and up and they would likely have more sexual experience and will likely have a few kids and stretched out the “Old Coochie” (if you know what I mean)

I also have more sexual experience at my age and can work the magic of a 6.5 to 7” girth more effectively than when I was younger. I must also consider that at my age natural atrophy will be setting in faster than someone in their 20’s and therefore I must compensate for this fact by going a little past the girth size that I really want (about 6.5-6.75 girth) so that I always stay ahead (better to have just a little bit more than not enough) of the negative consequences of aging. I may not look like Im aging but never the less—I must accept that I am aging. :( Typically your body starts to breakdown after age 25. My new size goals for girth reflect all these considerations.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since



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