Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Abandoning Vac products : advice needed


First 25min hang session with tape went fine. More of a warm up needed though and my ir lamp to warm it throughout. House is freezing tonight, balls went so tight I thought they were gone for good. :)

"If you're not first, you're last!"

5/09/09 currently sat at 5.5bp" bp x 4.25 eg. Long term goal would be 7.5nbp x 6 eg

Good idea r.oates about pipe insulation. I just happen to have some of that on hand. Didn’t think about cutting it to size. I’ll try it tomorrow & let you know. I was thinking of a flat jelly donut (not the food LOL).

As far as the X4, I have the double comfort straps (the ONLY WAY to go). Let me tell you that when I first tried using it I made so many mistakes putting it on, catching the skin, pulling out a pube (even if trimmed), poking (Ouch!), etc.. LOL Funny now anyways ;) So, I fit the top strap just below the head about a half inch, and then fasten tight. The other half (Base unit) is already on. There are a couple cylindrical pieces of foam that the straps go around. If not aligned absolutely perfect, & you catch your foreskin where the strap goes into the upper unit, OUCH that hurts like a MOTHER. Also, when it’s on, the foreskin would fill up with fluid (goes away after removed) between the straps, & hurts to point that I have to remove the extender & give my penis time to recuperate. I cut a piece of microfiber towel (yellow ones from Costco), fold it in half, and wrap it around the 2 cylindrical pieces of foam, THEN strap the top unit on. I now can wear it at high tension for a good 1 1/2 to 2 hours before I remove it. I’ll give it maybe 15 minutes or so, and strap it right back on for another couple hours. My goal is to wear it a minimum 4 hours a day. Once the top part is completely fastened, I slowly stretch the upper out, align the rods, screw the first rod slightly, then the second, & once aligned, finish tightening both sides. The reason I fasten upper strap 1/2 inch below the head is because I’ve found that as I stretch, it’ll bring along some of the foreskin up to the head which is not a problem for me. NOW, this isn’t necessary, but here’s a trick that I find works extraordinary. Do some jelqs right beforehand, or anything similarly to get some blood pumped into the glans. Once the upper portion of the extender is fastened, you’ll notice the glans bulge or mushroom. A larger head will help prevent slippage for one, but also I’ve learned that this constant expansion of the head (due to the upper strap clamped below it) over time can actually increase the size of the head. I must say this was a very welcomed side effect. In fact, I read somewhere (don’t remember the website right now) that there was a study done & the participants actually on average had a statistical increase in glans size. What the heck, I’ll take it!! :)

As far as my jelq method, it only gets 100% erect when I stroke it to that point & kegel. When it reaches 100%, I may manually clamp both upper & lower, or put a tad amount of pressure at base to get it pumped slightly more, the head mushrooms big time, but no pain. After a while, my penis tends to get nice & plump in that 80-90% range. So I typically allow it to build to 100%, manually clamp to get that little extra, and then back to 70%-90% (jelqing at this point). I also will use a penis sleeve (with lubricant), and am able to do about the same thing, but allows me to alter my technique a bit. What I really like about the sleeve feels like pussy walls, that push in, and my penis grows accordingly to fill it, and allows me to jelq & squeeze, and able to vary the pressures deeper within my shaft, and to get it overall nice & swollen thick. I haven’t read anyone using this technique yet, and I’ve probably did a bad job at explaining it because there’s more theory & technique behind what I do, but hoping people get the gist. I must say I’m starting to prefer this method over traditional jelqing methods, thinking it may possibly be more effective (at least for me). Whether that’s true or not, only time will tell, and I’ll be sure to update everyone. The interesting thing is that when it’s about 80-90% pumped, it actually seems thicker (not as long) than a full erection, and very flexible. I have no medical reason for this, but it is an effect that I would hope to see for increasing girth.

Hey r.oates - I just tried using the pipe insulation, and from initially putting it on, it feels outstanding. I need to wear a few hours before I know for sure. This could make life a lot easier! :) Thanks again!

That is great news Charlie dog! It’s amazing how much time I’ve spent wandering round DIY stores for pe related bits and pieces. You can always find something that serves another purpose. Most of my hanging set up I got from b&q. So I’m hanging right now, 4kg for 20min. Currently no issues. Some good tape wrap in place, fingers crossed for success.

"If you're not first, you're last!"

5/09/09 currently sat at 5.5bp" bp x 4.25 eg. Long term goal would be 7.5nbp x 6 eg

Yes it is!! :) Thanks r.oates
I’m using 3g on my Extender, which seems to be giving me a good stretch. I’ve never tried hanging, and heard some people are getting great results, and may do more research to find out what all the hoopla’s about. ;)

I’m now trying to see if there’s a better material to replace the foam cylinders that go between the penis shaft & 2 comfort straps. I may mess around with the pipe insulation but think it may be a little too thick.

I also dropped by Home Depot to see if they had any clamps that people have been talking about, but couldn’t find anything. If you or anyone has a link to a clamp I could buy, that’d be great!

Shoot. I meant 1400g on extender = 2 bars showing. if you’re in the states.

I’m enjoying hanging but I haven’t yet been consistent. Give it a try

"If you're not first, you're last!"

5/09/09 currently sat at 5.5bp" bp x 4.25 eg. Long term goal would be 7.5nbp x 6 eg

Thank you r.oates. I think I’ll drop by True Value or Sears. I went to Home Depot, but they didn’t have these clamps.

Yeah I found mine randomly in B&Q, had to do some work on them before the fitted and were comfortable.

I found my favourite thing was to cut some of the autoxsleeve and glue it onto the inside of the clamp.

"If you're not first, you're last!"

5/09/09 currently sat at 5.5bp" bp x 4.25 eg. Long term goal would be 7.5nbp x 6 eg

So I had to give up with the tape wrap as it was massively irritating my cock end. I thought I had some kind of infection it was itching that much! Anyway I replaced it with a condom actually. Just prevents my skin getting nipped while in the vac head. Its actually working really well.

My shaft collars will be here this week so I can properly get back to my ads work!

"If you're not first, you're last!"

5/09/09 currently sat at 5.5bp" bp x 4.25 eg. Long term goal would be 7.5nbp x 6 eg

Originally Posted by r.oates
So I had to give up with the tape wrap as it was massively irritating my cock end. I thought I had some kind of infection it was itching that much! Anyway I replaced it with a condom actually. Just prevents my skin getting nipped while in the vac head. Its actually working really well.

My shaft collars will be here this week so I can properly get back to my ads work!

Does the condom hold well against the sleeve? Meaning it doesn’t slide ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

I only roll it down a tiny amount to cover my glans. The sleeve extends further down the shaft and hasn’t slipped yet. Tested upto hanging 4kg. The tape might work fine for others, just not for me :(

"If you're not first, you're last!"

5/09/09 currently sat at 5.5bp" bp x 4.25 eg. Long term goal would be 7.5nbp x 6 eg


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