Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Has Static Stretching Worked for Anybody?

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
They actually stretch the new bone, or do they keep the pieces a certain distance apart and let the new bone grow into the gap?

Still, sounds like an apple/orange comparison to me.

No, bone can’t be stretched. So what they do is separate the bone with a saw and wait for new soft tissue to form to “close the gap”. If left alone, it would, and new bone would be formed. But each day, they open the gap 0.040” of an inch. This causes this soft tissue to “chase” the gap. Once they’ve reached the distance they wish, they stop widening the gap. At this point, calcification begins and new bone is formed.


Originally Posted by gerrykjohnsons
I saw your report. Unfortunately, I think with PE we lack many of the benefits of “true science”. I’d like to know (as would anyone) what the true tension was. Meaning, until we know what a penis under X pounds of tension for Y number of hours does - we will never know the true effects of 24/7 or 16/7, etc..

The penis is such an elusive animal - changing shape - and density - all the time. Alas, we are relegated to our observations. To wit: I found that long periods of stretch had good results, whereas you found differently.

To be fair, I was using more than just 1 or 2 lbs of weight when I would hang or All Day Hang at about 5 lbs.

It seems that the Static Stretcher works much better if you combine hanging and/or manual stretches with it.

I love GOLD

I am seeing much better results combining manual exercises with wearing my extender than I was wearing the extender alone.

I believe the same would be true of a Static Stretcher.

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

As i am uncut i find it EXTREMELY difficult to maintain the wrap on this device. After minutes of tension no matter how little, the sleeve invitably slides off, if anyone knows how to prevent this please share.

Jolly t'conquer the world, Jolly t'bear witness O'bars which imprison, Jolly in life, Jolly til' death.

A Pirates Progress Report

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Originally Posted by JollyRog
As i am uncut i find it EXTREMELY difficult to maintain the wrap on this device. After minutes of tension no matter how little, the sleeve invitably slides off, if anyone knows how to prevent this please share.

I second that. I am also finding problems with wrapping as I am uncut. It does not slides off, however I feel discomfort with my glans and either glans become cold or purple after one hour. I can only stretch out to 50% of my FSL if I want to feel comfortable.

I know there are guys wearing the device who are uncut. Perhaps a discussion of exactly how you are wrapping is in order.

You should pull back the foreskin completely (however you can) and then apply the wrap.

Forgive my ignorance of this particular problem, but I can honestly say I obviously don’t quite understand it. I also don’t know if I can help, but I have wrapped about 10 zillion times…

But whether you’re cut or uncut, you don’t want loose skin under the wrap.

It is really hard to wear the static stretcher for an extended period of time being uncut, I’ve been doing it for the pass 3 month. I know how effective the device is because I’ve notice some gain even just by wear the SS device part time. I am seriously considering getting a circumcision in order to wear the device all day and get a much better gain.’

My main concern about the procedure is how much pain will I be after the surgery?
If enough skin will be removed for the proper usage of the SS device.

Originally Posted by chitonan
It is really hard to wear the static stretcher for an extended period of time being uncut, I’ve been doing it for the pass 3 month. I know how effective the device is because I’ve notice some gain even just by wear the SS device part time. I am seriously considering getting a circumcision in order to wear the device all day and get a much better gain.’

My main concern about the procedure is how much pain will I be after the surgery?
If enough skin will be removed for the proper usage of the SS device.

What kind of gains did you have(how much) and what is the force you use when using SS? Are you allowing your penis to be 100% stretched? more or less?

Originally Posted by chitonian
I am seriously considering getting a circumcision in order to wear the device all day and get a much better gain.’

You do realize that there is such a things as vac-extenders and vac-hangers? The vac-extender is a static stretcher only it uses vacuum to hold your penis in a stretch. If you were to stretch the way that is recommended in the DVD that comes with the static stretcher, you could easily use a vacuum based extender for multiple hours continuous without any discomfort. I did a very short trial where I wore it for 12+ hours ever day for two weeks.

Just do not go bananas and get a fekking circumcision to wear a device!

Originally Posted by babbis
You do realize that there is such a things as vac-extenders and vac-hangers? The vac-extender is a static stretcher only it uses vacuum to hold your penis in a stretch. If you were to stretch the way that is recommended in the DVD that comes with the static stretcher, you could easily use a vacuum based extender for multiple hours continuous without any discomfort. I did a very short trial where I wore it for 12+ hours ever day for two weeks.

Just do not go bananas and get a fekking circumcision to wear a device!

To second babbis, vacuum devices are great for wearing all day and night. Don’t do such a drastic surgery for such a superficial desire. Us cut guys will never know the same pleasure that uncut guys have!

I do not know exact how much I gained, however I been PEing on and off for 5 years and have not seen any gains for the pass 3 years. After using the SS device I can tell that I am bigger. I was around 6.75 bone pressed and now I am close to 7.

Thanks Babbis and 10inchadvantage, I will look into the vac-extender.


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