Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Slider Extender Wanted

Slider Extender Wanted

I tried ordering a slider extender from Le luv, but they are out of stock and don’t seem to know when they will have any available.

If anyone has a slider extender that they no longer use and are willing to sell, I will happily pay a reasonable price plus shipping.

Originally Posted by irishjim
I tried ordering a slider extender from Le luv, but they are out of stock and don’t seem to know when they will have any available.

If anyone has a slider extender that they no longer use and are willing to sell, I will happily pay a reasonable price plus shipping.

This model has recently come to my attention. It is cheaper than the LeLuv Slider Hybrid but with all the same functions.

Great find rootsnatty, I’ve ordered one already.

Hope it works well for you!

Originally Posted by irishjim
I tried ordering a slider extender from Le luv, but they are out of stock and don’t seem to know when they will have any available.

If anyone has a slider extender that they no longer use and are willing to sell, I will happily pay a reasonable price plus shipping.

I am making the rods that will fit my x4 extender to work like a miracle slider. And will drill holes in the plastic part so that the rods can slide in it. If you have this machine some were near your place like I have then you can do so. I will post the pictures and complete information how to make It.

(234.9 KB, 122 views)

I don’t have the machine or the skills to build anything more complex than a paper airplane. Hahaha.

Roots, got curious about that extender. I will try some research and maybe buy one myself too.

June14: BPEL 6.5; MSEG 4.9; BEG 4.7. Jan15: BPEL 6.7; MSEG 5.3; BEG 4.9.

First Goal: 7 x 5

Originally Posted by irishjim
Great find rootsnatty, I’ve ordered one already.


how are you getting on with this slider?

I am in the market for one as am finding it hard to stretch past my EL with the spring based extender I have been using for the last month.



21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

Well I broke my spring based one and now definitely need a new extender!


21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

I can recommend this device. I have stretched to well beyond BPEL and even BPFSL. In the short time I’ve used it my flaccid hang as noticably improved. However, I have set it aside for a while as I recently had hernia surgery and am taking a 3 month break from PE while healing takes place. I’m not sure where the slider will fit into my routine after my PE break as I am planning on going back to my first love - pumping.

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