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Chinese cloth 'noose' hanger and reinventing the wheel?


Chinese cloth 'noose' hanger and reinventing the wheel?

Tom Hubbard here.

It’s been 12 years (!) since I got into PE experimentation and got my ‘penis and a half.’ (FWIW I did 95% of it in 4 months.)

As I’ve recounted before, I accomplished that with an elastic ‘noose hanger’ and a maximum workable weight of 6 pounds (2.73 kg). As hanger ideas came and went, I abandoned any type of noose design as needlessly dangerous. In case you’re unfamiliar, this is what it looked like:

http://penis-en largement-manua … /penis_loop.gif

You’ll note that I call my site Practical Penis Enlargement. I could publish hanger designs that demand Home Depot, credit cards and mail order, machine shop skills, advanced polymers, and Frankenstein-like contraptions, but my search for the ‘ultimate’ hanger has always included the following.

  • Universality: design can be built anywhere in the world, without any special skills
  • Common materials: can be found anywhere in the world
  • Portability: including carrying onto a commercial flight without attracting attention
  • Stealth: easily removable if you don’t have complete privacy
  • Low profile: you leave the thing in plain sight, and nobody suspects anything

You can review the various designs and ideas I’ve worked with here. Clearly I’ve put a lot of time and energy into thinking this stuff through.

So imagine my surprise when I watched this video (from 3:56 on) and saw that the entire attachment device consisted of a piece of cloth - brilliantly simple! You roll a piece of cloth into a ‘rope,’ tie it into a circle with a knot (not shown here), make a figure-8, and pull another loop through the top. Turns out it works with just penis hanging as well - in the video balls are included.


With a little trial and error, you figure out how to tighten the top loop around your penis. From the bottom, you can use a keychain carabiner, S-hook whatever. A plastic bottle (1 gallon / 4 liter) of water gives you an easy and inconspicuous weight.

Here are rendered frames from the video:


Yes, it twists the head upward. Yes, it’s a noose - but it’s not elastic. I found that I couldn’t do prolonged hanging with a full jug of water, but that’s more weight than what I used to get my gains originally. I’ve done some trials, but at this point I really don’t have the time or motivation to pursue - I’m kind of out of the ‘business’ - but I think this warrants investigation.

The piece of soft cloth I have is approximately 15 x 36 inches (36 x 90 cm) - same piece of cloth you can see in my AFB demonstration videos, in fact.

Try it, and let me know what you think!

Hi Tom,

I can’t see your attachements.

me either.

Started: BPEL 6.75" MSEG 4.75", Now: BPEL 7.75" MSEG 5.438", Goal: BPEL 8" MSEG 6"

Me either.

And the video blanks out the crotch.

Hi Tom,

Very nice to see one of the pioneers of modern PE around. :)

I read of the concept that you talk of some months ago and yes, it seems easy to use and get into but carries the same problems as noose hangers of the past; relying on blood pressure to attach the weight. There are limits of what sorts of weight and set time can be used safely with this method and there’s the point where more advanced hangers like Bib’s and TPS’s start earning their ground.

What I am trying to say is that YES, do try it, this is almost a zero cost way getting into hanging, but remember not to over-do it. If you feel coldness or numbness (usually they come together), STOP. I am sure some could even hang up to 6 pounds and do reasonable sets (15 to 20 minutes) but for most people what it allows won’t be enough for consistent gains and you will eventually need to upgrade.

It is always hard to get something for nothing. The AFBs, Wenches, several different hangers are very low cost and provenly efficient ways of getting into hanging, but they do require certain basic level of building ability. Here is the… Tom Hubbard way, updated. PE for the people.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

I never have understood why men are always looking for the cheapest things to wrap their dicks in. My dick is a little more important to me than avoiding paying for a hundred dollar hanger that many guys swear by. :)

Originally Posted by wayoflife99
I never have understood why men are always looking for the cheapest things to wrap their dicks in. My dick is a little more important to me than avoiding paying for a hundred dollar hanger that many guys swear by. :)

I’m not sure that “men are always looking for the cheapest thing to wrap their dicks in.” My goal has been to show people how NOT to waste money on hyped products when proven, cheaper - often vastly cheaper - alternatives are available. The number of different ideas other people have come up with suggests that I’m not the only one who enjoys that design challenge.

FWIW, I found one expensive commercial product that “many guys swear by” so clunky and unworkable that it spurred me on to design the AFB. And - oh yeah, small point here - it meets NONE of my criteria.

Originally Posted by marinera
Hi Tom,

I can’t see your attachements.

No idea why, but here are the URLs to cut’n’paste. The first time I tried posting the second, it flagged it as a bad link, even though I had it open in another browser tab. Ah bulletin boards….

Originally Posted by base
…but remember not to over-do it. If you feel coldness or numbness (usually they come together), STOP. I am sure some could even hang up to 6 pounds and do reasonable sets (15 to 20 minutes) but for most people what it allows won’t be enough for consistent gains and you will eventually need to upgrade.

Hey base,

Wasn’t my intention to give hanging advice, since I’ve done that so much elsewhere, but you’re right. Of course, the same advice pertains to any hanger. Pay attention, heed warning signs, and don’t overdo it.


Tom: with all due respect I didn’t mean to direct that comment to you. It’s just that over the time I’ve been PEing I’ve read about a lot of guys looking for the cheapest item versus the most effective. I agree with your philosophy of cheap and effective.

Hey Tom,

I don’t know what the problem with the attachment links is, but neither set is to a good attachment. Did you upload these pics or are they in another thread? Or could they have possibly been deleted during moderation because they showed hangers “in use”?

Ah bulletin board members. ;)

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Originally Posted by drabbuhmot
Wasn’t my intention to give hanging advice, since I’ve done that so much elsewhere

Indeed. My reminder was merely to protect the new guys who read this.

I watched the video and it shows the cloth being tied somewhere in the mid-phase, but it isn’t too clear and hanging is blocked with the genitalia by one of those blurred squares. I hope we’ll find some working link to instructions. I was actually working on something similar to this about 6 months ago and I actually managed to avoid turning the penis head up and felt it distributed pressure to the sides more, like it should. I didn’t try it on more than 5 pounds and 15 minute sets, though. I could do a write-up on that, but I’d first like to check tips from this method.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Somehow this site has deleted entirely non-offensive diagrams. OK, I promise: no more attachments (ironic that I can’t remove ones I’ve uploaded eh?)

After posting, I deleted the originals, and all I’ve been able to recover is this:

Basically, it gives you all you need to know.

(7.2 KB, 313 views)

I seriously doubt that any moderator would have deleted that pic Tom. Maybe it was a connection problem. Also, try hitting (lightly) your F5 key and see if it clears the photos that you are trying to delete. Or try clearing your browser cache.

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