Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

? Hanger tightness? at Bib and all

? Hanger tightness? at Bib and all


i use the Bib starter hanger and have a question:

One day Bib said: “Wrap loose, hanger tight”

I feel that there can only be a good ligs stretch if i regard this.

But now i feel a numbness when i hang for 10 mins.

I use theraband (grey) as wrapping material, wrap it 3 times around, 2 cm behind the head of the stretched-out penis.

Then i fix the hanger 1 cm behind the beginning of the wrap.
I tighten it until i feel that its really well-fixed.
I dont want only the skin to be stretched……

I currently hang 4 pounds and began with 2 pounds.

I try to describe how fast i tighten:
I tighten the screw as long until there is no more “soft” feeling when tightening. I stop tightening a little bit before i feel a major pain because the shaft will be squeezed to extensive…..
So the hanger is really tight, after 20 mins of hanging the head is red-blue each 2nd hanging time.

If i tighten not so tight i dont know if there wil be a ligs stretch……

I am glad to read some helpful things,

Bye, SPV

I forgot something which could eb important:I jelq hrad before i hang and so the penis is a little bit swollen when is hang.
It is not much swollen because i wait a certain time before i fox the hanger but there is still more blood in the veins than it would be if i didnt have jelqed.

Is it then wrong to jelq before hanging?
Should i hang before jelqing?

Bye, SPV


I am going to reply to your last question first. I already replied to the question on jelqing in the main section.

>Is it then wrong to jelq before hanging?
Should i hang before jelqing? <


>I feel that there can only be a good ligs stretch if i regard this. <

The tightness of the hanger does not have much to do with the lig stretch.

>I currently hang 4 pounds and began with 2 pounds.<

That is not very much weight. The hanger does not have to be as tight as you are describing for that much weight.

>I try to describe how fast i tighten:
I tighten the screw as long until there is no more “soft” feeling when tightening. I stop tightening a little bit before i feel a major pain because the shaft will be squeezed to extensive…..
So the hanger is really tight, after 20 mins of hanging the head is red-blue each 2nd hanging time. <

As you tighten the hanger, manually pull on it a little to simulate about four pounds. Then apply the weight. You can also tighten, put on the weight, and then loosen the hanger until it feels right. Tighten enough to where the hanger does not slide down on the head.

>Then i fix the hanger 1 cm behind the beginning of the wrap.
I tighten it until i feel that its really well-fixed.
I dont want only the skin to be stretched…… <

Understand this: You may HAVE TO ONLY STRETCH SKIN FOR A WHILE. There is nothing wrong with only stretching skin at first. This must happen in order to get gains.

Do not do any more PE until your sensitivity returns completely. I think your problems are from jelqing too close to the head with a full erection, and from tightening too much. Be more careful.


>Is it then wrong to jelq before hanging?
Should i hang before jelqing? <


I did it wrong all the time.
Thanks for this hint, i will do it the other way now.
It sounds logical that a swollen penis diesnt like hanging because of the high pressure.
Maybe the blue color comes from jelqing before hang.

>I feel that there can only be a good ligs stretch if i regard this. <

The tightness of the hanger does not have much to do with the lig stretch.

But doesnt a loose hanger provide a better skin than a good ligs stretch because it slips and takes the skin with it where its fixed but not the 3 erectile bodies?

>>Tighten enough to where the hanger does not slide down on the head.

You mean that the hanger is fixed well if it doesnt slide?
Is this the only thing which must be regarded to apply enough force to the ligs?
Shouldnt I turn the screws until the hanger is REALLY fixed?

Do not do any more PE until your sensitivity returns completely. I think your problems are from jelqing too close to the head with a full erection, and from tightening too much. Be more careful.

I will regard this,
thank you!




>But doesnt a loose hanger provide a better skin than a good ligs stretch because it slips and takes the skin with it where its fixed but not the 3 erectile bodies? <

As you go up in weight, the hanger is going to slide down toward the head some. This will take skin with it, but as long as the front of the hanger does not ride down ON the head, it is ok.

You must realize, you have to gain SKIN and therefore stretch SKIN. The inner penis cannot stretch skin to a great degree from the force of an erection. So, do not worry about only stretching skin for a while. You have to have something to work with.

>>Tighten enough to where the hanger does not slide down on the head.

>You mean that the hanger is fixed well if it doesnt slide? <

Yes, if it doesn’t slide down onto the head. It will slide a little at higher weights.

>Is this the only thing which must be regarded to apply enough force to the ligs? <

The only thing I know of after four hours of sleep.

>Shouldnt I turn the screws until the hanger is REALLY fixed? <

Tighten the top wing nut until the hanger is secure when you manually simulate the weight you wish to hang.



i think i got it:

The hanger shouldnt be VERY tight but tight enough that it doesnt slip OVER the head.
But a little slipping and taking some skin with it is ok.

I got it.

I thank you very much for your help!
If i look on the reply list i see every 2nd time “Bib” as the last and with 4 hours of sleep…….
go back to sleep! Where do you get this amount of energy from to answers this amount of questions………

And then go working……

You must be really stressed……

Bye and thanks again,



Thanks for your concern. I usually only need about 5-6 hours sleep. It is several days with less sleep that get me.

Right now, I am ahead on making hangers, so I do have more time for support. Slept eight hours last night. Can’t remember when I did that.




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