Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Hanger vs Bib Hanger?

View Poll Results:

Which style of hanger worked best for you?

Vacuum Hanger


Bib Hanger (starter or regular)


Both worked great!


Other (Captains Wench, etc)

Total Votes: 261. You may not vote on this poll

Originally Posted by LetsGrow123
Good to know. Do you use the vacextender with an extender as well or just for hanging now?

90% of the time I use it for hanging but I do use it with an extender from time to time. It’s very comfy with the KR extender and the little adapter that gives you what looks like a small nail head to hook the vac extender onto. You’ve gotta be wearing some really loose pants though or it’s VERY obviously there is either an elephant penis in your pants or the extender.

I originally bought it for extender use but figured I’d try using it for light hanging (I call under 10 pounds light) and so far it’s been awesome. I’ve gotten a blister once but since then I’ve been taping with 3M micro foam tape and have had zero issues. I buy the tape by the case off of amazon. It’s like 30 bucks for 12 rolls of 1” by 5.5 yards.

Hey guys,

I thought I’d throw in my 2 cents here.
So I’ve used the Bib Starter, then the regular Bib hanger for a year or so, adding 3/8 in BPEL (I’m at 7 3/8 now). I built my way up to hanging 23-25lb BTC and straight down, but eventually got problems with fluid build up, which made hanging more than 2 sets very uncomfortable. The gains stopped at 25lbs, and I would have needed to add even more weight to keep gaining, but I couldn’t. I’m uncut, and I have a lot of loose skin, which is why I ended up with so much fluid build up : with so much loose skin, it was nearly impossible to tighten the hanger enough to keep the 25lbs from slowly slipping down the shaft, creating pressure in the glans and fluid build up.

I’ve struggled for many months trying to reduce fluid build up without much success, and it eventually ended my hanging career.

I just learned the existence of vac hangers today, and even though I doubt it is possible to safely hang 25lbs using a vac hanger, there might be nice benefits hanging with lower weights, but for longer sets. I’ve seen a guy say he hung for 2 hours straight with no need for breaks. So, I guess it could be possible to hang say 12.5lbs for 1 hour at a time, which would place the vac hanger somewhere between an ADS and a standard hanger. It would also help with uncut guys who have a lot of trouble keeping their hanger in place at higher weights.

Does that make sense ? What do you guys think ?

Originally Posted by weezerd
Hey guys,

I thought I’d throw in my 2 cents here.
So I’ve used the Bib Starter, then the regular Bib hanger for a year or so, adding 3/8 in BPEL (I’m at 7 3/8 now). I built my way up to hanging 23-25lb BTC and straight down, but eventually got problems with fluid build up, which made hanging more than 2 sets very uncomfortable. The gains stopped at 25lbs, and I would have needed to add even more weight to keep gaining, but I couldn’t. I’m uncut, and I have a lot of loose skin, which is why I ended up with so much fluid build up : with so much loose skin, it was nearly impossible to tighten the hanger enough to keep the 25lbs from slowly slipping down the shaft, creating pressure in the glans and fluid build up.

I’ve struggled for many months trying to reduce fluid build up without much success, and it eventually ended my hanging career.

I just learned the existence of vac hangers today, and even though I doubt it is possible to safely hang 25lbs using a vac hanger, there might be nice benefits hanging with lower weights, but for longer sets. I’ve seen a guy say he hung for 2 hours straight with no need for breaks. So, I guess it could be possible to hang say 12.5lbs for 1 hour at a time, which would place the vac hanger somewhere between an ADS and a standard hanger. It would also help with uncut guys who have a lot of trouble keeping their hanger in place at higher weights.

Does that make sense ? What do you guys think ?

Yes it makes sense.
You start with lowest weight possible and increase time first. Of course this costs time lol
If you up the weight fast you will end up like you at a point where the weight causes other problems. This is quiet common.
The question for you will be if your dick isnt already too conditioned to get a benefit of low weight high time.
Deconditioning breaks for months or years can help then. But thats the worst case.

Other factors that might help you are heat and using fulcrums or last resort - bundles.

Originally Posted by weezerd
Hey guys,

I thought I’d throw in my 2 cents here.
So I’ve used the Bib Starter, then the regular Bib hanger for a year or so, adding 3/8 in BPEL (I’m at 7 3/8 now). I built my way up to hanging 23-25lb BTC and straight down, but eventually got problems with fluid build up, which made hanging more than 2 sets very uncomfortable. The gains stopped at 25lbs, and I would have needed to add even more weight to keep gaining, but I couldn’t. I’m uncut, and I have a lot of loose skin, which is why I ended up with so much fluid build up : with so much loose skin, it was nearly impossible to tighten the hanger enough to keep the 25lbs from slowly slipping down the shaft, creating pressure in the glans and fluid build up.

I’ve struggled for many months trying to reduce fluid build up without much success, and it eventually ended my hanging career.

I just learned the existence of vac hangers today, and even though I doubt it is possible to safely hang 25lbs using a vac hanger, there might be nice benefits hanging with lower weights, but for longer sets. I’ve seen a guy say he hung for 2 hours straight with no need for breaks. So, I guess it could be possible to hang say 12.5lbs for 1 hour at a time, which would place the vac hanger somewhere between an ADS and a standard hanger. It would also help with uncut guys who have a lot of trouble keeping their hanger in place at higher weights.

Does that make sense ? What do you guys think ?

You might not necessarily needed more weight. You may have needed heat and more time. A vac hanger is much more comfortable and youll wonder how you couldve ever worn a bib. The LG hanger holds up to 25lbs. You should use a FAR infrared heat lamp, its designed specifically to heat tissues.

Originally Posted by djrobins
You might not necessarily needed more weight. You may have needed heat and more time. A vac hanger is much more comfortable and youll wonder how you could’ve ever worn a bib. The LG hanger holds up to 25lbs. You should use a FAR infrared heat lamp, its designed specifically to heat tissues.

Allright well good news!
But.. I don’t wanna challenge what you are saying, but why do most people so far say it’s impossible to hang higher than 12-15lbs with a vac hanger ?


Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Yes it makes sense.
You start with lowest weight possible and increase time first. Of course this costs time lol
If you up the weight fast you will end up like you at a point where the weight causes other problems. This is quiet common.
The question for you will be if your dick isnt already too conditioned to get a benefit of low weight high time.
Deconditioning breaks for months or years can help then. But thats the worst case.

Other factors that might help you are heat and using fulcrums or last resort - bundles.

Thanks for your advice!

Heat : you mean heating with infra red lamp ? There seem to be a lot of people here using this.
Bundles : what are those ? Never heard of that. (Spent most of my forum time on bib’s forum)

Also, I haven’t hanged for a good 6 months. Let’s hope that’s enough decon.
And my LOT is around 8 o’clock, so fulcrums will be for later use since I still have lig gains ahead of me. Therefore I should still be hanging BTC or SD if I’m not mistaken, is this right ?


Originally Posted by weezerd
Thanks for your advice!

Heat : you mean heating with infra red lamp ? There seem to be a lot of people here using this.
Bundles : what are those ? Never heard of that. (Spent most of my forum time on bib’s forum)

Also, I haven’t hanged for a good 6 months. Let’s hope that’s enough decon.
And my LOT is around 8 o’clock, so fulcrums will be for later use since I still have lig gains ahead of me. Therefore I should still be hanging BTC or SD if I’m not mistaken, is this right ?


6 months is a good decon I suppose.

Heat in any form(lamp, IR, rice sock. heating pad). It loosens the tissue. Its good to use at the start of a session at least.

Bundles are twisting the penis for some degrees and then stretch(like a wringed towel). Only to use after beeing conditioned. Can increase girth.

Bib’s theorys have merits and his advice is most times top! But at TP many dont subscribe to his LOT theory. Im not sure..

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Bundles are twisting the penis for some degrees and then stretch(like a wringed towel). Only to use after beeing conditioned. Can increase girth.

Yeah I forgot to mention that I’m only going for length. I’m at 6.25in mid shaft girth and that’s enough for me.

Originally Posted by weezerd
Hey guys,

I thought I’d throw in my 2 cents here.
So I’ve used the Bib Starter, then the regular Bib hanger for a year or so, adding 3/8 in BPEL (I’m at 7 3/8 now). I built my way up to hanging 23-25lb BTC and straight down, but eventually got problems with fluid build up, which made hanging more than 2 sets very uncomfortable. The gains stopped at 25lbs, and I would have needed to add even more weight to keep gaining, but I couldn’t. I’m uncut, and I have a lot of loose skin, which is why I ended up with so much fluid build up : with so much loose skin, it was nearly impossible to tighten the hanger enough to keep the 25lbs from slowly slipping down the shaft, creating pressure in the glans and fluid build up.

I’ve struggled for many months trying to reduce fluid build up without much success, and it eventually ended my hanging career.

I just learned the existence of vac hangers today, and even though I doubt it is possible to safely hang 25lbs using a vac hanger, there might be nice benefits hanging with lower weights, but for longer sets. I’ve seen a guy say he hung for 2 hours straight with no need for breaks. So, I guess it could be possible to hang say 12.5lbs for 1 hour at a time, which would place the vac hanger somewhere between an ADS and a standard hanger. It would also help with uncut guys who have a lot of trouble keeping their hanger in place at higher weights.

Does that make sense ? What do you guys think ?

Nice seeing some uncut guy being able to hang over 20lb with a bib. How many sets you normally hung? Did you jelq or did any other PE activity?
Nice gains but for having reached more than 20lb is not that much less than half an inch. Did you gain prior to hanging with the Bib?
Congratulations on your perseverance

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Weezerd, take a look at this

uncircumcised hanging

Hanging Progress New anti-slip method

Hope it helps,

Looking forward to your reply, you are the first uncut guy that I see that has been able to reach 20lb with a bib :)

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by quim92
Nice seeing some uncut guy being able to hang over 20lb with a bib. How many sets you normally hung? Did you jelq or did any other PE activity?
Nice gains but for having reached more than 20lb is not that much less than half an inch. Did you gain prior to hanging with the Bib?
Congratulations on your perseverance

Thanks quim92!
I didn’t know being uncut was making hanging harder for everyone to be honest. I really thought that it was my technique that was simply deficient. So I’m happy to read that :)

I usually hung 3-6 sets of 20 mins pretty much everyday. Pretty much all my gains came from SD hanging. I also used to stand up and swing for the last 3 minutes of some sets. I later tried BTC without much success.
As for my background, I’ve been PEing on and off (read : with 2-3 year breaks here and there) for about 12 years now. I started with what is now considered a newbie routine : basic manual stretches with 15-30 mins of jelqing pretty much every day. I gained around 1.5 inch in BPEL and maybe 0.75 inch in girth. Then I hung for about a year to gain only 3/8 BPEL :(

Hanging 25lbs was pretty much the highest I could ever go, and Bib himself even called me crazy a few times for adding weight too fast.

I really only need another 1/2 to 3/4 inch in BPEL then I’d be happy. But after hanging at 25lbs without seeing much gains, I’m really wondering how I could get those last gains.
That’s why I’m seeing a lot of hope in vac hanging. I’ll be looking into this for the next few days and make a decision to try it or not.

Originally Posted by quim92
Weezerd, take a look at this
Uncircumcised hanging

Looking forward to your reply, you are the first uncut guy that I see that has been able to reach 20lb with a bib :)

I posted all I could think of directly in the thread. Hope this helps!


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