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New pump not working: LeLuv Tyro Pistol Penis Pump


New pump not working: LeLuv Tyro Pistol Penis Pump

I just recently bought this penis pump;

Seeing if anyone here on this forum has one or something similar to it? I saw that my pump was delivered today so I was extremely happy to get off work today to try my new pump. Come home and unbox everything, everything looked really nice, build quality etc.

I tested the pump on my 75% erect penis and it just won’t hold a vacuum at all. When I take the tube that connects the cylinder to the pistol pump and pump, I can hear air coming out (or being pushed through the tube for that matter). I purchased this pump on ebay and have contacted the seller to express my dissatisfaction. Just seeing if anyone on here has any experience with LeLuv. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I am not new to pumping so please don’t jump to conclusions and say I may be using it wrong. I am coming from a bathmate water pump and have been pumping on and off for roughly 4-5 years. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

First of all make sure that the female quick disconnect on the top of the cylinder is screwed in firmly. Then try just holding the cylinder end against your thigh or stomach and pumping to see if it holds pressure. You might be leaking pressure from around the base of your cock due to an abundance of pubes.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.


I contacted LeLuv today and they said that it might be the valve on top of the cylinder that is leaking. They recommended that they ship me a new valve (free) to see if that fixes the problem. I told them sure, go ahead and send me a valve, I already have the pump so I might as well see if it works. So I came home and thought that I might as well tighten the valve that I currently have to see if that is what the problem was. I ended up tightening the screw a tad bit, making sure not to damage the rubber washer/ring. Turns out the valve was somewhat loose and that’s why it wasn’t working. Pump is working awesome!

Originally Posted by jkal87

I contacted LeLuv today and they said that it might be the valve on top of the cylinder that is leaking. They recommended that they ship me a new valve (free) to see if that fixes the problem. I told them sure, go ahead and send me a valve, I already have the pump so I might as well see if it works. So I came home and thought that I might as well tighten the valve that I currently have to see if that is what the problem was. I ended up tightening the screw a tad bit, making sure not to damage the rubber washer/ring. Turns out the valve was somewhat loose and that’s why it wasn’t working. Pump is working awesome!

Well, that was the first thing I told you to check. Glad it was an easy fix.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Second update:

Yesterday I noticed the pump was loosing pressure about 30mins into my session. Since LeLuv already shipped out a new replacement valve I decided to attempt to remove the current valve I had in preparation for an easy install once I got the new replacement. Well, uninstalling the valve wasn’t as easy as I planned it to be. About mid way through loosening the bolt/valve that connects to the top of the cylinder, the white plastic valve literally snapped right in half. Now I have the bottom piece of the valve still in the cylinder and I have no freaking idea how the hell I am going to get it out. I have attached pictures of the aftermath. I have contacted LeLuv hoping that they might be able to send me a whole new pump because this wouldn’t had happened if I was sent a perfectly functioning pump with valve. Instead, I was sent a penis pump with a “faulty” valve and upon removal, said valve broke/snapped in half. We’ll see what LeLuv has to say about this. I am not a happy customer :(

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Pics that I attached don’t seem to be working so I have uploaded them to imgur (image hosting)

Your pics do show.

Update three:

Thankfully this company “LeLuv” has top notch customer service. I sent them pics of the valve stuck inside of the cylinder earlier this morning. They just emailed me back saying if I can not get the old valve out of that cylinder, I can ship the bad cylinder back to them and they will ship me a brand new cylinder (free, at no cost). I just tracked the new valve they sent me and it shows to have a delivery of tomorrow. If for some reason I can’t get the valve out of the cylinder I will be shipping this cylinder back to them.

I am only going to say one thing. There is no such thing as a perfect seal with these pumps. The cylinder will always lose some pressure over time, so you should expect to have to give the pump a couple of squeezes every now and then to maintain pressure. This is perfectly normal and to be expected.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Yeah, it got to the point where I couldn’t pump anymore. Like it wouldn’t create a tigher vac.

I have sent the bad cylinder back to LeLuv. They will be sending me a new cylinder + new valve (pre-installed).

Can’t wait to get the new pump so I can get back into my routine.

Any news with the new pump?

Still working like a champ! No problems what so ever.

Originally Posted by jkal87
I just recently bought this penis pump;

It is safe use one pump in the sleep time as it says on the site?
“Regular use of the vitallusPLUS® for 6 to 8 hours daily over at least 3 to 6 months leads to a lasting enlargement of the penis in terms of length and circumference. vitallusPLUS® can be comfortably used at night during sleep.”

nov.2010: BPEL 14,5cm; nov.2013: BPEL 17,5cm; aprill 2016: BPEL 18,5cm; First Goal: BPEL (20,5) MSEG (16,0) FL (15,0)

Originally Posted by Micc

It is safe use one pump in the sleep time as it says on the site?

“Regular use of the vitallusPLUS® for 6 to 8 hours daily over at least 3 to 6 months leads to a lasting enlargement of the penis in terms of length and circumference. vitallusPLUS® can be comfortably used at night during sleep.”

Absolutely not.

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

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