Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Extender Progress Thread.

Originally Posted by MrViking
Nice progress you’ve made from 6.5in all the way to 19.7cm is really impressive. Also like the fact that you’re working out, eating healthy and walk plenty daily. I think general health and losing weight should be the top priority for a bigger penis.

I’ve already hinted at it on my thread but doing manual stretches really makes your penis longer and makes it able to add more rods to your extender. If your goal is 8in+ def keep targeting the ligament as extending only targets the tunica.

Also I see your on a anabolic cycle if I’m right. Hows that going? I’ve been wanting to do one but man I don’t want to lose more of my hairline and recovering after a cycle just seems like hell I know some dudes who suddenly got huge and commited suicide like 3 months after that figured they got a heavy depression once they got off. Id rather keep it natural tbh I’m 26 right now so my test should be fine although I was thinking of doing TRT when I hit 40 because that’s probably when normal test lvls are going to drop and fertility loss won’t really be a issue.

Thank you very much, took some hard work and dedication getting from 6 inches to 7,75 inches but it was all worth it.

And yes, thinking of adding in a few sets of bundled stretches to really target the ligaments and tunica before putting on the extender. Or maybe just start pumping again as well as doing the 5x5x3 and «Isolated Compression Squeesez».

No I’m not on a cycle but did two cycles about 15 years ago when I was 24-26 years old(40 now). But I am on TRT, self injecting in my gluteus with a 2 inch long needle every 8’th week which keeps my trough levels at around 750 ng/dL which is the lowest I go, meaning I’m almost always higher than that. Had testicular cancer when I was 21 and started TRT when I was 33 years old, was a hassle to get it though as I’ve always been fit so the doctors thought I didn’t need it because I already had a good amount of lean muscle mass. But finally one day I called a private practitioner whom diagnosed me with secondary hypogonadism.

So now I’m on Nebido(Undecaonate) injecting every 8’th week as already mentioned, 1000IU of HCG every other day and 20mg of Nolvadex a day to prevent any sort of gyno occurring. And I’m in the best shape of my life at the age of 40 with visible abs weighing between 195 lbs to 200 lbs at almost exactly 6 feet tall.

If I were you I would stay away from doing a cycle, it’s such a hassle having to inject so frequently and as you say going off of it you have to do a PCT(Post Cycle Therapy) to try and normalize your now low, natural levels.
Better wait until you’re a bit older and then start TRT as you’re quite young so your natural levels should be more than sufficient especially if you work out, eat right and get some good sleep.

When it comes to losing hair on a cycle or on TRT I’ve experienced none of that, my hairline is still doing well enough, but then again I always shave my head and keep it really short at all times. Been cutting my own hair for over 15 years, and so much money saved by not going to a hairdresser.

11.10.23- 7h00mins

12.10.23- 5h17mins

Total time= 271h38mins

13.10.23- 7h20mins

Total time= 278h58mins

REALLY closing in on that 300 hour mark now, can’t wait to measure tomorrow or next Sunday.

14.10.23- 7h30mins

Total time= 286h28mins

Took Sunday off, taking a day off whenever I feel like it.

16.10.23- 7h10mins

Total time= 293h38mins

After this day of extending I will finally have reached 300 hours in under two months time, this coming Sunday will mark my two first months done.

Can’t wait to measure this Sunday and will try my best to get 8-9 hours of extending in, daily, until that day comes.

17.10.23- 7h30mins

18.10.23- 5h40mins

Total time= 308h48mins

Just measured yesterday and at max erection I finally measured 20cm only 3 mm’s from being exactly 8 inches now, wuhuu!😁😂

Still almost can’t believe it though I did double check. So yes, f%#ing, YES!😁😁

That’s awesome! Congrats!!!

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by tenaciousD

That’s awesome! Congrats!!

Thank you very much, appreciated.

It feels so good to have started gaining again after being plateaued for a few years.

Makes the new gains feel even sweeter.

19.10.23- 7h00mins

Total time= 315h48mins

Actually broke the left extender arm on my Male Edge yesterday and have already ordered a new one as it was quite cheap.
Luckily I still got my Jes Extender Gold to wear until my new arm arrives on Monday or Tuesday.

Ain’t nothing stopping me from getting 9- 10 inches BPEL.

20.10.23- 5h40mins

Total time= 321h28mins

Having a little trouble wearing the Jes Extender Gold for 7 hours as the noose system starts hurting quite a bit at the 4 hour mark.
Can’t wait to receive my new Male Edge Extender arm and get back to wearing the extender/s for at least 7+ hours a day.


Way to go on the gains! Did the same thing when I went for 7.25 to 8. Couldn’t believe it! Are you using heat? I found a short heating pad that wraps around the device and really helps in loosening up the tissues. Can stretch to 9 inches now and working to solidify those gains.

Originally Posted by Slumpy
17.10.23- 7h30mins

18.10.23- 5h40mins

Total time= 308h48mins

Just measured yesterday and at max erection I finally measured 20cm only 3 mm’s from being exactly 8 inches now, wuhuu!😁😂

Still almost can’t believe it though I did double check. So yes, f%#ing, YES!😁😁

Originally Posted by biglefty
Way to go on the gains! Did the same thing when I went for 7.25 to 8. Couldn’t believe it! Are you using heat? I found a short heating pad that wraps around the device and really helps in loosening up the tissues. Can stretch to 9 inches now and working to solidify those gains.

Thank you brother, it’s quite surreal seeing gains again after being plateaued for years.

No, I currently do not use heat, have an Infrared light that I used when doing manual routines but that won’t work for extending purposes. Might have to look into getting a heating-pad, maybe that’ll help me gain even faster?

And way to go, hopefully I will stretch to 9 inches in the near future, now I’m stretching to around 8 inches at full traction(2- 2800 grams to be exact).

Thanks for the tip by the way, will Google a bit and see if I find a suitable heating-pad. I’m all for everything that can aid in me gaining more and hopefully even faster.

21.10.23- 5h34mins

Total time= 327h02mins

Can’t wait to receive my new extender arm for my Male Edge Pro, and get back to putting in at least 7 hours a day of extending.
I get too sore after around 4 hours of using the Jes Extender and the noose system, hence making it damn near impossible to get 7 hours in with that alone.

22.10.23- 4h27mins

23.10.23- 5h10mins

Total time= 336h39mins

As it seems as of now I’m headed towards getting 1,3 inches for every 1000 hours. Hoping and doing my best to keep that trend and those stats going. They say 1 inch per 1000 hours though thus far I’m ahead of that.

Will do my very best to get at least 6-7 hours in today as it seems my penis is getting accustomed to using the Jes Extender with the noose system. Luckily I found a comfort pad from my old AndroPenis package which makes wearing the Jes that much more comfortable.

24.10.23- 5h40mins

25.10.23- 5h45mins

26.10.23- 4h07mins

27.10.23- 3t22mins

Total time= 356h38mins

Had to take 3 days off due to a wound/scar I got behind my glands due to the noose digging into the skin. Now I finally got my new Male Edge Extender arm and, wow, how much more comfortable it is to wear.

Now I will go for 9 hours a day to make up for lost time as in not being able to wear the Jes for at least 7 hours a day, with the Male Edge, no problem.


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