Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE and No Fap Journal


11/20/23 - day 21 of streak

I’ve made it 3 weeks into my streak. Let’s hope I make it to 4. I’m not going to do any hanging this week. I’m still trying to do manual skin stretches. I did some digging around the forum and it seems like what’s going on with my shaft skin is fairly common. Apparently it’s called a turkey neck. The two options for fixing it is stretching out the skin above where the sac attaches or having surgery. While I’m not permanently ruling out surgery, I don’t want to take the time off to recover. I’ll just have to try and stretch out my shaft skin and if that doesn’t work I can look into surgery in the future. I’m going to ramping up my routine pretty soon here. Near the end of the week I will put in an order for a vacuum hanger which will allow me to hang for a longer period of time. I can also use it as an ADS for when I’m done hanging. Until I get the new gear I’m not going to do anymore hanging. I’ll stick to doing manual stretching and skin stretching. Still hoping to reach 7.5" by the end of the year.

My EQ has not been very good for the past few days. It could be because I didn’t get any cardio in last week. I’m going to be swimming a mile tomorrow morning so we’ll see if cardio improves my EQ. Or it could also be a side effect of doing nofap. Usually when I get long enough into a streak I’ll get a drop in EQ for about a week. If that’s the case it should start getting better by the end of the week. I’ve also had a couple late nights in a row so it could be a lack of sleep. I do still think I’m getting night time erections though.

11/22/23 - day 23 of streak
Posts will be less frequent for the next week or so. Yesterday I did manual skin stretches and some jelqing. Today I did just the skin stretches. All I’m doing is applying some lotion, doing a warmup with my heating pad, then gripping my shaft with an OK grip with both hands. I’m pulling on the skin below the circumcision scar and above where my sac attaches to my shaft. It seems to be helping because the turkey necking mostly goes away when I get hard now. It’s still noticeable when I’m flaccid but it’s starting to look better. Earlier I said that this was probably from hanging BTC but I’m sure now that this isn’t the case. I think that it’s always been like this and I haven’t really taken note of it until recently.

My EQ still isn’t that great. I swam about a mile yesterday and got to bed at a decent time but didn’t notice any improvements in EQ. My guess is still that it’s from doing nofap and is just part of the process. It’s happened to me before and a temporary drop in EQ/libido isn’t out of the ordinary when doing nofap. I’m taking it easy this week anyway but hopefully I start to see improvements in EQ again soon. My plan for the future is to pick up a vacuum hanging kit. I’ll be visiting family and traveling over the holidays so I’ll just try and get in what I can and try to get used to vacuum hanging. Starting in January I can be more consistent. Hopefully a better setup will translate to more gains. I’m feeling very motivated and can’t wait to get back into a consistent routine.

Hello and congrats on quitting porn!

I just want to throw in my 2 cents, it is up to you to decide what is best for you.
In my opinion, quitting porn is very different to quitting fap. Urologists usually say "use it or lose it".
Porn is indeed bad, I can’t find a good thing that comes from it, but a ton of bad things. It makes your mind and penis be dependent on visual digital stimulus, in order to induce an erection.
I think masturbating every now and then without any stimuli but your own mind and fantasies should do good for one’s EQ. Won’t be easy at first but it should train your member to get hard based on one stimulus: your mind. Should bring back morning wood too, but could be a long process, just like learning (maybe 2 weeks, maybe 4 months)

As I said, just a perspective, you do you :)
Good luck!

11/28/23 - day 29 of streak

I’ve finally got some free time to post again. For the past couple days I’ve just been doing manual stretches and jelqs. My EQ has improved a lot since last week. I’m consistently getting morning wood again. I’m still not sure if the drop in EQ was from doing nofap or if it was a lack of cardio or a lack of sleep. It was probably a combination of all three. I ordered a vacuum hanging kit which will hopefully arrive on Friday. For now and probably until after the holidays I’m focusing on stretching my foreskin to get rid of my turkey neck. I’m starting to see improvements but forming enough new skin may take a long time.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Are you sure the foreskin is where you want to be stretching?

I’m showing signs of turkey neck, so I’m concentrating my stretches on where the turkey neck is, down at the base and near the bottom of my shaft.

I probably shouldn’t have said foreskin. I meant the area of skin between my circumcision scar and where my scrotum meets my shaft near the base. I was doing some reading on foreskin restoration this morning and made a typo.

12/2/23 -day 34 of streak

My vacuum hanging kit was delayed during shipping and should hopefully arrive Monday. I also just bought some hardware for a device I designed to help fix my turkey neck. I attached a picture of an exploded view of the assembly. The threaded rods in the middle have left hand threads on one end and right hand threads on the other. The idea is to clamp on to the skin with the 3D printed housing and some thera-band. I can then turn the rods which will back out the nuts on either end. That will hold the skin in a stretched state so I don’t have to do it by hand anymore. Hopefully this will speed up the process while also making it more consistent. I’ll upload some photos once I finish the print and install the hardware.

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awesome progress man, i just got a vacuum hanger and it was well worth it, i also have a lil bit of turkey neck but i stretch the skin a lil bit every now and then, but maybe if our dicks grow enough it will go away lol.

12/5/23 - day 37 of streak

Nothing much to report on. I’m afraid that the USPS may have lost my vacuum hanger. It was supposed to arrive Monday but it never left the facility. Let’s hope it was just a delay and it arrives soon. The hardware for the skin stretching device arrived this evening but the prints for the housing failed. I’ll add more supports and try again tomorrow. My plan for the vacuum hanger since I haven’t been hanging for a few weeks will be to start at 5 lbs. and hang for 20 minutes. I’ll work up in volume until I’m at an hour a day then start working up in weight. It makes more sense to track in hours now instead of sets. Next year I’m going to go with a "more is more" approach with PE and try and get as much volume in as I can. My goal is to be growing at a rate of at least 1/4 per month. I’m also going to be focusing a lot on nutrition to make sure my recovery is as fast as possible. Now that I’ve got some momentum going with this streak I feel like I can start putting some energy into forming more good habits.

12/9/23 - day 41 of streak

My vacuum hanger arrived this week. I’ve started keeping notes in a spreadsheet since it is more organized. I’ll probably start posting once a week to summarize everything for simplicity. On Wednesday I hung for 40 minutes. I did 20 mins at 5 lbs. and was feeling pretty good so I decided to go for another 20 minutes. I should not have done this. I pulled too much of a vacuum and my glans were puffy and red after. On Thursday my glans looked fine but a little red. I taped my glans this time and hung for 30 mins straight. I thought I might get away with not taping since my glans is just about the same size as the plastic part of the hanger. The redness was a little worse after so I decided not to spend any time in the ADS. I took Friday off because I was very busy. Today I am going to hang for 35 mins straight and see how it feels. I may spend some time using the ADS too. I’m pretty happy with the vacuum hanger and I think it’s going to speed up my progress a bit. There wasn’t as much of a learning curve as I expected. I’m going to work up to hanging for an hour and then start increasing weight again. At the start of next year I’ll measure again and start tracking progress. For now I’m just going to work on building up endurance so I can spend as much time hanging/ADS as possible.

Also I forgot to mention the prints for my turkey neck stretcher look like they came out alright but I haven’t had time to remove the supports and put it together. I’ll make a post after I get it assembled.


Are you doing any water pumping for EQ?

What is your age? We don’t know if you are losing EQ due to age or if PE has something to do with it. What is your history with EQ, through your life did you see any drops?

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.5 EG & Solid EQ)

Originally Posted by Bemorethanbig
Are you doing any water pumping for EQ?

I am not currently doing any pumping. My intention was to hold off on pumping until I achieved my length goals.

Originally Posted by Bemorethanbig
What is your age? We don’t know if you are losing EQ due to age or if PE has something to do with it. What is your history with EQ, through your life did you see any drops?

As I said at the beginning of this thread, I’m in my early 20’s. As far as my history with EQ, I typically do not experience morning wood when I’m using porn. For the small periods of time when I have stopped using porn, I would say my EQ is pretty good.


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