Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Wurst's progress log

Originally Posted by wurst

Do you think, it will fade away completely. I would really not want any marks on it. The water blister is 1 cm x 0.7 cm and the bloody one has a diameter of 0.4 cm. I am still not sure what is better, pop it or leave it.

Yes I hope so. They are almost gone but after sex or PE I can see another colors in some areas of my glans.

After pumping it looks like the areas are sort of “weaker” than rest of the glans.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

Originally Posted by wurst
Yes, it is a matter of doing it the same way every time. In order to do that, you need to find out the variables that affect the measuring. It can be tricky, but at some point, it is doable.

I am thinking of popping the bloody one. I will wait one more day in order to give it time to create a thin layer of new skin below the blood. I just can’t imagine what happens to the blood. How is that absorbed? Through what exactly? I am a little afraid that this blood will leave a mark on the glans so I might be better of taking it out.

Your’s has been completely healed without any sign of it ever having been there?

It healed completely 100% already without marks. Ive been pulling my noodle for so many years that every single tissue is conditioned to all kind of abuse LOL.

You ask what happens to the blood if you dont pop it? Well, the body is a beautiful biological machine made of carbon atoms. The body is capable of repairing almost everything if the right conditions are created including all 90 essential nutrients. The repair instructions and rebuilding of tissue are encoded in the software (DNA)

Have you heard about the “priapus shot”? Well, inside a blister happens the same. The priapus shot consist in drawing your blood, centrifuge it to separate the plasma from red blood cells. Then the plasma is injected with a chemical that I dont remember at this point what was it, but this chemical activates all the growth factors and peptides that rebuild tissue. So the theory is that by injecting this plasma with the active growth factors, will trigger some growth inside the penis.

Well, when you injure yourself, this “activation process” of growth factors occurs automatically at the injury site. In the case of a blister the body is intelligent enough to encapsulate the injury with a layer of skin as a bubble to protect the site from infection, while all those growth factors are working around the clock to rebuild the tissue. That is the liquid you see inside the blister, and the tissue absorb that elixir full of enzymes. Now, since we are civilized, or perhaps some of us, we dont sleep on the dirt and are exposed to the wild with multiple infections, so technically we dont need to leave the blister there. You can just pop it and let it dry.

As Patrik said, mine look like a weaker spot for a few days too. In fact mine was so big that my glans had a depression in that spot, like a 0.8 square cm. However, since I started my BPEL routine a couple of days ago, pumping brought that depression back up to normal.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

I am happy to hear you have it has healed completely and I totally agree it is about the environment you create in your body. If the body has all it needs then it can do its job very well.

A little update on the blisters: Te bloody one is hardly visible. The cut itself underneath the bubble was very small and I am sure it won’t be noticeable soon. The water blister that is much bigger takes much more time to heal. It is pretty red, now and I am trying to give it what it needs to heal as fast as possible so the chances of a red mark are lower. My wound healing capabilities have always been pretty bad and it is has been a week now since the I injured myself and the water blister is still very obvious and in its early stages of healing that is why I am a little worried. Time will tell..

I am thinking about using a different hanging device. I have cable clamps and I might try to use them as a hanging device. I know it is not the best method but using only 7 pounds max. It might work.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

It has been a while since the injury. The blisters have healed but the water blister has left a red mark. I am pretty sure it is fading but it is rather slow. I won’t go back to the routine until it has fully disappeared. Not even sure, if that will be the case at all. Time will tell.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

Wurst, can I ask do you still do bundled stretches? Your post about them and how you felt you gained about an inch of girth doing them got me interested.

2000 ~16x12cm

2021 ~ 20x14cm (16.5cm BG)

Late 2021 ~21.5x14.5 (17.5cm BG)

Originally Posted by WhaleBone
Wurst, can I ask do you still do bundled stretches? Your post about them and how you felt you gained about an inch of girth doing them got me interested.

No, I haven’t done them in years as my focus has been on length. I don’t want any more girth as that might effect the length gains. Well, they felt very intense. I wouldn’t do it that way again. Too much intensity. It might prevent other gains to come. As a last resort after you reached your length goals, maybe.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

Yesterday I started the US protocol again after quite a long time. The blisters have healed. I can’t see them anymore under normal light conditions. It might be visibly under bright light, though.

This time taking more care of my glans by using a tape underneath the glans protection. Did a workout yesterday without a blister and the glans were dry and a bit crumbled.

I will strictly follow the protocol.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

The progress is rather slow at the moment. I get a strain of roughly 1.5% after each workout so I am trying to figure out what needs to be optimised. I noticed after today’s workout that my dick is rather stiff, not sloppy and flexible at all. Not sure what the goal is here. What have your experiences been in that regard?

My routines is as follows:

Phase 1 (25-30 min): Starting with 1 kg, every 5 min increase weight by 0.25 kg until 2,5 kg is reached
Phase 2 (US, twisted over the leg, around 30 min): From 2.5 kg to 3.5 kg, 0.2 kg increments)
Phase 3 (cool down): 10 min @4 kg, gradual cool down using the 3 different intensities of the US Pro 200 2nd edition for 5 minutes, after that 5 minutes without any US

Any ideas what could be optimised?

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

It is time for an update. I have waited to be sure that I am making progress for it to report. There are always some measuring inaccuracies involved so I have waited for a gain that I can safely attribute to real gains and not me measuring differently.

I have done the routine as described above for 3 weeks with an 3 days on/ 2 days off interval. Lately I don’t increase the weight while cooling down, fixing it at 3.5 kg.


I am happy to report a gain of approximately 5 mm in post-BPFSL as well as in Pre-BPFSL. Might even be 6 mm but I can’t be sure. Considering that I haven’t gained for years this is very encouraging. Of course, it needs to translate into BPEL and into NBPEL at some point. I will focus on girth oriented work for BPEL later after my gains in this cycle halt. In any case I am pretty sure this is beyond my old peak.

Let’s see if I can get to a 1 cm gain in this cycle.

I don’t get nearly as much of a big strain as others. Mine is at around 1.5%. I can consistently increase my post-BPFSL by 3 mm compared to pre-BPFSL. Nothing major but enough to make progress.

It looks like in order to reach my current goal which is around + 2 for length in NBPEL, it will take me 3 cycles to make that gain and cement it.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

Update on gains, temperature measurements, infrared light and blister

I measured today pre-BPFSL and it looks like I gained another 1 mm, standing at 20.9 cm (started this US cycle at 20.2 cm almost 4 weeks ago). I am happy to see the progress.

Temperature measurements and Infrared:
Yesterday, I measured temperature dorsally on 4 points during the whole routine using the Komerci HT-9815 thas has been recommended here. My observations are that it takes quite a while (like 20 minutes or so) to get over 40°C and then it is not that easy to keep the temperature between 40°C - 41°C. Peak has been around 41°C and most of the time it settled at around 40.5°C. Instead of moving the transducer up and down in circles, I found it better to go up and down in a straight line to keep the temperature relatively stable.

Today I added infrared light. It is near-infrared light. I added it from the beginning thinking that it would take a while to get to higher temperature and by then the load would be at a therapeutic level. I started at 1 kg and by 2.5 kg, 20 min later, readings were at very close to 40°C, like 39.7°C . At 2.5 kg I added US and temperature increased rather fast to around 42 °C so it made quite a big difference. Also after removing the US when I reached the end of the US part, the temperature went down very slowly. Way slower than without the US so it probably helps to stabilize temperature during the workout. 10 minutes after removing the US, the average temperature was at about 40°C. I couldn’t believe it. Without infrared, it drops below 40°C within a minute or seconds. When I took my penis off my leg (I do the workout over the leg), the temperature drops immediately, suggesting infrared light penetrates well through the penis into the leg helping to stabilize surrounding temperature. That in turn would help to keep the temperature of the septum at least more stable. Very likely it helps to achieve higher temperatures in general.

However, keep in mind that the reading might have been altered in some way by the light shining also on the cables running along my leg. That could add up. I had a towel laying on it. I know, if it did change something the towel would not be enough to prevent it. So, I am not sure what to make of it but I guess, it does make a difference. I will probably experiment more.

That is pretty good news. The downside is I developed a black blister. I was a little shocked when I saw blood in the vacuum chamber thinking I would have to take a break for months. It turned out, however, that the blister was not on the glans but on the foreskin very close to the glans. I was very relieved to see that. That means I can resume the protocol in a week or so. Next time, I will cover the glans to protect it from the IR and I will cover more of the foreskin underneath my glans with the tape that I use for the glans. As many people have reported IR enhances the development of blisters.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

Such gains are the epitome of penile exercises! keep up the good work, wurst!

Starting point - 15.5 centimeters BPFLS=BPEL, 12 cm. MSEG /// Goal: 20 cm BPFLS, 18 cm BPEL, 14 cm MSEG

Let the marathon begin - Flowsky's progression

Originally Posted by wurst
I measured today pre-BPFSL and it looks like I gained another 1 mm, standing at 20.9 cm (started this US cycle at 20.2 cm almost 4 weeks ago). I am happy to see the progress.

Temperature measurements and Infrared:
Yesterday, I measured temperature dorsally on 4 points during the whole routine using the Komerci HT-9815 thas has been recommended here. My observations are that it takes quite a while (like 20 minutes or so) to get over 40°C and then it is not that easy to keep the temperature between 40°C - 41°C. Peak has been around 41°C and most of the time it settled at around 40.5°C. Instead of moving the transducer up and down in circles, I found it better to go up and down in a straight line to keep the temperature relatively stable.

Today I added infrared light. It is near-infrared light. I added it from the beginning thinking that it would take a while to get to higher temperature and by then the load would be at a therapeutic level. I started at 1 kg and by 2.5 kg, 20 min later, readings were at very close to 40°C, like 39.7°C . At 2.5 kg I added US and temperature increased rather fast to around 42 °C so it made quite a big difference. Also after removing the US when I reached the end of the US part, the temperature went down very slowly. Way slower than without the US so it probably helps to stabilize temperature during the workout. 10 minutes after removing the US, the average temperature was at about 40°C. I couldn’t believe it. Without infrared, it drops below 40°C within a minute or seconds. When I took my penis off my leg (I do the workout over the leg), the temperature drops immediately, suggesting infrared light penetrates well through the penis into the leg helping to stabilize surrounding temperature. That in turn would help to keep the temperature of the septum at least more stable. Very likely it helps to achieve higher temperatures in general.

However, keep in mind that the reading might have been altered in some way by the light shining also on the cables running along my leg. That could add up. I had a towel laying on it. I know, if it did change something the towel would not be enough to prevent it. So, I am not sure what to make of it but I guess, it does make a difference. I will probably experiment more.

That is pretty good news. The downside is I developed a black blister. I was a little shocked when I saw blood in the vacuum chamber thinking I would have to take a break for months. It turned out, however, that the blister was not on the glans but on the foreskin very close to the glans. I was very relieved to see that. That means I can resume the protocol in a week or so. Next time, I will cover the glans to protect it from the IR and I will cover more of the foreskin underneath my glans with the tape that I use for the glans. As many people have reported IR enhances the development of blisters.

The IR-Lamp I use has 250 W. It is this one —> Philips IR 250R R125 E27.

You need something to screw it in like this one —> https://www.ama … /dp/B006TR4QJE/

I think most people use a 150 W lamp so 250 W could make a difference.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

Originally Posted by wurst
Today I added infrared light. It is near-infrared light.

Next time, I will cover the glans to protect it from the IR and I will cover more of the foreskin underneath my glans with the tape that I use for the glans. As many people have reported IR enhances the development of blisters.

So you’re operating OTL and IR still shines on it from above? Did I understand that correctly? Doesn’t it happen more often that the transducer switches off due to temperature protection (this can be recognized by the flashing LED on the US Pro)?

What about the gel? Doesn’t it dry out faster?

Vacuum cap with IR is a guarantee for blisters. You will not be happy without a cover. I have also had really bloody experiences with it.

Originally Posted by Rocco25
So you’re operating OTL and IR still shines on it from above? Did I understand that correctly? Doesn’t it happen more often that the transducer switches off due to temperature protection (this can be recognized by the flashing LED on the US Pro)?

What about the gel? Doesn’t it dry out faster?

Vacuum cap with IR is a guarantee for blisters. You will not be happy without a cover. I have also had really bloody experiences with it.

Yes, OTL and IR from above.

The transducer did get quite hot but it didn’t look like it switched off. I did not see temperature drops. Thank’s for the hint. I might want to find a solution for that. Don’t wanna ruin the transducer.

As for the gel drying out faster. Not sure, but if it dried out faster then not by a lot. Before I start the US part, I put an extra pile of gel on my leg so I can quickly “recharge”.

What have you used as a cover? I am thinking of aluminum foil.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

I want to emphasize that using a 250 Watt near-infrared light I was able to get to pretty much 40°C which is in the therapeutic range. That was after 30 minutes. Who knows if the temperature would have increased even further. So for people who don’t want to buy a US transducer it still could work out pretty nicely. I wonder what the temperature would be like if using less powerful IR like 150 W. I think most people did not use 250 W. That could make all the difference.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --


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