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A Latex impregnated Theraband ADS and Hanger

A Latex impregnated Theraband ADS and Hanger

I’ve developed a variant of Tom Hubbard’s swim cap hanger using latex impregnated theraband. I use it primarily as an All Day Stretcher (ADS) and hanger. It’s a simple device, easily made and customizable. I’ve been using it for a couple of months and I’m satisfied it’s superior to other stretcher devices, such as the JES Extender and its variants. I’ve also used it as a hanger, hanging up to 8 pounds.

It consists of a strip of Theraband about 14” long (unstretched length) on to which a thin film of liquid latex is spread (one side only) and allowed to dry. This creates a stretchable and durable wrap, which is also self adhesive.

From this base, an ADS/hanger is made by spreading a thicker film of liquid latex (about a 2 mm thick film seems sufficient) over a 5” area on one end of the strip. This creates a pliable, deformable, and tacky pad that is the primary contact point to the penis.

On the other side from this pad, a loop is created from attaching a thin strip (5” by ¾”) of Theraband using liquid latex, which after setting up creates an integrated unit. This strip has a film of latex deposited on both sides to aid durability.

The device is attached to the penis at the head. The tacky pad is wrapped around the glans and then the remaining Theraband is used to double/triple wrap the head and then extended partway down the penis shaft (for best results keep loose skin pulled towards the body during this procedure). There should now be a good bond formed between the glans and the latex. And the loop, which now extends just beyond the penis, is available to attach to any tension device, including weights. I use a bungee like cord attached between the loop and a Velcro leg strap to provide an all day stretch.

The key advantage of using latex, or any tacky substance, is the reduced need to use pressure to maintain attachment. With pressure comes the attendant problem of losing circulation, which occurs with almost all other stretchers and hangers. For instance, I could never use the JES Extender comfortably for more than an hour without removing it and restoring circulation. It is unthinkable to use it at while sleeping.

Because a tacky bond is formed between the penis and the latex, very little pressure is needed to maintain attachment. So little, in fact, that I have used the device overnight while sleeping without any problems.

An additional advantage is the compactness – it is easily concealed under clothing.

Material needed
Liquid Latex (I used - Mold Builder Liquid Latex Rubber – available at craft shops)

I’ve attached a pic taken against two 3X5 index cards:

(15.1 KB, 414 views)

You’ve used this while sleeping? What about erections?

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Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
You’ve used this while sleeping? What about erections?

Good question. Night time erections can cause the “LWrap” to slip off as the erection subsides. In its use as an ADS, the LWrap isn’t wrapped tightly - so it can accommodate an erection, but as the erection subsides there seems to be a limit to it’s ability to contract in order to maintain good adhesion. The tackiness is somewhat like that of a sticky note, perhaps a bit stronger.

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