Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Post History

07-14-2021, 03:50 PM - Today by AndyJ

AndyJ's Body Enhancement Thread

Now that the "penis repair/rehab" phase is done (quite satisfactorily, thanks in large part to Thunder’s) I’m moving on to enhancement/enlargement, which I will report on periodically.

The rest of my body can use some help, so I’m starting a diet and exercise plan, which may be of less interest to most forum members.

I have an abdominal hernia that needs to be fixed, I need a knee replacement, and I need surgery on a disc in my back. These are all long-term problems, but they’ve been getting worse. No local hospital will touch me, even though I’m in reasonably good health otherwise. They’re all part of the BMI cult.

Beginning stats 07/14/2021:

age: 63
weight: 347#
waist: 63"
thighs: 32"
upper arms: 17.5"
BMI: 50
BP: 140-175
glucose: 95-105

Despite being a fat dude I was active and fairly strong, at least for upper-body strength. After almost two years of being ill just shy of bedridden, I have no strength or stamina at all. Everything that used to be muscle is fat. I’m the same weight I was three years ago, but much larger.

I have some curvature of the spine from poor posture. I’m allegic to… almost everything. And I have arthritis, which is linked to the allergy thing. It shows up on X-rays of my back, shoulders, and neck. I have central sleep apnea, adequately treated with a CPAP machine, which I use 100%.

On the plus side, I’m not diabetic, which has upset and confused various doctors. The arthritis isn’t the kind that fossilizes your joints. And while fat and decrepit, I’m in reasonably good general health - no heart, kidney, or liver problems. White blood cell count has been high for several years, but the lab and the doc say it’s not leukemia.

I am not currently taking any prescription medications. I have been taking some supplements - Vitamin D, zinc, L-Arginine, and L-Triptophan, mostly - for about a year.

07-14-2021, 03:49 PM - 07-14-2021 03:50 PM by AndyJ

AndyJ's Body Enhancement Thread

Now that the "penis repair/rehab" phase is done (quite satisfactorily, thanks in large part to Thunder’s) I’m moving on to enhancement/enlargement, which I will report on periodically.

The rest of my body can use some help, so I’m starting a diet and exercise plan, which may be of less interest to most forum members.

I have an abdominal hernia that needs to be fixed, I need a knee replacement, and I need surgery on a disc in my back. These are all long-term problems, but they’ve been getting worse. No local hospital will touch me, even though I’m in reasonably good health otherwise. They’re all part of the BMI cult.

Beginning stats 07/14/2021:

age: 63
weight: 347#
waist: 63"
thighs: 32"
upper arms: 17.5"
BMI: 50
BP: 140-175
glucose: 95-105

Despite being a fat dude I was active and fairly strong, at least for upper-body strength. After almost two years of being ill just shy of bedridden, I have no strength or stamina at all. Everything that used to be muscle is fat. I’m the same weight I was three years ago, but much larger.

I have some curvature of the spine from poor posture. I’m allegic to… almost everything. And I have arthritis, which is linked to the allergy thing. It shows up on X-rays of my back, shoulders, and neck. I have central sleep apnea, adequately treated with a CPAP machine, which I use 100%.

On the plus side, I’m not diabetic, which has upset and confused various doctors. The arthritis isn’t the kind that fossilizes your joints.
And while fat and decrepit, I’m in reasonably good general health - no heart, kidney, or liver problems. White blood cell count has been high for several years, but the lab and the doc say it’s not leukemia.

I am not currently taking any prescription medications. I have been taking some supplements - Vitamin D, zinc, L-Arginine, and L-Triptophan, mostly - for about a year.

07-14-2021, 03:49 PM - 07-14-2021 03:49 PM

AndyJ's Body Enhancement Thread

Now that the "penis repair/rehab" phase is done (quite satisfactorily, thanks in large part to Thunders’) I’m moving on to enhancement/enlargement, which I will report on periodically.

The rest of my body can use some help, so I’m starting a diet and exercise plan, which may be of less interest to most forum members.

I have an abdominal hernia that needs to be fixed, I need a knee replacement, and I need surgery on a disc in my back. These are all long-term problems, but they’ve been getting worse. No local hospital will touch me, even though I’m in reasonably good health otherwise. They’re all part of the BMI cult.

Beginning stats 07/14/2021:

age: 63
weight: 347#
waist: 63"
thighs: 32"
upper arms: 17.5"
BMI: 50
BP: 140-175
glucose: 95-105

Despite being a fat dude I was active and fairly strong, at least for upper-body strength. After almost two years of being ill just shy of bedridden, I have no strength or stamina at all. Everything that used to be muscle is fat. I’m the same weight I was three years ago, but much larger.

I have some curvature of the spine from poor posture. I’m allegic to… almost everything. And I have arthritis, which is linked to the allergy thing. It shows up on X-rays of my back, shoulders, and neck. I have central sleep apnea, adequately treated with a CPAP machine, which I use 100%.

On the plus side, I’m not diabetic, which has upset and confused various doctors. The arthritis isn’t the kind that fossilizes your joints.
And while fat and decrepit, I’m in reasonably good general health - no heart, kidney, or liver problems. White blood cell count has been high for several years, but the lab and the doc say it’s not leukemia.

I am not currently taking any prescription medications. I have been taking some supplements - Vitamin D, zinc, L-Arginine, and L-Triptophan, mostly - for about a year.

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