Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Celery/celery supplements effect on erections

Never buy anything like this from your local grocery store. Most herbs, vegetables and the like in these stores have been irradiated destroying most of their properties.

TEN COMMANDMENTS The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a Courthouse? You cannot post "Thou Shalt Not Steal," "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" and "Thou Shall Not Lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians...It creates a hostile work environment.

Pumper for a while got to the square dick 7X7 , hanging now 7-2010

How sure are you irradiation destroys any of those things?


I like the Celery Juice idea too!

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

I take celery seed for water retention, whom, I’m going to take celery seed wait a half hour and see if things are much firmer when I go into a ballooning session.

Celery works… fresh is best.

BTW, juicers are the biggest scam and they cost a fortune. Simply eat the fruit/veggies!


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

yup. while a juicer is great, the benefits of eating a fruit or vegetable are MUCH greater. If you can do both, then great, but always hedge for the full food.

The problem with eating celery in the US is that usually the celery is picked quite mature and not freshly-picked when it gets to you. As a result, it is often stringy and tough.even the organic kind. I lived in Italy for a number of years and could go down to the market daily and get celery from a farmer who had just picked it that morning. What a difference! I could eat a bunch of celery raw. Only way I can get down more than a stalk now is if it is cooked and sliced thin.

Solution? Probably need to grow my own.

Celery seeds work for me really well. They give me semi hard-ons all day, larger ejaculation volume and great morning wood. It is incredibly cheap and readily available everywhere.

Originally Posted by Jafar_t
Celery seeds work for me really well. They give me semi hard-ons all day, larger ejaculation volume and great morning wood. It is incredibly cheap and readily available everywhere.

You got to be kidding me. It worked? Crazy how did you use it?

Started PE April 2008 : 5 1/8 x 5 1/4

July 2010 : 6 1/4 x 6

Feb 2011 :7" bp Sept 2011: 7 5/16. Bp (Gold: 7 1/2 x 7)

Since a couple guys have asked for it in pill form- you can find celery seed or celery seed extract in tablet form at most supplement stores. Vitamin World, Vitamin Shoppe, GNC, etc. You can also find it in online supplement stores. It is a supplement commonly used by steroid users to help keep blood pressure stable during a steroid cycle. Typically it is “stacked” with hawthorn berry for this purpose. I’ve heard guys say that hawthorn is good for promoting strong erections too, but I haven’t seen any documentation to support that. Anyhow… celery seed can be found at supplement stores. Hope that helps somebody.

Starting measurements (August 2009): BPEL: 7.625in EG:6.25in BPFSL: 7.5in flaccid BP length:4in

"Peak" measurements (Oct. 2012): BPEL: 8in EG: 6.625in BPFSL: 8.375 in flaccid BP length: 6in

Current measurements (Nov. 2017): BPEL: 8in EG: 5.75in BPFSL: 8.25in flaccid BP length: 6in

I’m not sure about celery seeds yet, I’ve been taking them for a few days now and I have had better morning wood and farther distance on ejaculation.
I have not had any increase in volume and since it is rather early to notice changes I wonder if it isn’t just a placebo effect.

I don’t like cooking with it, gives a nasty mint flavour to food in my opinion, so it was a nice surprise that a half teaspoon or so was actually tasty and easy to swallow even especially with water.

06-06-2011: 6.5" x 5.5" Current: 7.14" x 5.5"

Long term goal 8x6 short term goal 7.2x5.6

Pic's and Progress :worthy: Forum Guidelines

I have been taking it on and off for 3 weeks, and can assure that it is not placebo effect.

I bought it in Bulk Barn.

Originally Posted by dewberry
I’m not sure about celery seeds yet, I’ve been taking them for a few days now and I have had better morning wood and farther distance on ejaculation.
I have not had any increase in volume and since it is rather early to notice changes I wonder if it isn’t just a placebo effect.

I don’t like cooking with it, gives a nasty mint flavour to food in my opinion, so it was a nice surprise that a half teaspoon or so was actually tasty and easy to swallow even especially with water.

I take it just like dewberry. I bought a bag from Bulk Barn, and then take 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoonful every couple of hours with water.

Originally Posted by monkeykush
You got to be kidding me. It worked? Crazy how did you use it?

I ate celery for a month.nothing. Yeah, Peter North eats it to shoot big loads (what I read from the Internet). This information we get is from the Internet and a lot of it is crap. I can write on a forum ( or say it’s a porn stars secret) saying eating 3 bowls of rice a day will make you shoot 20 squirt of cum that will leave a shot glass over flowing and before you know it.

Originally Posted by meowmeowluvin
I ate celery for a month.nothing. Yeah, Peter North eats it to shoot big loads (what I read from the Internet). This information we get is from the Internet and a lot of it is crap. I can write on a forum ( or say it’s a porn stars secret) saying eating 3 bowls of rice a day will make you shoot 20 squirt of cum that will leave a shot glass over flowing and before you know it.

For the record, when I was a teenager Peter North’s “big secret” was bee pollen. yea… seriously. There was even a dietary supplement that was “developed by Peter North” called volume pills or something of the sort. it was mostly bee pollen. I think his big secret is probably good hydration and good genetics.

Starting measurements (August 2009): BPEL: 7.625in EG:6.25in BPFSL: 7.5in flaccid BP length:4in

"Peak" measurements (Oct. 2012): BPEL: 8in EG: 6.625in BPFSL: 8.375 in flaccid BP length: 6in

Current measurements (Nov. 2017): BPEL: 8in EG: 5.75in BPFSL: 8.25in flaccid BP length: 6in


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