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Celery/celery supplements effect on erections

I take celery seeds, not celery.

Originally Posted by meowmeowluvin
I ate celery for a month.nothing. Yeah, Peter North eats it to shoot big loads (what I read from the Internet). This information we get is from the Internet and a lot of it is crap. I can write on a forum ( or say it’s a porn stars secret) saying eating 3 bowls of rice a day will make you shoot 20 squirt of cum that will leave a shot glass over flowing and before you know it.

Celery improves the taste of cum so I ‘ve been told. Then again it is all I know

This is so funny, but I guess there is truth to it.There was a guy in my neighborhood who was a little whacked out and he always used to say you gotta eat a little celery before you roast the pussy. But I guess he wasn’t that whacked after all!

I’ll try it. I will be taking just a regular celery seed from the spice aisle at my local grocery store. I will be taking 1/2 a teaspoon morning upon waking and at night right before I go to bed along with 1g of l-arginine/orotine. The l-arginine/orotine makes a noticeable difference in erection frequency and load size. This dosing @ 3g’s a day spread though out the day.

I am definitely going to purchase some celery seed today. You guys got me interested.

Wow.. Thanks for the info and links on celery!

I’ve been having WICKED gas for the last few days. I haven’t changed anything in my dietary regiment except the addition of about a 1/2 teaspoon of celery seed in the afternoon. The gas starts at around 5:00 pm. Does anyone have problems with this? I’m talking WICKED gas.

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30

Originally Posted by bowie knife

I’ve been having WICKED gas for the last few days. I haven’t changed anything in my dietary regiment except the addition of about a 1/2 teaspoon of celery seed in the afternoon. The gas starts at around 5:00 pm. Does anyone have problems with this? I’m talking WICKED gas.

I have this same issue when I start taking my l-arginine/orotine combo, but it subsides after about a week. Give it a week or so and things should settle down for you.

Originally Posted by nrvous1
I have this same issue when I start taking my l-arginine/orotine combo, but it subsides after about a week. Give it a week or so and things should settle down for you.

I was taking a combination of Arginine, Ornithine & Lysine. I saw no particular benefit in increasing my EQ. It has been suggested by a person here to try AAKG for EQ and increased volume. I have some on order. If I see improvements with this supplement, I’ll post my results.

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30

Has anybody other than jafar been getting noticeably better EQ from celery seeds?

Starting stats: NBPEL:6.5 | MSEG:5.25 (around 3/1/2010)

Current stats: NBPEL:6.5 | MSEG:5.25 (around 3/1/2010)

Short-term goals NBPEL:7.25| MSEG: 5.65

Well I tried it out. I brought a pound of Celery seed at the supermarket for $3. Had a date and wanted to see if it worked. Took about 2 tbs with water 1-1/2 hr’s before. Well it didn’t give me longer or harder erections. But it did take me much longer to ejaculate. I felt I had more control. So far so good. I’m taking it every day now.

Started PE April 2008 : 5 1/8 x 5 1/4

July 2010 : 6 1/4 x 6

Feb 2011 :7" bp Sept 2011: 7 5/16. Bp (Gold: 7 1/2 x 7)

Last edited by monkeykush : 03-10-2012 at .

I’ve had some noticeably better erections in the last few days, (still a long ways to go, but a moderate improvement can be very encouraging) when taking the seeds. I’ve got a lot of other variables going right now,so it’s hard to be sure though.

Reading some of the posts and figured I’d give it a try, I bought some celery seed from the local spice shop (not supermarket). I plan to start with 1 teaspoon of seed steeped in hot water to make a tea of it. The taste of the tea is pretty mild and palatable not over powering, but the seeds get caught in my teeth. I have also a graduated cylinder so I can track any changes, my start point is 3ml.

Originally Posted by monkeykush
Well I tried it out. I brought a pound of Celery seed at the supermarket for $3. Had a date and wanted to see if it worked. Took about 2 tbs with water 1-1/2 hr’s before. Well it didn’t give me longer or harder erections. But it did take me much longer to ejaculate. I felt I had more control. So far so good. I’m taking it every day now.

That’s very interesting. You know, celery contains a chemical called eugenol. If you eat a lot of raw celery you will feel a numbing in your mouth, this is from the eugenol. It is also said that eugenol can have calming effect on the nerves, which makes me think there may be a connection between eugenol and your lasting longer in bed. Interestingly, eugenol is also found in cloves. Kind of an “urban myth” I heard a few years back was that there were guys that would smoke clove cigarettes to prevent premature ejaculation. Maybe there is actually some truth to that.

Starting measurements (August 2009): BPEL: 7.625in EG:6.25in BPFSL: 7.5in flaccid BP length:4in

"Peak" measurements (Oct. 2012): BPEL: 8in EG: 6.625in BPFSL: 8.375 in flaccid BP length: 6in

Current measurements (Nov. 2017): BPEL: 8in EG: 5.75in BPFSL: 8.25in flaccid BP length: 6in

I’m already using celery seed for 2 weeks in combination with the pygeum, zinc and lecithin. I can say that it makes me stay longer and I can cum up to 3 times in one sitting. I notice I always feel my nuts are full and in need of release, I take my L arginine on weekends to give me some boost.


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