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Hair loss please help

Originally Posted by manda
I would strongly advice you not to go through with finasteride, speaking of own experiences this drug is poison.
Took the pills for some months, almost 4 years ago and I still have severe side effects. My life biggest mistake.

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<—- Dr. Crisler on finasteride

There’s other options towards hairloss, as Crisler speaks of. Nizoral (Ketoconazole) and Spironolactone amongs many others, minoxidil is also popular.
I’d suggest you hit a hairloss website such as for the best expertice, some people have made stunning hair recoveries over there with different regimes but I’d still warn you against finasteride and dutasteride.

Best of luck to you.

Hmm, I just received a shipment of Propecia I ordered online. Now I’m having second thoughts about taking it.

I saw Nizoral behind the counter at Costco. Would that be the 1% or the 2%?

4/2008 Bpel 6.50, Beg 5.5, Mseg 4.9

6/2008 Bpel 6.75, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

9/2008 Bpel 7.00, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

Fantom, Ive been taking Propecia for about 7 months with absolutely NO side effects.

It has also grown many vellus hairs along my receding hairline.

I believe there are some people who do have side effects, but for the majority of people who have them, I think its all in there head. I mean think about it, you give a man a pill and then tell him the pill MIGHT effect his libido. It almost guarantees sexual performance anxiety.

Originally Posted by Fantom

I saw Nizoral behind the counter at Costco. Would that be the 1% or the 2%?

It should say on the box. But my guess is if it’s at Costco, it’s probably the 1%. The 2% usually has to be found online.

Originally Posted by king-ding
Fantom, I’ve been taking Propecia for about 7 months with absolutely NO side effects.

It has also grown many vellus hairs along my receding hairline.

I believe there are some people who do have side effects, but for the majority of people who have them, I think it’s all in there head. I mean think about it, you give a man a pill and then tell him the pill MIGHT effect his libido. It almost guarantees sexual performance anxiety.

Well the funny story about this is when Propecia first came out as approved for hair loss (this was back around 1997), one of my friends/coworkers got a scrip for it. We both were suffering some early age hair loss (25 or so) and he was gung ho about it to the point where he’d actually had a toupee commissioned and all this stuff. So I did some reading up on it and decided it was a bit scary and that the clinical trials didn’t have enough data on sides to satisfy my natural paranoia. (And of course search engines weren’t what they are today and there was a lot less content on the WWW then). So I told him hey, you do it, you’re gonna be the guinea pig, if you grow some hair before you turn green or keel over, I’m in. Well sure as shit he did start to grow some damn hair. Mostly peach fuzz but it was hair. Ultimately I decided that fuzzy hair wasn’t really going to satisfy me, and that it might actually draw more attention to my hair loss, so I never did get on it back then.

Unfortunately our friendship dissolved and I haven’t seen the bastard in at least 5 years, so I have no idea what his hair (or his dick) is up to.

However on FB, his profile photo is him in a ballcap, so there’s a possibility it didn’t go so well.

4/2008 Bpel 6.50, Beg 5.5, Mseg 4.9

6/2008 Bpel 6.75, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

9/2008 Bpel 7.00, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

Mtype I was just going to pose to lol great site for natural ways to halt or reverse hair loss. There is also a new website

I’ve been on finasteride for more than 10 years. I’ve never had any kind of side effect. I’m almost 59 and still get erections like a schoolboy. My virgin bald spot completely disappeared within six months and has never returned. I do take a pill every day, but since I take others it’s not a chore.

You can always stop the drug if you experience any problems. But you should give it at least three months to see what will happen.

Westla, where do you get your finesteride from? (doctor, online, ect.)

I have read that the pills to help with balding inhibit some steroids, anyone with any knowledge on that?

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

KD - My doctor understands the economics of the drug manufacturers. He know that Proscar (5 mg tablets) is the same drug as Propecia (1 mg tablets). He knows that the normal dose for finasteride when used for hair loss is 1 mg per day. So he writes me a prescription for generic finasteride 5 mg and the directions are “take as directed.” Which means cut them into quarters and a one month supply will last for four months. The price at my local pharmacy/chemist is about the same for both strengths of the drug so by buying the strong tablet I’m saving quite a bit of money. At present I’m paying about US$90 for the thirty 5 mg tablets. It seems cheaper online, but I trust my local shop to have quality products. I don’t know what I’d get by buying online.

The only part that scares me is the possibility of “permanent” sides. That video link was frightening. Although I’m gonna take that with a grain of salt since it is clear that the guy was trying to sell something naturopathic of his own.

4/2008 Bpel 6.50, Beg 5.5, Mseg 4.9

6/2008 Bpel 6.75, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

9/2008 Bpel 7.00, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

Originally Posted by westla90069
KD - My doctor understands the economics of the drug manufacturers. He know that Proscar (5 mg tablets) is the same drug as Propecia (1 mg tablets). He knows that the normal dose for finasteride when used for hair loss is 1 mg per day. So he writes me a prescription for generic finasteride 5 mg and the directions are “take as directed.” Which means cut them into quarters and a one month supply will last for four months. The price at my local pharmacy/chemist is about the same for both strengths of the drug so by buying the strong tablet I’m saving quite a bit of money. At present I’m paying about US$90 for the thirty 5 mg tablets. It seems cheaper online, but I trust my local shop to have quality products. I don’t know what I’d get by buying online.

I bought mine online from a Canadian pharmacy and 3 months supply cost me $55. It’s exactly the same thing as you’d get here, according to them. Although the drug itself was produced and shipped from the UK, not sure why. Does that sound fishy? I haven’t decided whether to try these or toss em in the trash.

4/2008 Bpel 6.50, Beg 5.5, Mseg 4.9

6/2008 Bpel 6.75, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

9/2008 Bpel 7.00, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

fantom, I think you should give them a chance.

Your best chance to regrow hair, are the big 3. (other than a hair transplant, of course)


If you feel like your experiencing sides, you can always stop. But the sooner you start on the meds, the better the results usually are.

I’m 32 and my hair loss really started to attack at 25, even though I had an obvious receding hairline. Back in Aug of 09’ I started using 2% minox (Canada has not approved the more potent 5% yet). I had a thin strip of hair left going from the front to the back of my scalp. Now after a few short months I have nearly all my hair back at the front of my head. I have minimal side effects, other than the fact that I can’t get a spontaneous erection for two hours after I put it on, after the 2 hour mark everything is fine. I also recently started putting it on a wet scalp as that makes it absorb better. Water isn’t recommended because it absorbs better that way and will promote negative side effects in the guys who are sensitive.

Generic rogaine is working so well I can’t see myself using anything else, particularly if it makes me impotent, or if I have to take other things in conjunction to counter the side effects of those drugs.

Some guys think its expensive but it only cost $30 a month and I’m not rich. You guys that live in other countries are lucky since you can get much stronger minox for the same price.

Good luck leftydick, I think depression accelerated my hair loss also but minox has really helped me get the hair back. Start with the least invasive method first, and get help with your depression. With minox its recommended you start treatment no more than ten years after the hair loss starts, so don’t wait forever whatever you do man.

I also should mention an uncle of mine went bald by forty. By the time he was fifty the hair miraculously grew back without any drugs, treatments etc. He was fine with hair loss and actually tried to talk me out of using anything. He swears there is some other factor at work with hairloss. I don’t believe him, but thought it was worth mentioning.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

Last edited by hopeful2hanglow : 01-25-2010 at .

Originally Posted by hopeful2hanglow
I’m 32 and my hair loss really started to attack at 25, even though I had an obvious receding hairline. Back in Aug of 09’ I started using 2% minox (Canada has not approved the more potent 5% yet). I had a thin strip of hair left going from the front to the back of my scalp. Now after a few short months I have nearly all my hair back at the front of my head. I have minimal side effects, other than the fact that I can’t get a spontaneous erection for two hours after I put it on, after the 2 hour mark everything is fine. I also recently started putting it on a wet scalp as that makes it absorb better. Water isn’t recommended because it absorbs better that way and will promote negative side effects in the guys who are sensitive.

Generic rogaine is working so well I can’t see myself using anything else, particularly if it makes me impotent, or if I have to take other things in conjunction to counter the side effects of those drugs.

Some guys think its expensive but it only cost $30 a month and I’m not rich. You guys that live in other countries are lucky since you can get much stronger minox for the same price.

Good luck leftydick, I think depression accelerated my hair loss also but minox has really helped me get the hair back. Start with the least invasive method first, and get help with your depression. With minox its recommended you start treatment no more than ten years after the hair loss starts, so don’t wait forever whatever you do man.

I also should mention an uncle of mine went bald by forty. By the time he was fifty the hair miraculously grew back without any drugs, treatments etc. He was fine with hair loss and actually tried to talk me out of using anything. He swears there is some other factor at work with hairloss. I don’t believe him, but thought it was worth mentioning.

Im very happy to hear of your success with minox! Even though it says on the box it wont work for frontal hairloss, many people have experienced otherwise.

Im thinking your uncle may have had a Hair Transplant. It’s the only explanation I can think of.

Maybe he started taking melatonin for sleep, and got an added benefit.


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