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Hair loss please help


Hair loss please help

Ok well I’ve recently posted a thread about my unusually low sex drive for a 21 year old, and I’ve gotten some good feedback, now I need alittle help with my hair rather post here instead of a hair loss forum because I’m hoping no one is gonna market some stupid product, I mean this is pe site and the pe is in the form of natural pe, no pills or devices.for the most part haha, so I figured id get real peoples real advice and not some reply targeted to make money on some product because it’s a “hair loss” forum

Anyway, I’m 21, my senior year in high school I woke up one morning and there was a section of my hair that was a lot shorter than the rest, it was about half an inch high, and it spanned from my leftside hair line back about 4 inches and about 3 inches wide, it stayed that way for a year!! No growth in that one completely boggled my mind, all the other hair grew, this never fell out or grew, it just broke off and stayed that way.

After about a year of depression and no results and the rest of my hair starting to fall out I went to a dermatologist and he started me on a protien shampoo called daragen, and then eventually put me on propecia, well my hair started to grow, it wasn’t as thick as before but close enough, and my hair wasn’t falling out as much, didnt really grow back too much hair I lost but it helped me maintain..

I stopped using it after about half a year, because of price and sexual side I’m 21 and my hair is really starting to thin, I’ve been using hair genesis for the past 3 months, no resluts I still find like 12 strands of hair in my hand when I wash my hair, I used hair genesis because if you go to their website it compares them to all other leading hair loss treatments and it says they are the only ones that treat receding hairline and how even tho they are all natural they still meet some fda shit, and no sexual side effects.whatever

I don’t even care if what I lost NEVER grows back, just something to help stop the current falling out, I also tried using rosemary essecntial oil but that doesnt seem to be working, the only thing that seemed to work was propecia but it had really bad sexual side effects, so idk what to do

1. I was thinking about just using rogaine and seeing how that works, I know it says it doesnt help receding hairline, which I don’t understand why not, but my top is thinning too, so I wanted to try using that, and then one day maybe slowly getting off that and back on propecia, has anyone done that? Using rogaine to grow some hair and then stopped using it and used propecia to maintain?

2. Is there anything worth purchasing? I’m only thinking about rogaine and prop again because they are fda approved, I’m tired of using these stupid, “we have a patent, or we are all natural but meet fda requirements blah blah” bullshit products, none of that stuff seems to work, and they say you should use for like 6 months to a year but I don’t want to waste all that time and money for something that don’t work, so is there anything besides prop and rogaine that ACTUALLY works?

3 any other advice? I’m hoping the rogaine will work, but is it true that sometimes it makes your hair fall out first before regrowing?

Idk what to do!! Please help

This I why I’m glad I’m black even if a start balding I can just shave it off and still look like my old sexy self. I hope you find a solution to your problem but maybe you can just shave it all off and rep the dome.

\"Break A Deal Face The Wheel!"

I only quickly read what you wrote.

If your hair loss is caused by depression and anxiety, you need to exercise more and that will help.

I use rogaine, both foam and the liquid, and they do work. I also recommend you get shampoo that thickens and strengthens your hair, because mine also thinned and is more fragile.

Originally Posted by Springer240
I only quickly read what you wrote.

If your hair loss is caused by depression and anxiety, you need to exercise more and that will help.

I use rogaine, both foam and the liquid, and they do work. I also recommend you get shampoo that thickens and strengthens your hair, because mine also thinned and is more fragile.

How expensive are all these products?

Originally Posted by jojajico
This I why I’m glad I’m black even if a start balding I can just shave it off and still look like my old sexy self. I hope you find a solution to your problem but maybe you can just shave it all off and rep the dome.

I agree. Shaving it is a much better alternative to a comb over.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Propecia is said to work at lower than normal doses. You might try it again and cut the tablets in half. That way you’ll get more for the money and reduce the sexual side effects.

Bone dome is distinguished and zero maintenance. I sometimes shave my head and I have a lustrous mane.

Hi mate, stress is a major factor in hair loss - so your depression could be a part. Also some people do just go bald early, I’m 28 but have so friends that were balding by 23/24 and just go shaven now. Shaving does helps strengthen re-growth apparently. It coud be genetic? My family goes grey early and I’m nearly 50% grey, but hey thats life. I think it should be repairable if your so young and not genetic. Do your research, have you tried any natural remedies? Sometime diet change can help too. Again you really need to consult professional mate, do go soley on peoples advice on here

Good luck

Lefty relax and have faith in science. If you or anyone else believe there will never be a cure for baldness, think about this.

30 years ago if someone said there will be a pill to make your dick hard, would they have been taken seriously?

Attached Files
baldness break though.pdf
(242.4 KB, 74 views)

I shaved the old dome about a year ago and grew a “Paul, Sr” (American Chopper guy) ‘stache. (Didn’t really have to-just did it on a whim)

I’ve had more women come up and rub my head than you can imagine-I use a moisturizer that makes it shine also.

Hell, if I had known the ladies liked this so much I would have shaved the whole body! :D

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

Originally Posted by leftydick
Id rather post here instead of a hair loss forum because I’m hoping no one is gonna market some stupid product..

Go to Youtube and search for “balayam.” There’s this video where this Indian guy demonstrates a yoga technique said to reverse hairloss.

It won’t cost you a dime. Years ago people scoffed at PE too you know. Give it a try, who knows it might work.

Some guys just have the genetic makeup for early hair loss, I know plenty of people in my highschool that started loosing hair early (from 20 to 30 or so).

On the other hand, since you also suffer from depression (as a result of hairloss or just at the same time?) it could be a symptom of something else? http://en.wikip … #Early_symptoms for instance lists several other symptoms related to Hypothyreosis. Not saying that has any relevance, but did your doc talk about underlying causes?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by westla90069
Propecia is said to work at lower than normal doses. You might try it again and cut the tablets in half. That way you’ll get more for the money and reduce the sexual side effects.

I wonder if taking one tablet every second day would achieve the same effect; or is it important to maintain a daily intake (even at reduced dosage) of finasateride?

I would strongly advice you not to go through with finasteride, speaking of own experiences this drug is poison.
Took the pills for some months, almost 4 years ago and I still have severe side effects. My life biggest mistake.

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<—- Dr. Crisler on finasteride

There’s other options towards hairloss, as Crisler speaks of. Nizoral (Ketoconazole) and Spironolactone amongs many others, minoxidil is also popular.
I’d suggest you hit a hairloss website such as for the best expertice, some people have made stunning hair recoveries over there with different regimes but I’d still warn you against finasteride and dutasteride.

Best of luck to you.

This is a marathon worth running!!

Dec 09: BPEL 5.3" x MSEG 4.2"

Goal: BPEL 7.5" x MSEG 5"

You are going to thank me for this.

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