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Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Hey guys,

I’m 20 years old and am currently experiencing a receding hairline and thinning hair at the front.

My hair is reasonably long (4 inches-ish) and currently still looks reasonably good in it’s shaggy and free sort of style. But I’m worried that it’s only going to get thinner and within a few years I might have really thinned hair or god forbid - bald.

I’m way too young for this. I’m not ready to let go of my youth just yet.

Is there anybody else here battling hair loss? How do you guys deal with it?

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

Finasteride. Don’t be afraid of the rare side effects. The sooner you start, the more hair you’ll retain.

(Cue links to all the Propecia horror threads.)

Good thread to go through:


Try Propecia but it caused ED while I was on it and two friends of mine as well. Side Effects arent that rare. Rogaine doesnt work for the front of the scalp, but fret not. They are now injecting the stem cells found in the shaft of your hair follicle into the scalp and having great success. Recent studies have shown that in a few years you will be able to regrow your own hair succesfully.

Hey my hair has been thinning as early as age 15 (I’m 18 now). I’ve still got a full head of hair but I started finasteride about 6 months ago. It’s too early to see permanent results right now but at least my hair has not gotten worse and I have no side effects. Hope this helps.


I am on Minoxidil, since the past 6 months. My main problem is that my scalp itches a lot. The doctor put me on a shampoo called Ketoplus. The itching stopped for a while then started again. Then, I realised that the itching is mainly due to stress. I am planning to start some stress release exercises soon before I scratch away my “remaining” hair off :) .

The doctor told me that apparently hair loss is genetic, it stem’s on the father’s side. Since my father still has all his hair, I am safe. Still, whenever I look at myself in the mirror, I can’t stop witnessing my once thick set of hair thinning down.

Anyways, I came to terms with myself that in the near future(5 years), I am indeed going to become a “baldie”. I will need to find some other ways to charm the ladies. One of my favourite actor since I was a kid, is Bruce Willis. He is bald now but still looks very sexy.

I am sorry, I realise that my trend of thoughts are very incoherent right now. I just posted to say, fight all you can to retain that last strand of hair and once they are all gone don’t regret them.

Take care.

I have decided whatever I do I will move forward in life

I started having hair loss when I was 17, and by using Rogaine once a day (half of what they recommend) I stopped significant hair loss.

WEDNESDAY, May 16 (HealthDay News) — A chance finding in wounded lab mice could point the way to reversing hair loss, scientists say.

While studying the healing of wounds in mice, a team at the University of Pennsylvania noticed that the animals developed new hair follicles after their skin was scraped.

This is very unusual, because "the dogma was that when you’re born, you’re stuck with the number of hair follicles that you have," said study co-author Dr. George Cotsarelis, director of the university’s Hair and Scalp Clinic. And, if the follicles die — as occurs during aging — they can’t be revived.

No one knows if new follicle growth occurs in wounded humans or if researchers can find a way to harness the hair-growing effect without having to actually hurt people.

But scientists are hopeful, especially considering that current treatments for baldness do not create new follicles to replace ones that have died.

"We’re amazed that we’re getting follicles to form," Cotsarelis said. He believes the findings could even "lead to a better understanding of regeneration that might be important for treating wounds and larger sorts of injuries down the road."

Apparently, something in the mice’s healing process reprograms stem cells in the skin to start making new follicles, Cotsarelis said. Essentially, he said, the process is like rebooting a computer and sending out a new command through a gene. "You’re getting the clock to go back to where it was at birth," he explained.

The result is new follicles that seem to act just like follicles should — they sprout hair.

The study is published in the May 17 issue of the journal Nature.

The wounds that appear to cause the hair regrowth in the mice are similar to a common dermatological treatment known as dermabrasion, Cotsarelis said. In dermabrasion, layers of skin are scraped off and healing begins.

So, why not start treating balding people with dermabrasion on their heads? Cotsarelis — who is forming a company to explore ways to develop the treatment for human use — cautioned that it’s not quite that easy. Scientists may have to expand upon the treatment and work with genes to make hair grow properly, he said.

Besides hair growth, the research could have other benefits. "The follicle is a small organ, a mini-organ," Cotsarelis said. "If you can figure out how to regenerate the follicle, you also have a better idea about how to regenerate a finger or a limb."

Dr. Andrzej A. Dlugosz, a professor of dermatology at the University of Michigan who’s familiar with the study, said the research is "very elegant" and especially unique since it involves mice that have not been genetically altered.

As to the scientific study of hair loss, he said that hair growth problems are hardly trivial. "There are many types of hair loss, and some of these can be emotionally devastating. Developing effective ways to restore hair can do a lot of good for patients in terms of their general well-being," Dlugosz said.

Indeed, he said, the research might also help produce skin grafts that look and function more like normal skin in burn victims.

SOURCES: George Cotsarelis, M.D., director, Hair and Scalp Clinic, and associate professor, dermatology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Andrzej A. Dlugosz, M.D., professor, dermatology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; May 17, 2007, Nature

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http://www.dent … 20May%20Regrow/


The best option at this point would be to go with the big 3 or a combination of a few of them and something else.

Propecia/Proscar or Avodart
Minoxidil (which is what Rogaine is)
Nizoral Shampoo

And maybe a Hair, skin, and nail multi-vitamin.

I use Proscar (finasteride). It is the same as Propecia, but Proscar is marketed towards BPH, and Propecia is marketed towards hair-loss. Propecia is 1 mg, Proscar is 5 mg. Get yourself a pill splitter and split the Proscar into 4 pieces, and take 1 a day. Talk to your doctor and tell him/her you want to get on finasteride now. Your insurance should cover the Proscar, and by splitting the pills you will save yourself. I take Proscar and what would last me 1 month in Propecia, lasts me 4 months in Proscar, and it is the same drug. If you want something stronger you can go with Avodart but it is more expensive then Propecia and Proscar.

Side effects are minimal with finasteride. After all men with BPH have been using for over 20 years with very little sides. I have gotten no sides. It does not stop hair loss completely from what I have found, but it slows it down greatly.

Also at your age I would not consider a hair transplant, although there are some very good doctors doing them. Once your hair-loss stabilizes and you are in your late 20s or early 30s by the earliest then I would even consider a hair transplant. There are some good doctors out there, but do your research if you decide to go down this path in the future. Do not fall victim to the cons at Bosley, they should not even be a consideration. Also do not limit yourself to only doctors in your area. It is your hair, your head, and your life, and you should be willing to see the best no matter where they are located. Send me a PM, and I will gladly point you in the right direction about getting truthful unbiased information in the hair restoration community.

I started losing my hair at 18, and I know exactly what you are going through. I am now 28 and still dealing with it, but I will never accept it. Some guys can, some guys can’t. If you can’t just know there are things you can do about it, and that technology is going to make it easier for us in the future. Hair Multiplication is currently being worked on around the world, and I am sure it will be available to the public within the next 20 years for sure. But I really I think it is even closer.

Do a Google search on Intercytex. This will give you an idea how close the world is to putting an end to Male Patterned Baldness.

PM me if you want to talk Nick. I’d be happy to help you in any way that I can. Good luck.

Thanks for the info PenisMagee! I guess you understand what I’m going through.

Thanks to others also.

I’m still listening if others have words of wisdom.

Edit: Also, have you guys heard of a spray-on called “Hair Assist”? It’s what I’m using at the moment. Any of you guys have any info on it?

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

Looks like bullshit Nick. I stand by the tried and true in this arena. I’ve seen many things and the big 3 that I mentioned are what are proven to work to some degree, and many others would agree with me. Stay away from snake oil salesmen looking to make a quick buck off their herbal formulas. If they worked well don’t you think many people would know about them.

The hair restoration industry is very corrupt and can be very unforgiving. It is up to you as a consumer to decipher and get the correct information. It is big business, and unfortuantely many men’s and some women’s lives are ruined by it as a result. Did you google Intercytex? PM me and I will send you some links to some good websites where you can READ and get information about what you can do for hair loss. Just don’t rush into anything, and please do your research.

Best of luck to you Nick. Hair loss sucks especially being young. What is your hairloss pattern? The reason I ask is you may be able get away with a nice looking military cut for a few years and very few people will notice. That’s what i did for a while, I had a fade and it looked good on me, but in the last 3 to 4 years I have lost a lot more hair in my crown, and now I look like a monk if I try and go for that look. I just shave my head now, but someday I will get my hair back gaurn-fucking-teed! There are things you can do, you just have to determine how important it is to you. And someday in your lifetime you will most likely be able to get all of your hair back thru hair multiplication or cloning. It is getting closer. They have been doing small size patient trials for this already in England. There are also a lot of other companies all over the world trying to capitalize on this too.

Good luck

Go to this thread it has lots of ways to stop you from losing your hair.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thanks Dino, but tmar89 already directed me there. ;) Plus I actually made the last post in that thread.

PenisMagee, my hairloss pattern so far is not very extreme. The hair on top is generally fine and not yet a concern (it IS thinner than it once was, but like I said, not yet a concern). My concern is my hairline is receding so now I have a bigger forehead lol, and it’s thinner at the front, so my once-full-fringe is now but some measly grouped up strands (that I sweep to the sides so that it groups up more and looks less obvious).

The military haircut sounds like an awful thing to have to resort to. Not that it’s an awful haircut, but that my hair is longish and has been for years. It’s part of ‘me’, and I wouldn’t suit short hair.

I think it’s good my hair is reasonably long (not THAT long, but long enough to sorta hang), because it sort of covers the skin where my receding hairline is. But I’ll be in some trouble if it further recedes.

It’s a shame that Hair Assist could be a potential scam, my step-dad recommended it to me. He told me I’d notice the differences. I haven’t, haha.

I haven’t googled Intercytex yet. I’ll do it soon when I have a good amount of time for researching.

Thanks for your replies!

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

If you’re going to use finasteride. ASK A DOCTOR. Impotence is a side effect.. With a simple blood test you can make sure you are safe to take it

Gook luck.

By the way if you use FINASTERIDE cut the pill in four and take 1/4 per day

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