Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I just shaved my balls...


I’ve been shaving my balls and shaft since I was a teen. Love the feeling. I do it almost every singe day. Makes me and my girl happy. All the women I’ve been with preferred me to shave my balls. They enjoyed licking and playing with them hairless.

Still Going Smooth

I’ve been shaving mine for years.

My wife loves smooth balls and frankly I think that when I masturbate, shaven ones are a little more sensitive. Without shaving, mine are VERY furry.

Since I’m a hair growing machine, I shave mine and my hairy shaft every day in the shower.. Just part of the routine.

Top of cheeks, neck, shaft, and the boys. And, the only thing I use is lye soap because of all the natural glycerine in it.


Hi guys I am new to Thunders Place I have been peing for 18 yrs and have gotten good results. I am a avid hanger I have been shaving for years I like the feeling to be bald it is clean and it makes your cock look bigger and my girl loves it. I also remove all the hair from my body and I love it. Talk to you soon.

While shaving the first time may take some time, regular upkeep is easy. And as others have posted, shaved balls feel great! Keeping the pubes trimmed is also nice. After all, I’d rather show off what I have than have it hidden in a bush.

I have been clean shaven for years now and wouldn’t have it any other way. Just soap up in the shower and use a Gillette Mach 3 razor about twice a week or so. Feels more comfortable in the hot Arizona summers.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Last edited by gprent : 05-28-2017 at .

I started shaving may cock and balls years ago.
Did it one time, did it a second time, kept on doing it. Once or twice a week, in the shower.
I love that feeling of no pubic hair. I think I have been hair free for the last 10 years.
It looks good and feels good.

I use a Gillette contour plus. Works fine for me, never had any troubles. Things can get irritated, but that’s just in the beginning.

Stretch your sack while shaving your balls. Be patient. Your skin soon will get used to it and after a while with in a few weeks of doing it, you no longer will have irradiated skin.



I shave my scrotum in summer. The smoothness is so great! Especially helpful when working up to the edge.

Considering shaving the base of my cock, too. Should help with jelqing, esp. Since I don’t prefer pulling my own pubes out!

Start: 4/2018. BPFL: 5.25”. NBPEL; 6.5”. MSEG: 5.25”. BPEL: 7.5”

Goal: EL; 7 -7.5” x 5.75”


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