Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I just shaved my balls...


I just shaved my balls...

It was very refreshing :)

I’ve been trimming my pubic hair for a few months now. But just decided to go further today. Took me about half an hour… there are a lot of angles to cover you know, and even going so slow I still cut myself twice. Nothing too deep, should heal in less than a day. *phew!*

I certainly think it looks better. Not that I want to lick my own balls or anything, but if I had to I would rather they were shaved. :)

All the porn stars seem to do it. So I thought, what the hell, if I don’t like it, it will grow back.

Anyway, I highly recommend it.

Any ideas what the ladies opinions are on this issue?

PS: This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated - Mitch Hedburg

“There is nothing quite like a shorn scrotum”

- Dr. Evil

Yeah I do it once a month. Love the feeling, but it gets mighty cold in the winter ;)

I have only shaved my balls once, when I went in for my vasectomy. The doctor told me that I could do it at home or that they would do it for me at the office. I thought “Right, like I’m going to let this ham handed guy shave my nuts.”
When I arrived for the procedure with my shaved scrotum swinging between my legs, a very, very cute nurse, 20-something - led me into a room, got me situated, and then hovered uncomfortably for a few seconds. Finally, she asked if I needed her to shave my balls for me.

Fellas, no pain; not the slice of a scalpel or the two day ache of recuperating could match the heartache I felt when that pretty little bunny left that room without first getting on her knees and honoring the last 5 minutes of my life as a seed spreader by tenderly giving close attention to my soon to be sorry nut sack.

I bet she had good technique too, Cap’n. Sorry you missed that treat.

HGP, what helped me when I first started shaving my balls was my wife’s cornstarch powder. That stuff is great so that there’s not so much tenderness and claminess. The little cuts do heal pretty fast.
Just remember to use a nice, new blade.

Sep. 2003: 7" bpel x 5" eg June 2004: 7 & 1/4" bp x 5 & 3/8" eg Jan. 2005: 7.5 x 5.5 Goal: 8x6 "I always knew pe existed but didn't know where to start, until I found Thundersplace."

Captain, does that mean you are sterile now?

Why did you do this?

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

Cap, you should have asked for a trim ;)

i shave my balls and shaft twice weekly. 5 minutes in the shower and boom done!

My wife loves it and the people we swing with love it too.

I also went and got a vasecotomy. 10 minutes, 1 cut, a little smoke and boom! no more seed. I did it because my wife could die if she has another child. Already have two, boy/girl so do not need any others!

Shaving your balls will get you more sex.



Work the Girth...


Been shaving my nuts and shaft for a couple years since I freeball. I do it in the shower, where I also shave my face. Just stretch your scrotum with one hand and shave away, takes less than 5 minutes and no cuts. ALWAYS use a fresh blade (maybe you can use it twice) and hot water. I do it twice weekly. You can also try that shaving powder black men use after you’ve done the first shaving with a blade. It also works very well. Don’t even THINK about dipilitories (Nair and that shit) There was, about a year ago, a thread that was hilarious about guys using hair removal products and burning their balls. Do a search under shaving and see if it pops up. VERY entertaining. And BTW, I’d love to be able to suck my nuts. Glenn

Originally posted by RisingUpTo7

Captain, does that mean you are sterile now?

Why did you do this?


Because like Going4nine it was a matter of life or death:

If I had to go through one more of Mrs. Hook’s pregnancies I might die.

Originally posted by CaptnHook

Fellas, no pain; not the slice of a scalpel or the two day ache of recuperating could match the heartache I felt when that pretty little bunny left that room without first getting on her knees and honoring the last 5 minutes of my life as a seed spreader by tenderly giving close attention to my soon to be sorry nut sack.

How inconsiderate! She should have eagerly lapped up your final live round.

Y’know, reading the Captain’s story reminded me of a story an ex gf of mine who told me of shaved pubs, (she prefered them shaved, and she gave more bj’s as a result) and one of her old boyfriends. Anyway, she brought up the subject with him, as he had quite the bird’s nest down there. She even volunteered to cut and shave him—which he initially declined, but after a few minutes of subtle blinking and the cutest whispering, she convinced him that it was all for the greater good. So she gets the scissors and begins to trim, snip snip snip, all the while this big lug is staring on with saucer eyes, tensed and braced for impact, when disaster strikes.

She cut him.

She went down a little too close to the scrotum and snipped maybe a 2 cm slit in the baggy flesh. There was the barest of pauses, as she realized “Omigawd, I cut him,” while his eyes went even wider “OMIGAWD SHE CUT ME!!!”

The world then went upside down as he threw her off and raced for the bathroom as if his balls were afired. Apparently however, there was very little blood from the “little” boo-boo. Her words, not mine.

Needless to say, I declined her offer for her to mow around my own wildlife reserve, which I now do on a regular basis. And with regards to the nurse, good strategy on the hospital’s part to send in a nubile young thing to do the deed. If she snips flesh instead of hair, if harder to get upset… or run to the washroom.
Captn…you might have regretted it at the time, but I believe you were a VERY wise man to shave your peaches by yourself.

Originally posted by CaptnHook
I have only shaved my balls once, when I went in for my vasectomy. The doctor told me that I could do it at home or that they would do it for me at the office. I thought “Right, like I'm going to let this ham handed guy shave my nuts.”
When I arrived for the procedure with my shaved scrotum swinging between my legs, a very, very cute nurse, 20-something - led me into a room, got me situated, and then hovered uncomfortably for a few seconds. Finally, she asked if I needed her to shave my balls for me.

Fellas, no pain; not the slice of a scalpel or the two day ache of recuperating could match the heartache I felt when that pretty little bunny left that room without first getting on her knees and honoring the last 5 minutes of my life as a seed spreader by tenderly giving close attention to my soon to be sorry nut sack.

I would have asked her to take a closer look and see if they needed it.


Originally posted by Glenn Delta

Been shaving my nuts and shaft for a couple years since I freeball. I do it in the shower, where I also shave my face.

Please tell me you use a different razor ;)

PS: This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated - Mitch Hedburg

A few years ago I shaved my balls in prep for a vasectomy. Trimmed the hair pretty close with sizzors, then used an electric razor to finish up.
My ballsack skin got caught up in the razor, which caused me to scream like a girl &%&^$#%^&^$# (Sorry Sunny, DW, Anna). I think the hole in the wall that I slammed my fist into after this cost me a bit to repair.

Anyway I liked the feeling and keep the jewels smooth to this day. I use a fresh blade and plenty of soapy water.

JUST GO SLOW!!!!!!!!!!!

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

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