Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Rethinking how much size matters to women

Originally Posted by EZ Rider
This kinda stuff happens every single day.
It takes up more of my day than actual work sometimes.

50 to 1.
some of these women are relentless.

Is there no mercy?

man, gimme a break.

Scary stuff. I feel your pain, man.

Great post bbs. I totally agree with you. Getting really good in bed is way more than just having a huge dick. One thing I did a long time ago was to learn from and listen to the ladies in bed. They have told me what they liked and I got after it big time. I think a lot of guys want hour long blow jobs but will not pleasure their lady orally…. We spend so much time on our dicks that we forget the tongue is a pretty potent tool too! My wife’s biggest turn on by far is when I touch her pussy while I am inside her. The feeling of my hands gets her off over and over. Wouldn’t have known this unless I asked, listened and DID IT!

7.5BPEL, 5.5EG(mid)

You have to understand Dino, guys,
This is a lot more dangerous than it sounds.
Oh sure, beautiful women wanting my cock,
all fine, great and dandy, til someone loses an eye.

I have to be extremely careful.
For example, our pharmacy is full of hot, I mean HOT,
women. I have no idea why hot women want to be
pharmacists, but our place is crawling with them.

Before my current g/f I flirted with them constantly,
and they flirted right back. A few I got pretty tight with.
The level of flirtatious banter reaching a nice fever pitch.
Well, despite my current relationship, they still flirt with me,
and though I’ve turned it way down, the occasional single EZ,
pops his head out sometimes.
I’m only human, so recently, one comes into the med room
to drop off some medication. They deliver the meds, three times a shift.
She does a little flirting, she drops the med bag on the floor,
then reaches down ever so slowly to pick it up, revealing
a)that she’s not wearing a bra and b) some nice ass tits.
So I flirt with her a little, after she hands me the bag,
I drop it and go, “Whoops”
She bends down again and picks it up.
As she’s leaving, I was rebutting something she had just said with,
“Yea, but you know you love me”
She stops dead in her tracks, turns around and looking me dead in the eye,
as somber as one can she says, “Yea, I do, I really do”
I was like, hommina, hommina, hommina.!!!???
WTF was that all about???
Well, that’s the end of it…or so I thought.
Later on that night, I’m pulling a double, and the evening shift supervisor,
comes in to talk to me.
She says, one of the pharmacy techs was overheard talking to
another pharmacy tech., about how much flirting you do with them,
by the head of pharmacy!!!
I’m like stammering now, turning, I’m sure, ever darker shades of red.
Hell, I was stuttering, I didn’t know what the fuck to say.
I tried to play it off, without either of us ending up in trouble.
So I said something to the effect that well, you know, you get close
with certain people after so long and I’m on very friendly terms with her and some others,
choke, choke, hem, haw and stutter.
Keep in mind, this woman addressing me now, knows who I’m going out with,
so I’m feeling like a double ass at this point.
She says, despite the fact that the girl never made a formal complaint,
but was simply overheard talking about it, the head of pharmacy has to report
it to the D.O.N. (Director Of Nursing)
I’m thinking, formal complaint, for what? showing me her tits,
and stating she loves me???

As you can imagine I had a pretty sleepless night.
Director Of Nursing. I’m like great. This is ludicrous.
The next day, I’m called down to the D.O.N.’s office
All I can say is thank God, he’s a male.
He seemed pretty understanding, he warned me about the possibility
of sexual harassment charges, lectured me on the power women have
in this day and age, etc. and so forth.
The whole time I’m sitting there thinking about being in Newsday,
branded as some kind of pervert, losing my license and ending up on skid row.
Not to mention, I’m thinking, when my g/f finds out, I’m dead meat.
See I know with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, she isn’t going to
leave anything to sew back on like Bobbitt did.
I’m also thinking, if this guy had any clue, that the girl was showing
off her tits, I wouldn’t be sitting here right now.
He ended it by saying he still had to interview the pharmacy tech.
and would get back to me, along with some material on sexual harassment.

That day, I’m leaving with my charge nurse, another hot blonde.
She states she’s going to go home and take a shower.
I ask her if I can join her, seeing I say, “We should all do our part for
the environment by conserving water.”
(I CAN'T STOP!!! I should like go to like flirts anonymous or something)
Just then she turns to me and goes, “(insert my name here), you got to be careful.”
“You know you can do that with me, but be careful.”
I’m like!!! “You know”???
She says, “I have to, because I’m an acting supervisor sometimes”
I’m like, “Man, this sucks” “Who else knows”? she says, she thinks that’s it.

You know, the fact she knows about the incident, is not only an acting charge nurse
but is also a supervisor has not stopped her from twice giving me her phone number,
and numerous times asking me to come over her house, under the pretense to fix this and that for her.
The other day, she actually said, “That’s it, it’s over” jokingly, when I jokingly had refused to do
something she asked me to do.
Thing is, my g/f was right there, had she had heard her, I’d still be answering questions
from my g/f.

The D.O.N. never did get back to me. I don’t know if he ever interviewed the pharmacy tech.
To be honest, I’m a little leery of asking her. One day, I will though.

You guys have to understand, when it comes to women wanting you at work,
it’s not as great as if it was anywhere else, with so much riding on it.
Not to mention, in my case, my g/f would kill me.
As it is, we rarely go too long without arguing about this woman and that woman,
she knows what a big flirt I am, and I’ve been trying to allay her fears,
these woman aren’t helping me out here in the least.

It just ain’t EZ being EZ.

>>We spend so much time on our dicks that we forget the tongue is a pretty potent tool too!<<

That, basically, is what I was trying to say in my long-winded post :D .

Originally Posted by Maxtro
Well, I just read this thread and almost nobody mentioned penis’s that are on the lower end of “average” or simply below.

This post was really disheartening. And it basically means that as I am now, no woman will ever consider me a great lay. There is also the great possibility that every woman I have been with, wished I was bigger.

Please keep in mind this is just my view. I’m only one person and there are plenty of people that don’t see it as I do. The main reason I started this thread is because I wanted more input on it. If I thought I had it all figured out for sure, I would not bother posting or if I did I might tell everyone to read and learn from my post and not bother responding because I have it all worked out. As much as I respect the opinion of many here, I don’t take any one post as an island. Bigblackstick has way more experience then me and sees things in different ways then I do. Besides, PE works and the sky is the limit if a guy chooses so.

It sounds like we are on the same wavelength Para……. I actually prefer giving oral to my wife over straight intercourse. The first time we ever got into bed she flat out told me “I have never been able to get off by receiving oral”. After camping out “downtown” for about half an hour and getting her off 3 or 4 times we were off to the races! Now, six years later married with two little boys and a very happy home and still mindblowing sex in all its forms.. Cannot complain at all.

>>Yet, there is no size king labels thrown around.<<

This is an excellent point, and I think Wad explains it perfectly in his last paragraph. It’s all about the male ego. Although, at the same time, I do think it’s important to realize that not everyone here who throws around such a term as “size queen” is using it with hostility — beenthere, if I recall correctly, is turned on by the idea of a woman who craves large dicks, no?

I get such a kick out of RWG’s term “cow pussy” that I do use it in a rather caricatured, mocking way (“you can park a Buick in this garage”), equivalent to ranting about “pindicks,” which I’d never do. I should be more sensitive about this. Thank you for the reminder, Anna.

EZ Rider,

If you’re going to post a story like that, please post your size as well.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Originally Posted by danay69
Great post bbs. I totally agree with you. Getting really good in bed is way more than just having a huge dick. One thing I did a long time ago was to learn from and listen to the ladies in bed. They have told me what they liked and I got after it big time. I think a lot of guys want hour long blow jobs but will not pleasure their lady orally…. We spend so much time on our dicks that we forget the tongue is a pretty potent tool too! My wife’s biggest turn on by far is when I touch her pussy while I am inside her. The feeling of my hands gets her off over and over. Wouldn’t have known this unless I asked, listened and DID IT!

7.5BPEL, 5.5EG(mid)

I have always considered being Good in bed to be a separate issue from whether or not you have a big dick but you can bet your ass that if you have the best of both worlds…

THE WORLD OF WOMEN IS YOURS!!! (reminds of that globe from the movie “Scarface” that said THE WORLD IS YOURS)

Needless to say but you will be hard to top and very hard for any woman to replace you!

Let the Y axis equal “being good in bed” with the upper most end as the greatest value in bed.
Let the X axis equal “having a big dick” with the most right hand end as the greatest value in size.

G x——————————-x-< That “x” right there is where you ultimately want to be! :)
O x—————————x——
O x————————x———
D x———————x————
- x——————x—————
I x————-x——————-
N x———-x———————-
- x——-x————————-
B x—-x—————————-
E x-x——————————-
D x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
————BIG DICK————-

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Last edited by supersizeit : 06-09-2004 at .

I said I wasn’t passionate about this. In spite of that I’ll add the following.

To each his own. I make no judgements. And ultimately I really couldn’t care less what the next person does, as long as I am not impacted.

I think the issue needs to be defined. Middle class women with middle class values might not be overly concerned with size. And/ or will work around the issue. But there are women who want the big one, as in EZ’s 11” example.

I know of certain types of women who will only date certain types of men. They won’t date (—-) men because they think (—-) men have small dicks. At the very least, that’s what they think. Whether it’s true or not is another matter.

As I see it, everybody is free to do whatever they want as long as it’s legal (Certain laws should of course be changed. But that is political, this is sexual). So - makes no difference to me. There are women who like large sizes. And IMO, they are perfectly justified in their preferences.

Hey - you like what you like?

I could tell stories about specific girls I know. But that would be too time consuming and tedious.

For visual evidence, do some searches for fisting or large dildoes. I saw a clip where a woman had two hands in her p*ssy. One hand in the vagina, another in the ass is not uncommon!!! I saw a woman put one of those two-headed, 18” dildoes in her ass until just enough to put her hand on was left out!!!

This might fall into fetish category - but these preferences and practices exists.

And as far as anal - theoretically - there is very little length limitation. The anus is the last stop in the alimentary canal. The beginning is the mouth. So unless whatever is knocking at the top of the throat - length is not really an issue for anal.

Thickness might be another matter. But I have seen soda can thickness in a few female artisans asses.

In my mind the vagina gets larger, if a woman is regularly with a big guy or large object. There would be more of a length limitation on the vagina than with anal. But if a much more complex body part (the penis) can be enlarged - I’m pretty sure skin can be stretched to accommodate larger insertions.

Not that that should be forced on anyone, BTW. It’s just that it is pretty much a given. In spite of all that - everyone can and will do whatever they want in these matters. None of this stuff is regulated. Make your own choices. Just realise that there are matches for essentially every variety of whatever.

As I heard a guy say, ‘Water finds it’s own level’ (whatever that means). Find where you fall on the scale and make appropriate decisions. Get in where you fit in.

Yeah that was a great post bbs. But I still worry that no matter what I do I can’t please a woman when I’m only 5.25 X 4.50 added to the fact that I have very limited sexual experience I’m not exactly confident when it comes to sex. I’m glad that PE is an option and that I’m not stuck being small but I just can’t find the motivation to do it. If I’m only getting laid at my current rate of once or twice a month then there is no point for me to make the effort to get bigger.

Originally Posted by Maxtro
If I’m only getting laid at my current rate of once or twice a month then there is no point for me to make the effort to get bigger.

So the implication here is that you are satisfied with once or twice a month and that its worth the effort to get bigger in order to get laid more often.

Therefore by not making an effort to get bigger-
You will never get bigger and thus-
You will never get laid more often.

If you keep doing what you’ve been doing-
You will getting what you’ve been getting.

My hunch is that Maxtro wants to get laid more often.
So get to work! :)

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Hey Super, I’m curious… is that you for real in the pic?

If you’ve already been asked, my apologies.

Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...

Yes Godzilla thats me.

TT, Jelktiod and Dino have met me in person so they can verify the picture. :) (if you need verification)

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Originally Posted by bigblackstick
EZ Rider,

If you’re going to post a story like that, please post your size as well.

7.5” EBPL x 5.5” mid girth


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