Thunder's Place

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Rethinking how much size matters to women

Rethinking how much size matters to women

I’m in battle with myself over how many women size matters to. I’ve posted before that I would guess something like 5% very important(size queens), 20% important, 50% matters but not important, and 25% doesn’t matter.

I set up a poll recently called On Size Matters and How Important. Only 3 others of the 33 votes agreed with me in general. It really has got me to thinking. Of the 12 or so women I’ve been with only at most two women did it seem size might not matter at all. But even with these two there was some reason to believe I could be mistaken in believing this.

Several women here have posted that size does matter, just not to the extent many men think it does. DW has posted stating that even when a woman says size doesn’t matter at all, there are times she just hasn’t had a big one yet. Of course it goes without saying he probably better be able to use it well. Add what DW say to the fact that some women are going to lie to keep from hurting men, then just how many women does that leave that really don’t care at all? Anna has stated she thinks 8x6 is the ideal size, but anna also does a good job trying to point out that it still doesn’t matter to her like us guys would think. I think I recall other female posts here where bigger sizes were also said to be ideal.

I’ve usually just shook off my personal experiences as having a lot to do with bad luck in having met women who almost always cared at least some about size. Based on what the ladies here say, added to what my expereinces say, and seeing that only 3 people agreed with me—-I feel I have a clearer thought on this whole issue:

Combined, size matters to almost all women: Broken down, most women it matters to some degree; is important to some women, and very important to a few women , but also doesn’t matter to a few women.
The ones it matters only to some degree to are the ones we get those damn mixed signals from. If this woman finds other qualities about you attractive, then she probably isn’t even going to think about your size- At least not nearly like guys think she will. Since size isn’t an important issue with her, many other factors in the relationship play a more important role.

Bottom line to all my rambling is I’m adjusting my thoughts some. Where I use to be willing to say that 25% of women don’t care at all, based on reassessing all the information, I now believe it’s probably more like 5% don’t really care at all.

Don’t want to put nice pretty rounded %s on all this, but it gives a ballpark figure of what I’m thinking.
>80% matters some but depends on relationship how much (one night stands size matters more because fewer important relationship factors are influencing)
>10% important, but can be overcome in a great relationship
>5% very important, you had better be swinging a big bat
>5% really truly doesn’t matter, don’t give it a second thought

I do think 8x6 is ideal and that is up from the 7x6 I used to say. Ideal is what I would think that is best for me overall. That doesn’t necessarily mean size matters. It means I have a size in mind that I feel would be perfect for me. I never have and since I am married, never will be going out my way to find a guy with that size. I mean being here would make it easy since size is stated but I would have to go through a lot of men to find the size I feel is right. Not all men are 8x6 and so I basically “settle” for a lesser size. But that doesn’t mean the size I happen to have isn’t good enough because it isn’t my ideal size. I enjoy having sex with my husband and his length is not even close to the length that is ideal for me but for over fourteen years I have had much pleasure from what his size.

We have have all sorts of things in life that could be “ideal” for us, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that we are money freaks because we want more money to be comfortable, or that we are an ego freak because we want a lot of people to like us. We have ideas of what is good for us, but if we get less than, that doesn’t mean that it’s not good enough. If size really mattered to me, I wouldn’t be with my husband, plain and simple. So because a person says they like a certain thing, doesn’t mean something other than that isn’t as desirable or as arousing as what seems to be more.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

>>(one night stands size matters more because fewer important relationship factors are influencing)<<

I’m not sure whether that’s true. I know that I would care more about a woman’s tightness if I were planning to be having sex with her for years and years, rather than just getting off with her tonight. I really don’t think I could marry someone with cow pussy (say, top 5% in looseness), although I’d be perfectly happy having a one-time romp with her.

Is that 8 inches bone pressed or 8 inches non-bonepressed?? very important

also, on that note, all women are very different.

my ex said my size was too much (8.25 BP 6 Girth at the base) while my current girlfriend said that an inch more might be nice

Very important point:
Just like all men have different sized penis, all women have different thickness, and length vaginas. An “ideal” penis would be one that statistically felt ideal in the majority of women’s vaginas. The only way you could figure this out is to find a woman with a statistically average vagina, and then to test her with penis of all length and size.

Another important point:
Many women can’t easily quantify whether length or girth should be longer or shorter. They just say “it’s too big” or “it’s too small” These are two factors that are really important. You could have a 12 inch long schlong and 2 inches around and it might not be pleasing to some girls, or a 2 inch long schlong that’s 12 inches around. Neither of these is “ideal”

And here’s another important point:a 12 inch long dick that’s 8 inches around is NOT ideal. The majority of women will receive major pain from this, and will not enjoy it.

Oh, and this is assuming “ideal” means pleasing to the highest number of females

if your goal is to decimate females and have them say “oh my god I don’t want to fuck that!” then go for 12 inches around. But guys, we have to be honest with ourselves, would a girl really find pleasure from that? what are your goals in having a big dick? to please yourself or please your girlfriend?




Do you think you fall in the 80% group, where it only matters some and even that is very much dependent on the relationship where other more important factors push the size issue out of the house? I know you aren’t into one night stands, but if you were, do you feel size stands out more (no pun intended) because the more important factors in a relationship aren’t there influencing how you feel?

Last edited by beenthere : 06-08-2004 at .

Beenthere, I have the same conversation with myself regularly. Most of the time it’s because I’m tired of beating my dick up and using my valuable time to do something that isn’t particularly enjoyable(hanging,jelqing,etc.). The fact is size matters to all women. I’ve been with only about twenty women and have gotten negative comments about my size from at least three of them. I was once told that a thirteen year old boy had more than me. To make a negative statement about a man’s size to his face is pretty damn gutsy. If those three women out of twenty were willing to say it to my face, how many of the remaining seventeen were thinking strongly about it and how many of that remainder had it on their mind, but just decided to be polite? Oh, wait there was four…I almost forgot…one said the length was ok, but left the sentence open ended without a comment about the girth. If size didn’t matter then none of us would be here. We wouldn’t know we were “inadequate” if we weren’t told so by someone either to our face or in some book or hearing about some other poor bastard who was made fun of for being “small”. Size matters, that’s why my dick is blue and brown and has a sharp pain in the left side.

Yours in size,


Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5

Heres something we haven’t considered: Average vagina length and girth

I really wish I could perform this study, but I have no idea how to start.

If we could find this out, then we’d truly be able to find the ideal length and girth for penis




I have big dick sizes in mind. Too huge can be bad.

Check out the posts of Kojack10. He’s done a lot of studying vagina sizes.


Ouch, I know that 13 year old remark hurt. I was called a pencil dick once and that stung a lot. The remark to me came out of the blue. We were arguing about something, I know it had nothing to do with sex, and she suddenly slung that ugly term out at me.

There’s two kinds of “vaginas”. Big’ol good ones and good’ol big ones. :)
They all stretch guys.


Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5

I like sex. I do. I swear sex isn’t such a big thing to me. If I have it, great. If I don’t I am find for at least a little while. Someone could say this has to do with no having the ideal size, but that is not it. Relationships and friendships and all sorts of things have to have a full package in order to be fulfilling. You can’t have a friendship with someone you can’t trust, or with someone who you know talks about you behind your back. There are many elements that make a relationship, including sexual fulfilling. And some things are more important to others.

If I were into one night stands, technique would still be my thing. I have had many ranges of penis sizes and I realized it’s now what you have, but what you do with what you have. I say this so much I might make it a signature. But since I say it so much I guess it becomes less believable over time. You can have a penis as beautiful as YGuy’s but if you don’t plan to use it to really bring pleasure, it serves no real purpose other than damn good looking eye candy. Men with big dicks have to learn to use it right because they automatically (or so I have noticed) assume that their size was enough. He didn’t have to be good at what he was attempting to do. Wrong answer. Matter of fact, I might even go as far as to say, I would want a guy with an average size penis or so because he may be more eager to work at pleasing me than someone who heard big dicks is where it’s at and assume that once he sticks it in, his job is done.

Sure if you throw the typical scenario that men have thrown my way asking if I had a man equal in every way except penis size which would I pick…I hate those scenarios because the answer gets twisted in false beliefs. I would pick 8x6 over 6x6 or whatever because visually 8x6 looks better. That doesn’t mean size matters totally, it just means I find one size more pleasing to the eye. If you said 10x6 and 8x6 I would still pick 8x6 because that is what looks good to me. Sometimes too much just looks scary. And I am not by any means saying that I can look at a penis and know its exact size, I am just using the example always given to me.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar


You’ve got over 7 inches in length, correct? I’m not saying you shouldn’t go for more or that many women wouldn’t prefer more, but you should be able to confidently get the job done in almost ALL cases.

Originally Posted by Stretchin
There’s two kinds of “vaginas”. Big’ol good ones and good’ol big ones. :)
They all stretch guys.


True, but that doesn’t mean it feels good while it is stretching or in some cases tearing to accommodate a size.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

sorry to nag but 8x6 Bone pressed or Non bone pressed? :)



Anna I’m sure that’s correct, but us little guys wouldn’t know about that would we? That’s the whole point of this topic… being small, below average or even average. I would also like to add that your input and honesty here is very much appreciated here. I’m glad you joined in on this topic.


Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5

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