Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Shedding the Snake: Peeling to Remove Discoloration

>Have you increased the area you are working on from the original dime sized spot?

Yes. 9 days ago I did all the skin between my circ scar and the head. That was the peel that had me a little worried but turned out fine.

Two days ago I did about 2/3 of the shaft circumference from the circ scar to the base. This covered the top and the right side around to the raphe.

>How many days does it take you to heal?

Day of application: Not much noticeable effect apart from maybe some mild swelling.

Day 2 and 3: Any swelling subsides and the treated area turns dark.

Day 4-6: Skin peels (resist the urge to help it along)

Day 7: 95%-100% peeled. The new skin is pink colored. After another 4-5 days the pink begins fading into a more normal skin tone. I’ve read that erythema (red/pink color) can in some cases persist for a long time after medium and deep facial peels. I’m pleasantly surprised how quickly it resolves on my shaft.

>Have you limited your other PE activities?

I stopped PE a few months ago.

>Have you limited your sexual activities (sex or masturbation)?

Yep. No sex during a peel. Best to hold off on masturbation too, or at least be very careful.

>Have you increased the time you are leaving on the wart remover to take more color out or are you doing multiple applications to achieve the same results?

I leave it on longer than before, but I think the acid does pretty much all it is going to within 10 minutes or so (maybe less). In other words the depth of burn doesn’t progress linearly. You’ll feel the stinging/burning sensation build shortly after application. It peaks after a few minutes and then falls off rapidly. I don’t know if the feeling mirrors the actual effect of the acid, but it may.

The top of my midshaft is more resistant to the acid. Maybe the skin is thicker. I’m waiting to see how well it peels from Monday’s treatment. If not enough I’ll either treat it again right away (7 days after the previous burn) or wait a few weeks and then give it a couple applications in a single day.

>Have you yet to notice any sensation difference in your dick?

Not much. The area I treated between the circ scar and head seems slightly more sensitive, probably because the new skin is still thinner than before.

>Sorry for all the questions, some may be redundant but I wanted to ask since you have done this a couple of times now.

No problem. Ask away, just realize this experiment is still underway. I can only relate how my skin has responded so far. I’m looking forward to your results.

I don’t remember if I mentioned before in this thread that anyone sensitive to aspirin shouldn’t apply salicylic acid. It is similar to aspirin and will be absorbed to some degree. There may be other contraindications. Anyone contemplating this should investigate them.

I just went and picked up my wart remover stuff and noticed that there was a brand there that was 40% salicylic acid. Damn that seems pretty high.

Okay, if I get laid tonite, I acid wash my dick in the morning.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Wow, 40% would be way too strong for me.

My skin has peeled from last week’s application. Now everything has had at least one medium depth peel. A few areas have had a lighter peel or two followed by a medium.

Some spots and mottling remain in places, mostly from the acid not penetrating evenly. I’ve done 2 medium peels on the bottom right side. It is better after the second but still needs another, at least on the remaining spots.

I’m going to allow my skin time to recover. I don’t know how long. Probably at least a month. Some sites say medium depth face peels can be repeated monthly. Others say wait 6 months.

Hobby, do you have an update on your results after this amount of down-time? How’s the snake looking?

Hi folks,

I’ve read all of your posts in this thread and I’m very curious about how to get penis skin lighter?
I did some search on “Darker skin”, “discoloration”, “black skin”, but I havent found any good result.
Or maybe I did some bad search? But I also learnt that “darker” color will fade over time, or with some help from cream. Not to mention about some other techniques proposed (maybe not proposed, just sharing…) by members… I found that “THEY ARE MOSTLY TOO RISK TO TRY”.

My skin is getting a little darker after Jelqing for (more than) one month. Taking a break from PEing would help?

Thank for pointing me to the right threads or tell me the key words to search.
I just found this good one Wrapping and I want to read more :D I want to to do the right thing and I believe read more learn more. So please…

Best regards,


PS : Am I sort of out of topic now? Hope not. If i’m, sorry for hijacking :)

7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Last edited by daboogies : 06-23-2005 at .

Originally Posted by jimbone
Hobby, do you have an update on your results after this amount of down-time? How’s the snake looking?

I’ve been PEing for the past 5 weeks. Overall skin tone is slightly darker than before I resumed, but isn’t the nasty dark brown staining like I had.

Early next month I will stop PE and do a (final?) peel of the whole shaft from circ scar to base. That should eliminate the streaks and spots missed by my previous peels. If not, I’ll touch up any lingering small spots later.

Daboogies, yes you are straying from the topic. I tried all kinds of things before this, including wrapping as mentioned in the thread you linked. In my case nothing helped except time away from discoloration-inducing exercises. There wasn’t much improvement even after many months. Had I not done the peels, it may have lightened some after a few years off.

I think in PE color changes are caused by several things.

  • Better blood flow to the skin will cause a previously “pasty colored” dick to take on a deeper flesh tone. All all-over pinkness or light redness after a PE session is to be expected. No problem.
  • Bruising or petechia (spots). Temporary, but if repeated can cause long-term staining.
  • Semi-permanent to permanent staining. Hemosiderin (iron) deposits. This is what I had. Lasts many months to years. May even be permanent.

Originally Posted by hobby
Daboogies, yes you are straying from the topic. I tried all kinds of things before this, including wrapping as mentioned in the thread you linked. In my case nothing helped except time away from discoloration-inducing exercises. There wasn’t much improvement even after many months. Had I not done the peels, it may have lightened some after a few years off.

I think in PE color changes are caused by several things.

  • Better blood flow to the skin will cause a previously “pasty colored” dick to take on a deeper flesh tone. All all-over pinkness or light redness after a PE session is to be expected. No problem.
  • Bruising or petechia (spots). Temporary, but if repeated can cause long-term staining.
  • Semi-permanent to permanent staining. Hemosiderin (iron) deposits. This is what I had. Lasts many months to years. May even be permanent.

Hi hobby,

Alright, I got it. Well, according to what you have just mentioned, I don’t have to be too much concerned about it because it’s a not a bruise. My skin is getting darker and it is normal after PEing a while, I believe it happens to most of PE’ers.

I’m asian, the pinker(redder) dick looks like the darker one :D

Anyway thank a lot hobby. You’re really reliable! :up:

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

My skin is a little darker from PEing for 6 weeks. The portion of circ scar that had completely cleared back to a natural skin tone got its usual brown color back.

Today I did another peel - the whole shaft from circ scar to base. I had forgotten how much it stings. At least the pain doesn’t last long.

I don’t know if using a new bottle of wart remover made any difference, but I got some pretty heavy frosting. This should result in a good peel. Afterward I applied some alpha hydroxy acid lotion.

From here :

Skin Types (Based on Fitzpatrick Classification):

Type I - Never tans, always burns
(extremely fair skin, blonde hair, blue/green eyes)

Type II - Occasionally tans, usually burns
(fair skin, sandy to brown hair, green/brown eyes)

Type III - Tans on average, sometimes burns
(medium skin, brown hair, brown eyes)

Type IV - Usually tans, rarely burns
(olive skin, brown/black hair, dark brown/black eyes)

Type V - Mostly tans, almost never burns
(dark brown skin, black hair, black eyes)

Type VI - Never burns
(black skin, black hair, black eyes)

FWIW, I’m probably a Type 3. I’ve read that Type 4’s and up need to be more careful doing medium to deep facial peels because they are at higher risk of undesirable pigmentation changes. I have no idea how this translates to penis skin.

Best thing i found for discoloration was that Pigment Cream, takes a few months though but after a while the skin starts flaking and promotes new fresh skin growth and returns the color of your skin to what new skin would look like no discoloration, someones probabled said this but i find it works good but u gotta be pretty patient:)

My last peel wasn’t as productive as I had anticipated. The skin must have been considerably thicker after being left alone for a few months.

Today I cleaned the skin well with alcohol and then applied wart remover to the same area I peeled 13 days ago. That fried it. After removing the coating of wart remover my skin was frosted as white as the wart stuff in places, then faded back to mostly a normal skin tone after 20 minutes or so.

Now, over an hour later, I still feel a slight burning sensation. There is a little swelling, which I expect will increase. Some areas still have a very slight frosted appearance.

This burn feels about the same as when I did the area between my circ scar and head. That one had me worried at first, but turned out well.

My complaints about using wart remover:

1) I can’t get even penetration. I think the gunk that forms the rubbery coating is responsible. With a good, even burn to the right depth I would have been done after one peel, maybe two at most. As it stands, adequately burning the remaining darker spots is hit and miss.

2) I can’t see how much the skin has frosted until I peel away the coating.

If I were to start this over again knowing what I do now I’d buy a small bottle of plain salicylic acid, which should solve both these issues. Sample sizes available online don’t cost more than a few bottles of wart remover.

BTW, as I’ve read and experienced, multiple lighter peels do not have the same lightening effect as a single deeper peel. It seems the hemosiderin is fairly deep. Removing it requires a decent burn.

An analogy is cat puke on your carpet. Vacuuming a bunch of times won’t remove the chunks lodged deep down in the backing.

Originally Posted by hobby
An analogy is cat puke on your carpet. Vacuuming a bunch of times won’t remove the chunks lodged deep down in the backing.

Okay hobby, I was with you the whole thread until the cat puke analogy. Please dont do this again. lol

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Cats teach people lots of things.

Have you tried wart remover on a sample spot yet?


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