Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

dookie9's progress

dookie9"s Progress

Originally Posted by DryJelq View Post — pegym
“Yes. When you’ve been overworking your dick, your EQ will likely go down after the first few days of rest. That is a good sign.”

“I recommend heat for 20 minutes followed by light edging for 15 minutes. Do this daily or every other day. Until you start getting random erections throughout the day or several other positive PIs, don’t do any PE except heat and edging. It took me 2 weeks to get my random erections back, which just happened today. I was also incredibly horny today. This is multiple positive PIs. My body is telling me, your dick is healthy again.”

Tomorrow I’m going to start a very light routine of PE.
DJ , I’ve been wanting to figure out what the hell I’m doing wrong . I wish I had started my log sooner .
Went back and found your post . My EQ has been way off for a while now . Even today , it’s about a 6 .
I’m figuring that I must wait till my PI’s say something positive . I’ve not gained anything for several months .
I guess I’m wanting someone else to agree that this is what I should do .
3-15-10 12 pm

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

All right , I measure 6.25” again !! That feels so good !!

Did nothing exercise wise today . Off on all accounts .

MW was fine . No real horn all day , but no stimulus either . I guess that’s fine .

EQ is a 5 . Talk about feeling flat. Damn .!

Doing less JAI stretches his evening , with IR lamp .

There’s always tomorrow .

dooks out !!!

3-16-10 1 am

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

My BPSFL measurement tonight is 6.25” . The same as yesterday . That’s a good sign of healing .
I’ll start tomorrow with the routine listed below .
Today will consist of 2 min . JAI stretches with 15 min . of IR lamp .
Several rotary stretches =3 - about 5 min.
Continued IR lamp .

Woke with a 6-7 wood . Some horn today .

Did a lot of upper chest and shoulder /arm work . Some back and ab work also . All to fatigue . RRuuuff !!!
Getting some definition . If I can just bring that over to PE , I’ll be happy .

- 5 min rice sock
- 5 min massage, focusing on that steel cord
- 5 sets of 30 second stretches, 1 min breaks between
- 20 to 30 min edging
- 5 min rest
- 5 min massage

shoots braddah !!!

dooks out !!! 3-17-10 1 am .

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-18 10 12 mid night

Wild day . Pleasured myself while edging after last nights session . My flaccid was full and heavy after my jack . Hasn’t been that good in a month . Night wood was apparent as I woke several times to role over .

Received my DTR today , and am having a learning curve to master application . Just like PE . All I have to do is master the art of patience and being consistent .

I’m taking today off as so many things are better PE wise .

I’ll resume with a new routine tomorrow .

dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

Well , I’ve asked Gator for help with my routine as I’ve not gained anything in a couple of months .
I posted it here so I can review it with ease .
I won’t be posting anything routine wise till Monday . Although , since I do my DTR and body exercises
I may have something to report that’s of value .

3-18-10 1 pm

dooks out !!!

Re: routine advice
Well, consistency is a problem. I’ve never been consistent myself until recently. And now I’m seeing gains. So, go figure You have to get consistent to see progress, especially once you pass the ultra-newbie period. I’m just trying to constantly remind you to stay patient and positive because I know all too well how lacking both leads to the dumpster.

I’d like to see you shake the mentality that you have to do so many different exercises. I’ve done most all of it from manual to pumping, minimal hanging, and even attempted clamping. And after all of that, here I am making gains with pure manual. If you want my absolute 100% honest opinion: good, successful PE requires only three exercises: jelq, squeeze, stretch. I personally mix jelqing and squeezing together (do a squeeze every 25 jelqs). I don’t like stretching, but I think it’s somewhat necessary for good length gains.

Taking a few days of rest is a good way to get back to a starting point. Take some rest until Monday.
Just don’t do anything for the days leading up to Monday.

When you come back Monday, this is something I’d like to see you do. JUST JELQ. Start out on Monday at 150 jelqing reps. That’s it. Do a nice warm up beforehand, then do the jelqs. Don’t do any stretching. Do this for as many days in a row as your dick will let you. Watch your P.I.s throughout the week and see if they change. Then, next week, add 25 reps to that. So you’d do 175 jelqs the next week. Then just keep progressing week by week until you see your EQ tank OR you see gains. When you see gains with a routine, you keep that routine. After about 2-3 weeks of this jelqing only, start adding the stretching back in. Then put some squeezes in there.

But, you might find that you don’t need to. Strategic jelqing is a method used by many to get all of their gains. I don’t care what people say about it: jelqing is the best exercise you can do.

I’ll be following your progress log.


Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

Hello dooks , How’s your pecker tonight ?

Well , it measures at 6.2” BPSFL . It’s down by . 05” .

Do you know why ?

Well , I exercised at the club today and I did a lot of lower back and lower ab work .
That may be the reason . I thought that since I was on break , I’d do a lot of butt work .
I lost some flaccid length the last time I did them . So , here’s my chance to get as much in as possible .

What else did you do today ?

Well , Let see , arms , shoulders , chest , upper and lower ab’s . A lot of biceps to fatigue, several times .
Really felt great to work all those muscle groups .

Anything else you did that I should know about ?

Yes , Wore my DTR for about 3 hrs. , before I exercised . I have to remove it because I get nekked for the shower . Too much to explain . I have noticed that my flaccid hangs lower and is more plumped than before
I started wearing it . And this is nice , he has more skin than before . Not a lot , but hey , he looks good with more clothes on .

What’s on for tomorrow , dooks ?

I think I’ll just do a lot of heat and do a lavender epsom salt bath . To take the sore out of my muscles .
There’s an exercise for foreskin restoration you do in the bath . I’ll do that too .
Yeah , since I’m on PE break till Monday , I’ll take it easy and search the forum . Maybe help some newbie’s .
I don’t know , it’s strange not playing with Willie like I used to .
There’s still my DTR to play with . Guess that will have to do for now .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

mmm I don’t know what a lavender epsom salt bath is, but that sounds really nice :)

sorry dooks, I just had to say that. bye.

dookie9"s Progress

Originally Posted by DryJelq
Originally Posted by dookie9
DJ , I’m glad you’re back ! I hope all is right with you .

A question , What’s your thought about either doing a routine such as yours , or re-doing JP’s 90 day . With less over-all amounts of certain exercises and some additions . I’d like to incorporate some of sacc’s stretches and flaccid squeezes into a new system .
I think I was over doing every thing .

Now that I look at this , maybe all this is over done too .
Reality check . What do you think would be a good choice ?
Am I over doing again?

I recommend a short, but intense routine that doesn’t make your PIs go down. But just make certain that you are consistant with it. I’ve been horny out of my mind the past 3 days, since restarting my routine. Today I got an erection flirting with one of the waitresses and I had to deal with customers right after. I had to hide it until it went away. That was only about 6 hours after my PE session last night. I was already horny out of my mind again.

If you find yourself losing your horniness, then you are overworking and need a rest. You don’t have to pull your dick off or stretch for hours to make your dick bigger. Do a short routine and be consistent. Consistency and not overworking yourself is what it’s all about after you plateau.

You don’t need to decrease the intensity of your workout. But you should certainly decrease the total time and reps of your workout. Keep your routines short and intense, followed by a good session of edging. Try to have as many dry orgasms as you can to really make your dick swell up as big as possible.

Last night from start to finish, including edging, I spent only 35 minutes total and I have a slight amount of soreness today.

DJ , Thanks for answering my call . I needed a reality check , again .
Interesting what you say about horniness . That’s been way off for a while . Thanks for that . Hummm ! And shorter , but not less intense routine .
Good call . Structure , Intention , Focus .
Damn , you’d think that would so easy . I will remember !!!
I got hold of Gator today , and both of you have really helped me , a lot !
His advice is to wait till Monday to re-start a routine , and after reading your post , I think it’s a good idea , what with my horn being WAY off and all .
You just gave me another PI to reference . Thanks !!
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

Okay dooks , What’s with you today ? What have you done so far ?

Well , let’s see . I did some yard work . And got paid for it . Thank you very much .
Didn’t exercise . Wore my PVC work around to stretch my skin since last night . Didn’t want to wear my DTR since
I was doing a lot of bending and raking . I’ve found , since not being able to wear my DTR to bed , I still use the
PVC contraption . It’s great for sleeping , as I can get my wood and don’t get woke up with having it pinch . LOL .
I’ve not measured him today . I’m still wearing my stretcher . I want to wear it for several hours tonight .
I’ll take it off before I go to bed .

I did notice that , this morning , my wood was much bigger at the base .WooHoo !! And seeming longer . This was a hand full type measure . Might be imagination . But , I’m going to measure my self Monday for my progress log .
We’ll see if I’ve gained anything in the last month . I sure hope so . If anything , my girth is better .

The only other thing I’ve done is having a lavender epsom salt bath . Did some foreskin stretches in the tub .

Thanks for sharing , dooks .

No problem , man .

dooks out !! 3-19 10 mid night

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

Okay dooks , Tell me what has you excited about your progress ?

Well , I asked Gator about my jelqing , and why I wasn’t getting the response I wanted .
I was thinking that my grip was too light . As I wasn’t moving any amount of blood .
He got back to me and asked how much erection I was using .
Not very much . Since I’ve hardly done any jelqs , I guess I’m just not getting the exercise down .
I’m glad I asked though , because now I’ve got a clue about how much grip , and how to grip , my pecker .
He’s been really helpful in my understanding of PE .
By the way , DryJelq has been great inspiration for me , too .

Did you do any exercises at your club today ? You mentioned last time that they didn’t help your PE .

I went there today and did a shorter version of Wednesday . I did some ab’s , arms , shoulders ,and chest .
Got my butt good too . You know , a tight ass looks great on a guy .
Was that TMI ? Sorry , but it’s true .
I had a mile long walk with my room mate . Over all I had a pretty light day .
I’m ready to get back on my PE train . Start that Monday . Gator said he’d look in on me , once in a while .

A new thing I’ve got , is the P90X exercise routine . That should pretty much kick my ass .
I receive it in a few days . I’ve not done anything as intense as that . If it’s as focused as I think it is , the club
will have to take a back seat .
That’s all I’ve done today . Haven’t measured my BPSFL today . For some reason , it doesn’t matter right now .
dooks out !!!

3-20-10 midnight

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

3-21-10 mid-night

Okay , This has been an odd day . Woke with good wood . Went on line for a bit .
Went to my club and did some exercises . 10 min. of stretches . Got in about 80 leg raises . Really works the lower ab’s . Chest , pec’s , upper and lower back . I did 40 back raises at 5 sec. each .
These raises target my glute’s very well . I’m getting my butt back !

I forgot to post is that I’ve had 2 ejac’s this week . One thing I did notice was that the day after my last ejac . , I had lost about 1/4” in BPSFL . This has since rebounded to 6.45” . I know , that’s what I thought .
So I remeasured to make sure .
Ha , Wow !!! Some growth !!! That feels like vindication .
Looks like I was wrong about time off .
I need to factor in cumming to the whole picture .

Tomorrow I return to my routine suggested by Gator . He talks of jelqs , which I’m not very familiar with .
I ‘ll get them down .
And my measurements !
3-21-10 mid-night
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

3-22-10 8 pm

Today has been way off beam . Things are not quite right . I tried for several hours to get this resolved in my mind .

I was to restart my exercises today , but couldn’t get my dick to provide enough erection to allow me to jelq properly .
Now that is strange . I can usually get myself hard just thinking about it .
I tried contacting several guys to help me figure out what I had done .
Anyway , after much brain searching , I may have the reason why I’m having trouble .
Several days ago , I stated that I had done some glute exercises and had lost my wood and some flaccid length .
That resolved itself in a few days . Since I had that happen , I wanted to do as many of them as I could while on break . So I did . Hense , no horn .
Today was a bust as far as exercises goes .
I’m back on break for a couple more days till this settles down .

I did manage to at least measure . My BPEL advanced from 6.2” to 6.25 ” . Not a lot , but , fine .
My BPSFL went from 6.2” to 6.4” . The longest he’s measured so far .
So .It’s all good .
My DTR is doing very well . I’ve had it on for about 7 hrs today .
Didn’t go to my club .
In fact I’ve been on line all day trying to put this puzzle together .
I’m tired .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

Damnnation peoples , Another day in PE land . WOHOO !!!!
Can you tell I’m in a better mood today ?
I figured out what my problem was yesterday .
Too much exercise at my club . It effected my libido .
Found verification from a post by pegasus last night .

Also found a post at thunders about performing the jelq .
What a great post . All that info in one place .
I’ll digest it and resume my routine tomorrow , per Gator .

My DTR has my skin so stretched . I’m loving it .
Figured out that when I thought there was too much outer skin under the bell .
What was happening was the inner skin was being stretched when the plunger is pushed in .
Now I know what dual stretch is about . This device is so well made .

Went to my club and did arms , shoulders , upper back , chest , and ab’s .
Went light on back raises .I think they were the culprit last night .
dooks out !!!
3-23-10 mid-night

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

3-24-10 4 pm

Another day in PE land .
After figuring out what was going on yesterday , I took another day off .
Read about jelqing again , and tried again . Damn , I just can’t seem to get it .
Tried UJ’s , that wasn’t doing it . V-Jelqs I do fine with .
My version of jelqs as I posted previous .
Grip with overhand , as far down the shaft as possible , pulling up towards the glans .
Fingers wrapped around the shaft , pulling with fingers on the CS.
kegaling blood in while pulling , and holding for 3-5 sec.
Alternating with other hand .
I also squeeze the shaft and expand the glans for a great head swell . Then push down on it for girth expansion .
I thing I termed these flaccid compressive squeezes . Maybe they have another name .
Anyway , I feel these are going to replace standard jelqs till I figure out what the hell I’m doing wrong .
I did maybe 30 of them and had some red streaks on my pecker . They went away quickly .
I figure that’s a good sign from what I’ve read .
Libido is still not up to par , but , oh well . Keep on truckin’ .

I’ve had my DTR on for several hours today . This thing rocks , big time .
Only thing , don’t use coconut oil previous to attaching it to yourself as it will not stay in place until you wash
you and it well . That stuff is great otherwise .
I’ve been using the short shaft and have gotten to the point that I’ll have to put the longer one back on .
The inner skin is pushed down from inside , and I’ve bottomed out .WoHoo !!!!
So cool !!! Skin here we cum .!!

No exercise at the club today .
I’m going to see my bud , bgstick , and see how he’s doing .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

3-24-10 midnight

Update for today . Hot dam !!
So much better mindset today !
After doing my routine I measured my girth several places .
Circ. scar—4.5”
MidG —4.75”——-was 4.5”
BG —5.75”————was5.75”
BPFL —6.3”———-was 6.4”
We’ll see how these check out . I’ll do them like a friend of mine does . To see how effective I’ve been .

When performing my version of jelqs , I had major flaccid .
However , the way these work for me is when pulling up , I kegal , and inflate my glans .
I end up with a major polished head and a very full shaft . And some red lines on my shaft .
When done , I’m very plump and heavy . That’s more like it !!!

I’m doing my test. massage and my sack is heavy because my cords are swollen . I don’t want to cum yet , so I’ll try and move that energy up my spine . Or not .hehehe !!
I have to factor in ejaculation as it has an effect on my EQ .
Okay . I think that’s it for today .
Oh , got my p90x today .Hummm !!!
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.


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