Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

dookie9's progress

dookie9's progress

Okay,I’m going to post here,now!! I’ve been PEing since Aug 09.And always have to be dragged to do this.

It’s late, but I want to have something for my friends to post to.I’ll finish this tomorrow and get all my stats posted.

dooks out !

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

Cool looking forward to following your progress!

Start May-28-09 --- BPEL 5.875/EG 4.75/NBPEL 5.125/FL 3.00/FG 4.00 *Oct 24/09 --- BPEL 6.750/EG 4.875/NBPEL 5.875/FL 4.000/FG 4.250*

Short Term Goal --- BPEL 7.000/EG 5.000

Long Term Goal --- BPEL 7.500/EG 6.000

dookie9"s Log

Okay, fello’ pud pullers.FINALLY got to post. Had to change a rear brake cylinder on my 76 jeep.
I think IT owns me.
That said,I am loving PEing.Not only do I get to play with myself ,I get a bigger dick.
I started in Aug.09. Lurking around other sites to gather info about what PE was all about.
Met a lot of good people. Started getting opinions about what to do and when.
The different kinds of exercises and routines.Like length or girth.
I did a beginners routine for 3 months, off and on. While trying different exercises to see what they did for me.
I would view the newbie forum’s and watch what was being done. We are such curious male creatures .
I love us.
I’ll post my current routine. Partly, as a diary, keeping tabs on my success or lack thereof.

Flaccid Stretches-all directions-L-D-R-U-SO
Hold each stretch 10 sec.
2 sets -1- c w, 1- c c w
Helicopter shakes after each set.

Wet Jelqs- one-hand, over hand OK grip,pulling from base to glans.
2 hand grips =1 rep. —-50 reps. =1 set —-2 sets
V-jelqs-laying down, one curved hand grip, pulling up from below base to glans,increases head girth.
2 curved hand grips=1 rep.—-30 reps.=1 set—-2 sets

Inner penis pulls
Alternating grips=1 rep.—-4 reps.=1 set
Compressive Flaccid Squeezes
Alternating grips=1 rep.—-4 reps.=1 set

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Log

Ran out of space .Whoda thunk it. As i was saying,
The Compressive Flaccid Squeeze, I use to increase the upper end of my dick.It does this very well.
The first time I used it deliberately in my routine ,I gained a lot.

My Stats:
Sept. 09
BPEL 5.5”
BG 4.75”
BPEL 6.2”
BG 5.75”
LTG 7’ or better

Well it’s so late ,I missed my routine today.ARRGGGG !!!

Friday 1-29-10 —4:00am

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Log

Yeah!!! Get to do my whole routine today. I’m not one to do anything ,all the time.

But this is so important to me,personally. I must be on over-ride.

I’ve always been aware of my sexuality and how other’s view it.

Being different wasn’t always pleasant. However, here in this place , I’m one of the guys

who is bettering himself, at least in my own !!

I’m doing my whole routine as posted.This is the result of 5 months of personal discovery.

This is what, I believe,will get me that coveted length I so desire.

God, was that ego talking ? I’m funny !!!

Anyway, as I said before, the compressive squeeze is a great girth maker.

Before you try it,make sure that your dick is CONDITIONED.This is an advanced exercise.

I don’t want to regret posting it and have some one injure them selves.

Keep the reps at a lower amount till you get used to them.

I do about 5 reps and that is ALL I’ll do for a while.

Less is More,PE mantra !!!

dook’s out.

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

hey dooks, you finally got your routine up! now I can finally post :) I was starting to feel bad that you always post on my routine, but me never on yours.

Your routine seems like its really working for you…GREAT JOB/GAINS. You gained more girth than you did length? (idk what BG stands for). If that is your girth gains then thats CRAAZY! I’m going to have to ask you for advice in that section then hehe. Explain to me what comp flacid sqeezes are later on. I’ll try them out when I hit 3 months PE. Keep up the good hard work.

k dooks, see you around :)

dookie9"s progress

Thanks iwish6, I’m glad I finally got a log too. Hit me anytime you like,bro.

Today I was going to do a slightly altered routine. When I can explain what I’m talking
about in a coherent fashion, I’ll post it.

So, I’ve been considering doing 2 on and 1 off .I felt my routine was too much.
But I’m not overdoing anything,really.Just a good feeling when finished. Thought I might lose my wood again.
I’m going to play it by ear and do these every day and see how I feel after.
I’ll do the complete set today.
1-31-10 pm

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s progress

Okay, I’m going to try to explain MY version of EtP Theory for myself.
EtP= elasticity to plasticity. With this model,gradually increasing workload affects deformation. Plasticity.

Elasticity,GvM Theory, allows for tissues to return to original,ie, to turtle.
This is geared for skeletal muscle.And toughens connective tissues. ie, more resistant to PE.

Holding the stretches for longer Times under Load ,TUL. A gradually increasing work-load instead of a fluctuating
work-load affects deformation.
So with that in mind I’ll rework my routine to reflect that concept.Which makes total sense to me.
My stretches will take 1 min per direction. 2 sets. Gradually increasing in intensity.But not as much as I did previous.
Helicopters ,same
Jelqs ,may take them to 1 set of 50 reps. Lighter grip, longer time in traction. I’ll try out 1 min.each.
At this point ,the rest will stay the same.
Although I’ll use less of a pull.
I’m going to try out this tonight and see how this all works.
This is from pe gym.PM me for more info.Don’t know if I can post it on here.
Check it out yourself.This is my understanding at this point.
1-31-10 12:00pm

Did my routine last night and all is well.1-30-10. I posted this on my other site and transfered it here.1-31-10
This is a different understanding of PE.

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

Last edited by dookie9 : 01-31-2010 at .

yo dooks, I also made an account at PEgym. I havnt posted anything up over there yet, but my name is the same over there as it is here…iwish6. I preety much just lurk around over there and read the info provided. I enjoy reading the surveys and the sucess stories. However, I find some of the gains posted over there to be kind of rediculous…1/2 inch gains in two weeks, inch in one month, and what not.

It seems like you’re playing around with your routine a lot. Changing things/adding things/less is more method? hope it works for you.
I’m kind of confused with your talk on that theory business…you’re going to let your unit turtle? so that it is more resistant to your stretching?

P.S. I tried out the rice sock warm up and its the SHIT!!

iwish peaccce..

dookie9"s progress

This was an interesting change. Here’s the way things have changed.

Stretches: L,R,U,D,SO. Hold each for 1 min.—-2 sets.

Rotary Stretches :10 rotations-both directions.Soft tension.

Jelqs: 50- 2 hand grips,light tension,2 sec.-continuous.

V-Jelqs: 30- same as before.

Squeezes: 2 grips=1 set——2 sets.

Inner Pulls: 4-pulls=1 set.

Not a very large change.A lot lighter touch in use.

I’ll see how these work out.

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

Originally Posted by iwish6
yo dooks,

It seems like you’re playing around with your routine a lot. Changing things/adding things/less is more method? hope it works for you.
I’m kind of confused with your talk on that theory business…you’re going to let your unit turtle? so that it is more resistant to your stretching?

P.S. I tried out the rice sock warm up and its the SHIT!!

iwish peaccce..

Howdy there,iwish.I’ll look for you there.
Now that you’ve joined,you can look up that info I referred to.

The theory is elasticity vs plasticity.Elasticity is about skeletal muscle when body building.
You work the muscle,making it more resistant to the, resistant to stretching.
The opposite of what we do in PE.
You work it to over load.Then it wants to return to normal.Hense, turtling.
Plasticity refers to deformation of tissue through continuous, low force stretching.
If you can’t find the info,I can e-mail you a pdf.It’s 50 or so pages.Pretty detailed.

After reading this from a PE guru that has some credentials to him. I gave it some thought .
Worth looking in to.

You like the sock,huh ??? They are excellent !!
dooks out.

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

I tried the new routine last night and it went well. Had several woodie’s while sleeping. Must have woke me up at some point. I’m going to continue with these and see how my growth goes.

The stretches take longer ,but they feel more effective. I held for about 1 min. ,each rotation direction.

Then did 2 rotary stretches,cw & ccw. With a fare amount of tension.

Squeezes went well,did 2 sets of 4 grips.

Oh-The pleasure of having a pecker !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

Did my altered routine again today.This seems lighter than my previous one.
I’m finding a way to jelq that,to me, has the benefit of a V-Jelq and a standard one.

I hold my self over-hand,with thumb and finger hooked around the shaft,hooked finger sliding
over the CS .Pulling up from root base. This is a PLUMP flaccid. Nothing HARD about it.
I use coconut oil, which is really good for the penis.
Sliding over the urethral tube towards the head.
The intention being increased size at my circ scar.

I do these hand over hand,2 sec. each, for a continuous type pull.
Each time pulling my sac skin down.
This has a rhythm to it, which is great.
I do these for at least a count of 200.
These are so easy to do.
I get a real good plump flaccid.
My girth at my scar has increased a lot.

If anyone wants to try these out and post back, come on.I can always use the input.
dooks out ! 2-1-10 10 pm

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s progress

Did my altered routine this evening and am feeling very good with it.
Had a lot of wood and that hasn’t happened in a while,WoHoo !!!
I’ve been foreskin stretching and have the head taped onto a 3/4”to1/2” pvc plumbing reducer.
Fits really well.This has made my stretches easier.When I pull ,I’m stretching the skin and the inner penis.
I’m pulling against the reducer and not my glans.I’m getting a more effective stretch.

I’m playing with the EtP Theory and hoping this will help my gains.It feels right
2-3-10 3 am

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s progress

Hi all, I must be looney. Once I feel that all is going well, there’s that wall again.
Heysus chistos, can I just settle down and keep a routine going, at least till I see growth ?
Read unstoppable’s post and how his routine is structured . Heavy ,light , off .
My method uses EtP theory and his uses a muscle type that keeps the body confused.
It can’t adjust to the exercise quickly. As it’s always changing.
All the things I seem to need more of .

Wednesday is an off day. Thursday,heavy workout. Friday ,70% of the heavy day . Sat. off.
Thanks to unstoppable and my good friend, iwish6.

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.


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