Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Finally Breaking Past The Newbie Gains


Congrats on your continued gains! Keep it up!

Rock out with your cock out!

Cheers dude! I’m so chuft with how things have been progressing. I’ve had to take a break over the summer holidays due to a mix of lack of privacy and just not having the time. But I’ll be back on it when possible!

Hello, Growing Wood.
Great job, man.
It is one of the best reports I have ever seen. And it will help me a lot. I am going to start seriously about PE. I have done Jerking and Stretching for 20 days and I already can see my dick with more girth when hard and longer when it is flaccid.
I think use hanging just 1 year after doing PE consistently, so I will come back to see your report in the next year.

Thank you, Bro! Your road is amazing!

11/13/19 BPEL: 14,5 cm (15,2 if EQ 10/10) MSEG: 13,0 cm

GOAL: 18,0 cm (cemented) MSEG: 14,0 cm (maybe in 2 years)


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