Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Finally Breaking Past The Newbie Gains

Finally Breaking Past The Newbie Gains

After years of reading what’s been posted here I’ve finally decided to post. Got to say, this is a great place!

I’ve been doing PE for a few years now with reasonable success (at the beginning anyways) I gained half an inch with a bit of light hanging after work at the start. Then not too long after that I decided to ramp it up with a bit more weight. I gained almost another half inch! Unfortunately this fueled me to try hanging even heavier. Which killed my dick for a few weeks (I noticed a twang and sharp pain with some kind of tendon that runs down the top, BE CAREFUL!). All this I was doing with little to no heat. Sometimes I’d get into a good routine with a hot water bottle, but generally none at all. Also I bought a pump not long after this and would occasionally use it.

In recent years I’ve not really made any gains apart from girth. My dick is definitely a bit thicker (gained about half an inch at the base).

It’s been good going, but I haven’t gained any length in at least a year or two.

Until now!! (sorry about the exclamation marks, but I’m excited 😂)

After first reading about deformation of fatty tissues (I can’t remember the actual terminology) and permanent elongation after cooling in a stretched state, I started to try use my hot water bottle more consistently. But its heat wouldn’t penetrate, also I had it sitting above my cock and it just wasn’t doing what I wanted.

I read about people using heat lamps and how red light can penetrate deeper without burning my skin so in 2022 I’ve decided to give it a go. So far so good!

I’ve kept a consistent routine. Simple and quick too so I can keep it up.. (there’s a sex pun there, but I won’t rise to it. Wait.. ).

I set up my heat lamp and warm my cock for about five minutes (or however long feels right, but always minimum 5 minutes.) then I wrap it it up(squeezing the blood out of the head), put on my hanger(home made, I made a couple of improvements to the angle of the dangle recently. Seems much better). Then I’ll start adding weight, 1.25 kg at a time (all with the heat lamp still on). At the moment I’m at 10kg and a half. (I’m adding more weight at the start of a week when it feels needed). I put the weights on with about a two minute gap in between, or whenever I feel the initial creep has ended. Then when I’ve loaded all I think I need, I turn off the light and hang for a further 5-10 minutes until the collagen (that’s what the terminology I couldn’t remember was 😂) has cooled. Then I put on a homemade ADS for as long as I can stand(average about four hours at the moment, but sometimes I’ll hit 6 or 8).my ADS is made from an old set of ankle weights and some Velcro. It’s about half a kg.

So far I’ve gained a quarter of an inch in 3 weeks(woop woop!).

I started at 7inch BPEL, about 5 and half inch base girth with 5 inch girth just before the glands. I’m now 8 and a third inches BPEL, 6 inch base girth and 5 and a half inches before the head.

I plan to keep this new routine up for at least the next 6 months consistently. For me this is kinda my last stand for PE. The past couple of years seem like I have been wasting my time (as fun as pumping is!) because of not getting the results I’m after. It feels weird lol. But onwards! Upwards! Outwards! Sidetosidewards! 😂

Welcome to the posting side.

Yeah, heat. It’s strange that people ignore it when so many people bang on about it.

I hope you see continued gains.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Great to hear. Just when you think the chips are down, PE often has a second life. Onwards and upwards and wild blue yonder and all that.

Director, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI), Thundersplace | Land Acknowledgment

Originally Posted by memento
Welcome to the posting side.

Yeah, heat. It’s strange that people ignore it when so many people bang on about it.

I hope you see continued gains.

Yeah it’s weird. I thought I was doing good with my hot water bottle, but the heat lamp is definitely the one! I’m a bit uncertain whether or not I’d try ultrasonic. Seems a bit risky being so close to your balls, but saying that I don’t know too much about ultrasonic. Is that even the right term? I can’t remember if it’s ultrasonic or ultrasound.

I found hot water bottles and hot wraps (steam) useful but I always went to the edge of burning skin and spent a good amount of time warming up.

Ultrasound is pointed at fetuses on a regular basis, so there’s a good amount of data that it’s safe conceptually. I haven’t dug in to the ultrasound stuff here but Kyrpa and those following his approach are the ones to watch.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
I found hot water bottles and hot wraps (steam) useful but I always went to the edge of burning skin and spent a good amount of time warming up.

Ultrasound is pointed at fetuses on a regular basis, so there’s a good amount of data that it’s safe conceptually. I haven’t dug in to the ultrasound stuff here but Kyrpa and those following his approach are the ones to watch.

Same here. I’m quite a pale guy too, so when I go too hot with the hot water bottle I end up covered with red blotches. I was surprised the heat lamp doesn’t do the same. Sounds like I should have a good look into ultrasound though.

Originally Posted by Growing Wood
After years of reading what’s been posted here I’ve finally decided to post. Got to say, this is a great place!
I’ve been doing PE for a few years now with reasonable success (at the beginning anyways) I gained half an inch with a bit of light hanging after work at the start. Then not too long after that I decided to ramp it up with a bit more weight. I gained almost another half inch! Unfortunately this fueled me to try hanging even heavier. Which killed my dick for a few weeks (I noticed a twang and sharp pain with some kind of tendon that runs down the top, BE CAREFUL!). All this I was doing with little to no heat. Sometimes I’d get into a good routine with a hot water bottle, but generally none at all. Also I bought a pump not long after this and would occasionally use it.
In recent years I’ve not really made any gains apart from girth. My dick is definitely a bit thicker (gained about half an inch at the base).
It’s been good going, but I haven’t gained any length in at least a year or two.
Until now!! (sorry about the exclamation marks, but I’m excited 😂)
After first reading about deformation of fatty tissues (I can’t remember the actual terminology) and permanent elongation after cooling in a stretched state, I started to try use my hot water bottle more consistently. But its heat wouldn’t penetrate, also I had it sitting above my cock and it just wasn’t doing what I wanted.
I read about people using heat lamps and how red light can penetrate deeper without burning my skin so in 2022 I’ve decided to give it a go. So far so good!
I’ve kept a consistent routine. Simple and quick too so I can keep it up.. (there’s a sex pun there, but I won’t rise to it. Wait.. ).
I set up my heat lamp and warm my cock for about five minutes (or however long feels right, but always minimum 5 minutes.) then I wrap it it up(squeezing the blood out of the head), put on my hanger(home made, I made a couple of improvements to the angle of the dangle recently. Seems much better). Then I’ll start adding weight, 1.25 kg at a time (all with the heat lamp still on). At the moment I’m at 10kg and a half. (I’m adding more weight at the start of a week when it feels needed). I put the weights on with about a two minute gap in between, or whenever I feel the initial creep has ended. Then when I’ve loaded all I think I need, I turn off the light and hang for a further 5-10 minutes until the collagen (that’s what the terminology I couldn’t remember was 😂) has cooled. Then I put on a homemade ADS for as long as I can stand(average about four hours at the moment, but sometimes I’ll hit 6 or 8).my ADS is made from an old set of ankle weights and some Velcro. It’s about half a kg.
So far I’ve gained a quarter of an inch in 3 weeks(woop woop!).
I started at 7inch BPEL, about 5 and half inch base girth with 5 inch girth just before the glands. I’m now 8 and a third inches BPEL, 6 inch base girth and 5 and a half inches before the head.
I plan to keep this new routine up for at least the next 6 months consistently. For me this is kinda my last stand for PE. The past couple of years seem like I have been wasting my time (as fun as pumping is!) because of not getting the results I’m after. It feels weird lol. But onwards! Upwards! Outwards! Sidetosidewards! 😂

What is heat lamb ? Can you give me a link for it ?

Glad to read this. I did PE about a decade ago and got frustrated and stopped. Just restarted a few weeks ago. To you vets, What are the top 2 things you would do for length?? Heat? Stretching? Etc.

Originally Posted by impatient_man
What is heat lamb ? Can you give me a link for it ?

A heat lamp is an infrared lamp that gives off heat. They’re good for stretching out cramped or sore muscles.
I’m using one of these:

Search eBay

Its cool, but I’m very careful to not overexpose my balls to it. Don’t won’t them to get cooked!

Originally Posted by Growing Wood
A heat lamp is an infrared lamp that gives off heat. They’re good for stretching out cramped or sore muscles.
I’m using one of these:

Search eBay

Its cool, but I’m very careful to not overexpose my balls to it. Don’t won’t them to get cooked!

Thank you bro.

Quick update: took a decon break at the end of March approximately, til this week (16thmay.)

Although the heat lamp and hanging was going well, I started to not see any extra progress after my sudden quarter inch breakthrough.

This week I’ve started wearing my ADS again for about 5 to 8 hours a day.

Remeasuring today (Thursday, 4th day of the week wearing it) I’ve gained an extra quarter inch. I’M NOW 8 AND A HALF INCHES! WOOP WOOP! It looks huge 😂

Next week I’m starting hanging with the heat lamp again. I’ll post to share results!

Congrats on the size, and breaking through your plateau.

I’d encourage you to focus on time spent hanging, and consistency, rather than upping the weight quickly. This is based on 5.5Squared, Longerstretch, and Kyrpa’s research. The idea is that you’re hanging for length, not strength, so keep the weight as low as possible while still gaining, working up the weight slowly. This is the philosophy I subscribe to, so just wanted to mention it.

Cool you’re interested in ultrasound. You can get a Delta 3mhz unit off of eBay for pretty cheap. About $240. They seem to mostly ship from India. I just got one, and it shipped very quickly.

Also don’t forget about Far Infrared heating pads like the Thermedic Qi-Point. This is what I’m using currently and it works excellent!
https://www.ama … /dp/B009LTR8E2/

Congrats again. Wishing you more success and no injuries!

Congrats on the size, and breaking through your plateau.

I’d encourage you to focus on time spent hanging, and consistency, rather than upping the weight quickly. This is based on 5.5Squared, Longerstretch, and Kyrpa’s research. The idea is that you’re hanging for length, not strength, so keep the weight as low as possible while still gaining, working up the weight slowly. This is the philosophy I subscribe to, so just wanted to mention it.

My technique is to up the weight by roughly 0.5 every week or two depending on how it feels. Low weights for me literally do nothing, unless I hang heavier beforehand. Right now I’m gaining, so Id say I’m in the right range.
What do you do and what have you gained from it?

Quick update as I’ve noticed this was a year ago
Well, it was an up and down 6 months (lol) and I’ve had issues trying to stick to my plan. Its been an off an on year of PE. With some months of me being able to and some others not so well. I’m trying to be positive and think of those month’s as deconditioning breaks 😂.

It seems I’ve not done too bad and I’ve gone up to 8 and a half inches. That a gain of about a 5th of an inch. Which I better than a slap in the face I guess. My girth Is err. Girthier too. By about half an inch mid shaft and the same on the base. Not bad!

I’m thinking of trying something new. After being reminded about a bib article about rest time (I can’t remember exactly his words, but it was something like no more than a 14 hour break? I’ll have to track it down so I can implement it properly). So as not to let the collagen fibres a chance to reset. Outside of PE I’m a Thai boxer, I remember getting so flexible when training multiple times a day. I’d train during the day once or twice and then I’d be stretching my legs at night whilst watching TV. So it makes perfect sense to me. I’m also shocked bib could gain so much in two years. I’m trying to think of it as a result of hours put in every day and timing of those hours (ie. Long shift at work hanging for 8 hours, then later on before bed etc), also it seems he would do multiple angles as well(which I never do, all my hanging has been SD or more recently BTC.). So I’m planning on adjusting my program to factor in some of these things. My next few months will hopefully go like this:
Mon to fri: hang for minimum two hours a day at multiple angles with a heat lamp whilst I work. Post hang, Put on a wrap I’ve made out of a cut up t shirt and a rubber inner tube. Wear this for as long as I can.
Then later on hang a little bit before bed (this will be a light weight, nothing crazy).
Then on Friday or Saturday (or possibly both 😂) have a 20 min to 40 min pumping session in the bath.

Then start over for the next week. Every two weeks I’ll either add a slight amount of weight or concentrate on an angle I can’t take much weight on. My aim with multiple angles is to kind of shimmy my cock out from angle to angle. I’ve made my own hanger a few years ago and it is very comfortable. Pretty happy with the way it’s turned out.

So! Let’s remeasure in 3 months and see if there’s been any improvement!

OK dudes. Quick update. I’ve not kept up with my above Plan. I’ve had a lot of work to do that has me moving away from my chair (before I was using my work time to hang with the heat lamp). So I’ve been hanging when I can, getting multiple hours in sometimes and at least one pumping session in once a week. I’ve upped the weight I was using to 4kg then to 5 kg (dropping it back down to 4 if it feels too much.) I’ve also been trying to hang deeper BTC when I get an opportunity to.

Now my routine at the moment seems less disciplined and a bit more random than before but I have gained!

Since my last posting I’ve gained about a quarter of an inch in length and a good bit in girth (midshaft mostly, although there is like an eighth of an inch increase at the base of the shaft) . The flaccid length has definitely gone up too.

I have to say it surprises me everytime I see my cock reach those extra marks. I spent a good year or two not having any gains whatsoever and it was so hard to motivate myself. I remember thinking "come on, I just want to hit 8 inches" now here I am heading towards 9 inches! (I think readings bibs posts on here has really helped, I read his suggestions on wrapping and how tight to put on your hanger and also his own experiences with what weight he’d hang throughout his ‘career’, also at the moment I’m trying out his theraband ADS wrap too. Great tips and hints there).

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