Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Log to a giant penis

Day 17

Rest day, but EQ was very high and I had very frequent erections which are good !

Day 18

-Warm up for about 6 minutes

-8 minute pump with bathmate

-Warm down for 5 minutes

I like the bathmate. I do want girth now instead of length because I feel like 5’ is not enough. So hopefully with time they both gain a lot.

I also got that bathmate pump I’ve heard about. It didn’t stay for very long but I did like how meaty it looked.

Tonight I go to my girls house so y’all know what that means

Day 19

I gave today a rest day because last night I had sex a few times and of course don’t want to overtrain my unit. My EQ is a 9.5?which is good!

Day 20

-8 minute warm up with hot shower

-8 minute pump (still loving the ‘bathmate pump’ I’ve heard about)

-5 minute warm down

My unit feels thicker when fully erect but I’m guessing because of the bathmate? It feels great honestly. I’ve done some research on condom sizes and I used the Trojan extended pleasures which is 2.1 in width and it’s starting to get tight especially going past the head.

I looked at magnum sizes and that is 2.13 which is fairly close to the Extended pleasures. At the 30 day mark I might change my condom size because no one likes a super tight condom!

Day 21

Rest day because last night I had sex and still don’t want to overtrain my unit, but my girlfriend commented that I’m getting bigger so that’s good!

Day 22

5 minute warm up

8 minute pump but around 4 minutes I got about a 55% erection and used the pump for about 2 minutes and I loved the pump afterwards

5 minute warm down

Also my girl grabbed my unit and said it felt thicker and that she was impressed (she doesn’t know I do any PE exercises) so it felt good to hear that

Day 23

-8 minute warm up

-failed attempts to use bathmate

Horrible day I just wasn’t feeling it

Day 24

Rest day and shorter flaccid hang

Feeling horrible about pe

Originally Posted by Peakaverageguy
Day 24
Rest day and shorter flaccid hang
Feeling horrible about pe

Your girlfriend told you just a few days ago that you feel bigger. To me, that’s a great indicator that you’re growing and doing something right.

Everyone has off days where their flaccid is hanging smaller and frustration can set in sometimes. Remember, as has been said many times around here: this is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time, effort, consistency, and patience to get lasting results.

You’ve only been doing this a short time and already you’ve gotten results that your girlfriend has noticed. Stay with it, keep focused and you’ll eventually get where you want to be.

Thank you @Seneca 32

What you said really means a lot. I will stay consistent and will hopefully reach my goal

My girlfriend got in trouble recently so we can’t see each other as much and I’m pretty sure we won’t have sex within sometime but I may be wrong. Hopefully the next time she says something again.

Day 25

-8 minute warm up

-8 minute pump

-5 minute warm down

Today I actually had a really good pump with the bathmate, the pump stayed longer than usual afterwards

I used porn to help my guy stand up a little so that was very useful

5 days until I measure, I might post some pics for the long run

Good luck to everyone !

Day 26

-8 minute warm up

-8 minute straight pump

-5 minute cool down (ran out of hot water during pump lol)

I used the pump for a straight 8 minutes today and that felt nice afterwards. The pump stayed much longer and it felt thicker of course. I’m still getting used to the bathmate trying to figure out the best length of time for me and everything. But today the workout was successful

4 more days until measuring

Good luck to everyone 💪🏽

So I’ve been reading it’s good to let your unit heal two days before measuring so I’m gonna wait until the 30th day to measure( with extra time) and after I measure that day I will then continue my PE.

Day 27

Rest day and EQ is feeling like a 9

Can’t wait until measuring day and full recovery time for my unit 💪🏽

Day 28

Resting still

Cheated last night on a full rest day because I did some stretches in the shower(but no more than a minute) and then masturbated last night too :(


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